9 research outputs found

    Universal properties for universal types in bifibrational parametricity

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    In the 1980s, John Reynolds postulated that a parametrically polymorphic function is an ad-hoc polymorphic function satisfying a uniformity principle. This allowed him to prove that his set-theoretic semantics has a relational lifting which satisfies the Identity Extension Lemma and the Abstraction Theorem. However, his definition (and subsequent variants) has only been given for specific models. In contrast, we give a model-independent axiomatic treatment by characterising Reynolds’ definition via a universal property, and show that the above results follow from this universal property in the axiomatic setting

    Bifibrational functorial semantics of parametric polymorphism

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    Reynolds' theory of parametric polymorphism captures the invariance of polymorphically typed programs under change of data representation. Semantically, reflexive graph categories and fibrations are both known to give a categorical understanding of parametric polymorphism. This paper contributes further to this categorical perspective by showing the relevance of bifibrations. We develop a bifibrational framework for models of System F that are parametric, in that they verify the Identity Extension Lemma and Reynolds' Abstraction Theorem. We also prove that our models satisfy expected properties, such as the existence of initial algebras and final coalgebras, and that parametricity implies dinaturality

    Bifibrational Functorial Semantics For Parametric Polymorphism

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    Reynolds’ theory of parametric polymorphism captures the invariance of polymorphically typed programs under change of data representation. Semantically, reflexive graph categories and fibrations are both known to give a categorical understanding of parametric polymorphism. This paper contributes further to this categorical perspective by showing the relevance of bifibrations. We develop a bifibrational framework for models of System F that are parametric, in that they verify the Identity Extension Lemma and Reynolds’ Abstraction Theorem. We also prove that our models satisfy expected properties, such as the existence of initial algebras and final coalgebras, and that parametricity implies dinaturality

    Parametric polymorphism - universally

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    In the 1980s, John Reynolds postulated that a parametrically polymorphic function is an ad-hoc polymorphic function satisfying a uniformity principle. This allowed him to prove that his set-theoretic semantics has a relational lifting which satisfies the Identity Extension Lemma and the Abstraction Theorem. However, his definition (and subsequent variants) have only been given for specific models. In contrast, we give a model-independent axiomatic treatment by characterising Reynolds' definition via a universal property, and show that the above results follow from this universal property in the axiomatic setting

    Comprehensive parametric polymorphism : categorical models and type theory

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    This paper combines reflexive-graph-category structure for relational parametricity with fibrational models of impredicative polymorphism. To achieve this, we modify the definition of fibrational model of impredicative polymorphism by adding one further ingredient to the structure: comprehension in the sense of Lawvere. Our main result is that such comprehensive models, once further endowed with reflexive-graph-category structure, enjoy the expected consequences of parametricity. This is proved using a type-theoretic presentation of the category-theoretic structure, within which the desired consequences of parametricity are derived. The formalisation requires new techniques because equality relations are not available, and standard arguments that exploit equality need to be reworked

    Call-by-name Gradual Type Theory

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    We present gradual type theory, a logic and type theory for call-by-name gradual typing. We define the central constructions of gradual typing (the dynamic type, type casts and type error) in a novel way, by universal properties relative to new judgments for gradual type and term dynamism, which were developed in blame calculi and to state the "gradual guarantee" theorem of gradual typing. Combined with the ordinary extensionality (η\eta) principles that type theory provides, we show that most of the standard operational behavior of casts is uniquely determined by the gradual guarantee. This provides a semantic justification for the definitions of casts, and shows that non-standard definitions of casts must violate these principles. Our type theory is the internal language of a certain class of preorder categories called equipments. We give a general construction of an equipment interpreting gradual type theory from a 2-category representing non-gradual types and programs, which is a semantic analogue of Findler and Felleisen's definitions of contracts, and use it to build some concrete domain-theoretic models of gradual typing

    Parametricity for Nested Types and GADTs

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    This paper considers parametricity and its consequent free theorems for nested data types. Rather than representing nested types via their Church encodings in a higher-kinded or dependently typed extension of System F, we adopt a functional programming perspective and design a Hindley-Milner-style calculus with primitives for constructing nested types directly as fixpoints. Our calculus can express all nested types appearing in the literature, including truly nested types. At the level of terms, it supports primitive pattern matching, map functions, and fold combinators for nested types. Our main contribution is the construction of a parametric model for our calculus. This is both delicate and challenging. In particular, to ensure the existence of semantic fixpoints interpreting nested types, and thus to establish a suitable Identity Extension Lemma for our calculus, our type system must explicitly track functoriality of types, and cocontinuity conditions on the functors interpreting them must be appropriately threaded throughout the model construction. We also prove that our model satisfies an appropriate Abstraction Theorem, as well as that it verifies all standard consequences of parametricity in the presence of primitive nested types. We give several concrete examples illustrating how our model can be used to derive useful free theorems, including a short cut fusion transformation, for programs over nested types. Finally, we consider generalizing our results to GADTs, and argue that no extension of our parametric model for nested types can give a functorial interpretation of GADTs in terms of left Kan extensions and still be parametric

    (Deep) Induction Rules For GADTs

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    Deep data types are those that are constructed from other data types, including, possibly, themselves. In this case, they are said to be truly nested. Deep induction is an extension of structural induction that traverses all of the structure in a deep data type, propagating predicates on its primitive data throughout the entire structure. Deep induction can be used to prove properties of nested types, including truly nested types, that cannot be proved via structural induction. In this paper we show how to extend deep induction to GADTs that are not truly nested GADTs. This opens the way to incorporating automatic generation of (deep) induction rules for them into proof assistants. We also show that the techniques developed in this paper do not suffice for extending deep induction to truly nested GADTs, so more sophisticated techniques are needed to derive deep induction rules for them

    What should a generic object be?

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    Jacobs has proposed definitions for (weak, strong, split) generic objects for a fibered category; building on his definition of generic object and split generic object, Jacobs develops a menagerie of important fibrational structures with applications to categorical logic and computer science, including higher order fibrations, polymorphic fibrations, λ2\lambda2-fibrations, triposes, and others. We observe that a split generic object need not in particular be a generic object under the given definitions, and that the definitions of polymorphic fibrations, triposes, etc. are strict enough to rule out many fundamental examples: for instance, the fibered preorder induced by a partial combinatory algebra in realizability is not a tripos in the sense of Jacobs. We argue for a new alignment of terminology that emphasizes the forms of generic object that appear most commonly in nature, i.e. in the study of internal categories, triposes, and the denotational semantics of polymorphic types. In addition, we propose a new class of acyclic generic objects inspired by recent developments in the semantics of homotopy type theory, generalizing the realignment property of universes to the setting of an arbitrary fibration