796 research outputs found

    Resource Allocation for Multiple Access and Broadcast Channels under Quality of Service Requirements Based on Strategy Proof Pricing

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    The efficient allocation of power is a major concern in today’s wireless communications systems. Due to the high demand in data rate and the scarcity of wireless resources such as power, the multi-user communication systems like the multiple access channel (MAC) and broadcast channel (BC) have become highly competitive environments for the users as well as the system itself. Theory of microeconomics and game theory provide the good analytical manner for the selfish and social welfare conflict problems. Instead of maximizing the system sum rate, our proposed system deals with fulfilling the utility (rate) requirement of all the users with efficient power allocation. The users formulate the signal to interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) based quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. We propose the framework to allocate the power to each user with universal pricing mechanisms. The prices act as the control signal and are assumed to be some virtual currency in the wireless system. They can influence the physical layer operating points to meet the desired utility requirements. Centralized and distributed power allocation frameworks are discussed separately in the thesis with different pricing schemes. In wireless systems we have users that are rational in the game theoretic sense of making decisions consistently in pursuit of their own individual objectives. Each user’s objective is to maximize the expected value of its own payoff measured on a certain utility scale. Selfishness or self-interest is an important implication of rationality. Therefore, the mobiles which share the same spectrum have incentives to misinterpret their private information in order to obtain more utility. They might behave selfishly and show also malicious behavior by creating increased interference for other mobiles. Therefore, it is important to supervise and influence the operation of the system by pricing and priority (weights) optimization. In the centralized resource allocation, we study the general MAC and BC (with linear and nonlinear receiver) with three types of agents: the regulator, the system optimizer and the mobile users. The regulator ensures the QoS requirements of all users by clever pricing and prevents cheating. The simple system optimizer solves a certain system utility maximization problem to allocate the power with the given prices and weights (priorities). The linear and nonlinear pricing mechanisms are analyzed, respectively. It is shown that linear pricing is a universal pricing only if successive interference cancellation (SIC) for uplink transmission or dirty paper coding (DPC) for downlink transmission is applied at the base station (BS). For MAC without SIC, nonlinear pricing which is logarithmic in power and linear in prices is a universal pricing scheme. The prices, the resulting cost terms, the optimal power allocation to achieve the QoS requirement of each user in the feasible rate region are derived in closed form solutions for MAC with and without SIC using linear and nonlinear pricing frameworks, respectively. The users are willing to maximize their achievable rate and minimize their cost on power by falsely reporting their channel state information (CSI). By predicting the best cheating strategy of the malicious users, the regulator is able to detect the misbehavior and punish the cheaters. The infinite repeated game (RG) is proposed as a counter mechanism with the trigger strategy using the trigger price. We show that by anticipating the total payoff of the proposed RG, the users have no incentive to cheat and therefore our framework is strategy-proof. In the distributed resource allocation, each user allocates its own power by optimizing the individual utility function. The noncooperative game among the users is formulated. The individual prices are introduced to the utility function of each user to shift the Nash equilibrium (NE) power allocation to the desired point. We show that by implicit control of the proposed prices, the best response (BR) power allocation of each user converges rapidly. The Shannon rate-based QoS requirement of each user is achieved with minimum power at the unique NE point. We analyse different behavior types of the users, especially the malicious behavior of misrepresenting the user utility function. The resulting NE power allocation and achievable rates of all users are derived when malicious behavior exists. The strategy-proof mechanism is designed using the punishment prices when the types of the malicious users are detected. The algorithm of the strategy-proof noncooperative game is proposed. We illustrate the convergence of the BR dynamic and the Price of Malice (PoM) by numerical simulations. The uplink transmission within the single cell of heterogeneous networks is exactly the same model as MAC. Therefore, the results of the pricing-based power allocation for MAC can be implemented into heterogeneous networks. Femtocells deployed in the Macrocell network provide better indoor coverage to the user equipments (UEs) with low power consumption and maintenance cost. The industrial vendors show great interest in the access mode, called the hybrid access, in which the macrocell UEs (MUEs) can be served by the nearby Femtocell Access Point (FAP). By adopting hybrid access in the femtocell, the system energy efficiency is improved due to the short distance between the FAP and MUEs while at the same time, the QoS requirements are better guaranteed. However, both the Macrocell base station (MBS) and the FAP are rational and selfish, who maximize their own utilities. The framework to successively apply the hybrid access in femtocell and fulfill the QoS requirement of each UE is important. We propose two novel compensation frameworks to motivate the hybrid access of femtocells. To save the energy consumption, the MBS is willing to motivate the FAP for hybrid access with compensation. The Stackelberg game is formulated where the MBS serves as the leader and the FAP serves as the follower. The MBS maximizes its utility by choosing the compensation prices. The FAP optimizes its utility by selecting the number of MUEs in hybrid access. By choosing the proper compensation price, the optimal number of MUEs served by the FAP to maximize the utility of the MBS coincides with that to maximize the utility of the FAP. Numerous simulation results are conducted, showing that the proposed compensation frameworks result in a win-win solution. In this thesis, based on game theory, mechanism design and pricing framework, efficient power allocation are proposed to guarantee the QoS requirements of all users in the wireless networks. The results are applicable in the multi-user systems such as heterogeneous networks. Both centralized and distributed allocation schemes are analyzed which are suitable for different communication scenarios.Aufgrund der hohen Nachfrage nach Datenrate und wegen der Knappheit an Ressourcen in Funknetzen ist die effiziente Allokation von Leistung ein wichtiges Thema in den heutigen Mehrnutzer-Kommunikationssystemen. Die Spieltheorie bietet Methoden, um egoistische und soziale Konfliktsituationen zu analysieren. Das vorgeschlagene System befasst sich mit der Erfüllung der auf Signal-zu-Rausch-und-Interferenz-Verhältnis (SINR) basierenden Quality-of-Service (QoS)-Anforderungen aller Nutzer mittels effizienter Leistungsallokation, anstatt die Übertragungsrate zu maximieren. Es wird ein Framework entworfen, um die Leistungsallokation mittels universellen Pricing-Mechanismen umzusetzen. In der Dissertation werden zentralisierte und verteilte Leistungsallokationsalgorithmen unter Verwendung verschiedener Pricing-Ansätze diskutiert. Die Nutzer in Funksystemen handeln rational im spieltheoretischen Sinne, indem sie ihre eigenen Nutzenfunktionen maximieren. Die mobilen Endgeräte, die dasselbe Spektrum nutzen, haben den Anreiz durch bewusste Fehlinterpretation ihrer privaten Informationen das eigene Ergebnis zu verbessern. Daher ist es wichtig, die Funktionalität des Systems zu überwachen und durch Optimierung des Pricings und Priorisierungsgewichte zu beeinflussen. Für den zentralisierten Ressourcenallokationsansatz werden der allgemeine Mehrfachzugriffskanal (Multiple Access Channel, MAC) und der Broadcastkanal (BC) mit linearen bzw. nichtlinearen Empfängern untersucht. Die Preise, die resultierenden Kostenterme und die optimale Leistungsallokation, mit der die QoS-Anforderungen in der zulässigen Ratenregion erfüllt werden, werden in geschlossener Form hergeleitet. Lineare und nichtlineare Pricing-Ansätze werden separat diskutiert. Das unendlich oft wiederholte Spiel wird vorgeschlagen, um Spieler vom Betrügen durch Übermittlung falscher Kanalinformationen abzuhalten. Für die verteilten Ressourcenvergabe wird das nichtkooperative Spiel in Normalform verwendet und formuliert. Die Nutzer wählen ihre Sendeleistung zur Maximierung ihrer eigenen Nutzenfunktion. Individuelle Preise werden eingeführt und so angepasst, dass die QoS-Anforderungen mit der Leistungsallokation im eindeutigen Nash-Gleichgewicht erfüllt werden. Verschiedene Arten des Nutzerverhaltens werden bezüglich der Täuschung ihrer Nutzenfunktion analysiert, und ein Strategy-Proof-Mechanismus mit Strafen wird entwickelt. Die Ergebnisse für den MAC sind anwendbar auf heterogene Netzwerke, wobei zwei neuartige Ansätze zur Kompensation bereitgestellt werden, die den hybriden Zugang zu Femtozell-Netzwerken motivieren. Mithilfe des Stackelberg-Spiels wird gezeigt, dass die vorgeschlagenen Ansätze in einer Win-Win-Situation resultieren

    Spectrum Trading: An Abstracted Bibliography

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    This document contains a bibliographic list of major papers on spectrum trading and their abstracts. The aim of the list is to offer researchers entering this field a fast panorama of the current literature. The list is continually updated on the webpage \url{http://www.disp.uniroma2.it/users/naldi/Ricspt.html}. Omissions and papers suggested for inclusion may be pointed out to the authors through e-mail (\textit{[email protected]})

    NOMA based resource allocation and mobility enhancement framework for IoT in next generation cellular networks

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    With the unprecedented technological advances witnessed in the last two decades, more devices are connected to the internet, forming what is called internet of things (IoT). IoT devices with heterogeneous characteristics and quality of experience (QoE) requirements may engage in dynamic spectrum market due to scarcity of radio resources. We propose a framework to efficiently quantify and supply radio resources to the IoT devices by developing intelligent systems. The primary goal of the paper is to study the characteristics of the next generation of cellular networks with non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) to enable connectivity to clustered IoT devices. First, we demonstrate how the distribution and QoE requirements of IoT devices impact the required number of radio resources in real time. Second, we prove that using an extended auction algorithm by implementing a series of complementary functions, enhance the radio resource utilization efficiency. The results show substantial reduction in the number of sub-carriers required when compared to conventional orthogonal multiple access (OMA) and the intelligent clustering is scalable and adaptable to the cellular environment. Ability to move spectrum usages from one cluster to other clusters after borrowing when a cluster has less user or move out of the boundary is another soft feature that contributes to the reported radio resource utilization efficiency. Moreover, the proposed framework provides IoT service providers cost estimation to control their spectrum acquisition to achieve required quality of service (QoS) with guaranteed bit rate (GBR) and non-guaranteed bit rate (Non-GBR)

    Fourth Generation Wireless Systems: Requirements and Challenges for the Next Frontier

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    Fourth generation wireless systems (4G) are likely to reach the consumer market in another 4-5 years. 4G comes with the promise of increased bandwidth, higher speeds, greater interoperability across communication protocols, and user friendly, innovative, and secure applications. In this article, I list the requirements of the 4G systems by considering the needs of the users in the future. These requirements can be met if technical and business challenges can be overcome. Technical challenges include mobility management, quality of service, interoperability, high data rate, security, survivability, spectrum, intelligent mobile devices, middleware, and network access. I discuss the most plausible solutions to these technical challenges in this paper. Business-related challenges include billing, payment methods, pricing, size of investments, content provision and mediation, and the trade-off between richness and reach. If these technical and business challenges can be met, then 4G will become the next frontier in data and voice communication infrastructure

    Framework to facilitate smooth handovers between mobile IPv6 networks

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    Fourth generation (4G) mobile communication networks are characterised by heterogeneous access networks and IP based transport technologies. Different access technologies give users choices to select services such as levels of Quality of Service (QoS) support, business models and service providers. Flexibility of heterogeneous access is compounded by the overhead of scanning to discover accessible services, which added to the handoff latency. This thesis has developed mechanisms for service discovery and service selection, along with a novel proposal for mobility management architectures that reduced handoff latency. The service discovery framework included a service advertisement data repository and a single frequency band access mechanism, which enabled users to explore services offered by various operators with a reduced scanning overhead. The novel hierarchical layout of the repository enabled it to categorise information into various layers and facilitate location based information retrieval. The information made available by the repository included cost, bandwidth, Packet Loss (PL), latency, jitter, Bit Error Rate (BER), location and service connectivity information. The single frequency band access mechanism further enabled users to explore service advertisements in the absence of their main service providers. The single frequency access mechanism broadcasted service advertisements information piggybacked onto a router advertisement packet on a reserved frequency band for advertisements. Results indicated that scanning 13 channels on 802.11 b interface takes 189ms whereas executing a query with maximum permissible search parameters on the service advertisement data repository takes 67ms. A service selection algorithm was developed to make handoff decisions utilising the service advertisements acquired from the service discovery framework; based on a user's preference. The selection algorithm reduced the calculation overhead by eliminating unsuitable networks; based on interface compatibility, service provider location, unacceptable QoS (Quality of service) and unacceptable cost; from the selection process. The selection algorithm utilised cost, bandwidth, PL, latency, jitter, BER and terminal power for computing the most suitable network. Results indicated that the elimination based approach has improved the performance of the algorithm by 35% over non- elimination oriented selection procedures, even after utilising more selection parameters. The service discovery framework and the service selection algorithm are flexible enough to be employed in most mobility management architectures. The thesis recommends Seamless Mobile Internet Protocol (SMIP) as a mobility management scheme based on the simulation results. The SMIP protocol, a combination of Hierarchical Mobile Internet Protocol (HMIP) and Fast Mobile Internet Protocol (FMIP), suffered hand off latency increases when undergoing a global handoff due to HMIP. The proposed modification to the HMIP included the introduction of a coverage area overlap, to reduce the global handoff latency. The introduction of a Home Address (HA) in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) binding table enabled seamless handoffs from WLANs by having a redirection mechanism for the user's packets after handoff. The thesis delivered a new mobility management architecture with mechanisms for service discovery and service selection. The proposed framework enabled user oriented, application centric and terminal based approach for selecting IPv6 networks

    Separation Framework: An Enabler for Cooperative and D2D Communication for Future 5G Networks

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    Soaring capacity and coverage demands dictate that future cellular networks need to soon migrate towards ultra-dense networks. However, network densification comes with a host of challenges that include compromised energy efficiency, complex interference management, cumbersome mobility management, burdensome signaling overheads and higher backhaul costs. Interestingly, most of the problems, that beleaguer network densification, stem from legacy networks' one common feature i.e., tight coupling between the control and data planes regardless of their degree of heterogeneity and cell density. Consequently, in wake of 5G, control and data planes separation architecture (SARC) has recently been conceived as a promising paradigm that has potential to address most of aforementioned challenges. In this article, we review various proposals that have been presented in literature so far to enable SARC. More specifically, we analyze how and to what degree various SARC proposals address the four main challenges in network densification namely: energy efficiency, system level capacity maximization, interference management and mobility management. We then focus on two salient features of future cellular networks that have not yet been adapted in legacy networks at wide scale and thus remain a hallmark of 5G, i.e., coordinated multipoint (CoMP), and device-to-device (D2D) communications. After providing necessary background on CoMP and D2D, we analyze how SARC can particularly act as a major enabler for CoMP and D2D in context of 5G. This article thus serves as both a tutorial as well as an up to date survey on SARC, CoMP and D2D. Most importantly, the article provides an extensive outlook of challenges and opportunities that lie at the crossroads of these three mutually entangled emerging technologies.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 201
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