2,592 research outputs found

    Computing with viruses

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    In recent years, different computing models have emerged within the area of Unconven-tional Computation, and more specifically within Natural Computing, getting inspiration from mechanisms present in Nature. In this work, we incorporate concepts in virology and theoretical computer science to propose a novel computational model, called Virus Ma-chine. Inspired by the manner in which viruses transmit from one host to another, a virus machine is a computational paradigm represented as a heterogeneous network that con-sists of three subnetworks: virus transmission, instruction transfer, and instruction-channel control networks. Virus machines provide non-deterministic sequential devices. As num-ber computing devices, virus machines are proved to be computationally complete, that is, equivalent in power to Turing machines. Nevertheless, when some limitations are imposed with respect to the number of viruses present in the system, then a characterization for semi-linear sets is obtained

    Closure in artificial cell signalling networks - investigating the emergence of cognition in collectively autocatalytic reaction networks

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    Cell Signalling Networks (CSNs) are complex biochemical networks responsible for the coordination of cellular activities in response to internal and external stimuli. We hypothesize that CSNs are subsets of collectively autocatalytic reaction networks. The signal processing or cognitive abilities of CSNs would originate from the closure properties of these systems. We investigate how Artificial CSNs, regarded as minimal cognitive systems, could emerge and evolve under this condition where closure may interact with evolution. To assist this research, we employ a multi-level concurrent Artificial Chemistry based on the Molecular Classifier Systems and the Holland broadcast language. A critical issue for the evolvability of such undirected and autonomous evolutionary systems is to identify the conditions that would ensure evolutionary stability. In this paper we present some key features of our system which permitted stable cooperation to occur between the different molecular species through evolution. Following this, we present an experiment in which we evolved a simple closed reaction network to accomplish a pre-specified task. In this experiment we show that the signal-processing ability (signal amplification) directly resulted from the evolved systems closure properties

    Coordination of Dynamic Software Components with JavaBIP

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    JavaBIP allows the coordination of software components by clearly separating the functional and coordination aspects of the system behavior. JavaBIP implements the principles of the BIP component framework rooted in rigorous operational semantics. Recent work both on BIP and JavaBIP allows the coordination of static components defined prior to system deployment, i.e., the architecture of the coordinated system is fixed in terms of its component instances. Nevertheless, modern systems, often make use of components that can register and deregister dynamically during system execution. In this paper, we present an extension of JavaBIP that can handle this type of dynamicity. We use first-order interaction logic to define synchronization constraints based on component types. Additionally, we use directed graphs with edge coloring to model dependencies among components that determine the validity of an online system. We present the software architecture of our implementation, provide and discuss performance evaluation results.Comment: Technical report that accompanies the paper accepted at the 14th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Softwar

    Tight Bounds for Active Self-Assembly Using an Insertion Primitive

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    We prove two tight bounds on the behavior of a model of self-assembling particles introduced by Dabby and Chen (SODA 2013), called insertion systems, where monomers insert themselves into the middle of a growing linear polymer. First, we prove that the expressive power of these systems is equal to context-free grammars, answering a question posed by Dabby and Chen. Second, we prove that systems of kk monomer types can deterministically construct polymers of length n=2Θ(k3/2)n = 2^{\Theta(k^{3/2})} in O(log5/3(n))O(\log^{5/3}(n)) expected time, and that this is optimal in both the number of monomer types and expected time.Comment: To appear in Algorithmica. An abstract (12-page) version of this paper appeared in the proceedings of ESA 201

    Matrix Graph Grammars

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    This book objective is to develop an algebraization of graph grammars. Equivalently, we study graph dynamics. From the point of view of a computer scientist, graph grammars are a natural generalization of Chomsky grammars for which a purely algebraic approach does not exist up to now. A Chomsky (or string) grammar is, roughly speaking, a precise description of a formal language (which in essence is a set of strings). On a more discrete mathematical style, it can be said that graph grammars -- Matrix Graph Grammars in particular -- study dynamics of graphs. Ideally, this algebraization would enforce our understanding of grammars in general, providing new analysis techniques and generalizations of concepts, problems and results known so far.Comment: 321 pages, 75 figures. This book has is publisehd by VDM verlag, ISBN 978-363921255