47 research outputs found

    Unitary designs and codes

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    A unitary design is a collection of unitary matrices that approximate the entire unitary group, much like a spherical design approximates the entire unit sphere. In this paper, we use irreducible representations of the unitary group to find a general lower bound on the size of a unitary t-design in U(d), for any d and t. We also introduce the notion of a unitary code - a subset of U(d) in which the trace inner product of any pair of matrices is restricted to only a small number of distinct values - and give an upper bound for the size of a code of degree s in U(d) for any d and s. These bounds can be strengthened when the particular inner product values that occur in the code or design are known. Finally, we describe some constructions of designs: we give an upper bound on the size of the smallest weighted unitary t-design in U(d), and we catalogue some t-designs that arise from finite groups.Comment: 25 pages, no figure

    Rolling quantum dice with a superconducting qubit

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    One of the key challenges in quantum information is coherently manipulating the quantum state. However, it is an outstanding question whether control can be realized with low error. Only gates from the Clifford group -- containing π\pi, π/2\pi/2, and Hadamard gates -- have been characterized with high accuracy. Here, we show how the Platonic solids enable implementing and characterizing larger gate sets. We find that all gates can be implemented with low error. The results fundamentally imply arbitrary manipulation of the quantum state can be realized with high precision, providing new practical possibilities for designing efficient quantum algorithms.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, including supplementary materia

    Qubit flip game on a Heisenberg spin chain

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    We study a quantum version of a penny flip game played using control parameters of the Hamiltonian in the Heisenberg model. Moreover, we extend this game by introducing auxiliary spins which can be used to alter the behaviour of the system. We show that a player aware of the complex structure of the system used to implement the game can use this knowledge to gain higher mean payoff.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Multiqubit Clifford groups are unitary 3-designs

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    Unitary tt-designs are a ubiquitous tool in many research areas, including randomized benchmarking, quantum process tomography, and scrambling. Despite the intensive efforts of many researchers, little is known about unitary tt-designs with t3t\geq3 in the literature. We show that the multiqubit Clifford group in any even prime-power dimension is not only a unitary 2-design, but also a 3-design. Moreover, it is a minimal 3-design except for dimension~4. As an immediate consequence, any orbit of pure states of the multiqubit Clifford group forms a complex projective 3-design; in particular, the set of stabilizer states forms a 3-design. In addition, our study is helpful to studying higher moments of the Clifford group, which are useful in many research areas ranging from quantum information science to signal processing. Furthermore, we reveal a surprising connection between unitary 3-designs and the physics of discrete phase spaces and thereby offer a simple explanation of why no discrete Wigner function is covariant with respect to the multiqubit Clifford group, which is of intrinsic interest to studying quantum computation.Comment: 7 pages, published in Phys. Rev.

    Clifford group dipoles and the enactment of Weyl/Coxeter group W(E8) by entangling gates

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    Peres/Mermin arguments about no-hidden variables in quantum mechanics are used for displaying a pair (R, S) of entangling Clifford quantum gates, acting on two qubits. From them, a natural unitary representation of Coxeter/Weyl groups W(D5) and W(F4) emerges, which is also reflected into the splitting of the n-qubit Clifford group Cn into dipoles C±\pmn . The union of the three-qubit real Clifford group C+ 3 and the Toffoli gate ensures a orthogonal representation of the Weyl/Coxeter group W(E8), and of its relatives. Other concepts involved are complex reflection groups, BN pairs, unitary group designs and entangled states of the GHZ family.Comment: version revised according the recommendations of a refere

    DESIGNS ON TAUTOLOGICAL BUNDLE (Various Issues on Representation Theory and Related Topics)

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