8,401 research outputs found

    A Registration Scheme to Allocate a Unique Identification Number

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    Identification is always a necessity of human life. Currently, our government has decided to allocate a unique identity to every Indian. This paper proposed a registration scheme, in which a controlling agency can generate a unique identification number in such a way that registration number cannot be forged and misused. In the proposed scheme, only the number holder can use his number and he/she can prove its validity to any third party, whenever necessary

    The Effectiveness of an Emergency and Defensive Driving Techniques Course Component: Analyzing Student Response to Searching, Identifying, Predicting, Deciding and Executing Skills

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    This study examined the effectiveness of an Emergency and Defensive Driving Techniques Course by measuring the students\u27 visual and perceptual skills. The final analysis involved 117 students who participated in Eastern Kentucky University\u27s (EKU) Traffic Safety (TRS) 233. Records were obtained through the Traffic Safety Institute and contained no identifying information. Records obtained included a generic unique identification number, gender, pre-test scores and post-test scores

    Otomatisasi Proses Verifikasi, Pemungutan Dan Perhitungan Suara Pada Tempat Pemungutan Suara (Tps) Berbasis Arduino

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    Near Field Communication (NFC) technology can be used as a verification media if e-KTP that has a Unique Identification Number (UID) is used as an identity card. In the election booth, the ballot may be replaced by a keypad. Any voting will be saved in a microcontroller and will be displayed on a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) in counting stage. It is important to know about the speed and the accuracy of verification process, voting and counting because they improve services, time efficiency and reduce the voting budget significantly. e-KTP can be scanned by NFC Shield directly. UID becomes an accurate data for each voter because it reduces the cheating of voting, such as enlarging result, error on voter list, and reduces the election costs. Teknologi Near Field Communication (NFC) dapat digunakan sebagai media untuk proses verifikasi jika e-KTP yang memiliki Unique Identification Number (UID) digunakan sebagai kartu identitas. Dalam tahap pemilihan di bilik suara, kertas suara dapat digantikan dengan keypad. Setiap hasil pemilihan akan disimpan dalam mikrokontroler dan akan ditampilkan saat proses penghitungan suara dengan menggunakan Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). Perlunya mengetahui kecepatan dan keakuratan proses verifikasi, pemungutan dan perhitungan suara karena dapat meningkatkan pelayanan dan efisiensi waktu serta penghematan biaya yang signifikan pada pemilihan umum. NFC Shield dapat memindai e-KTP secara langsung. Data UID dapat menjadi data yang akurat bagi masing-masing pemilih sehingga dapat mengurangi kecurangan, seperti penggelembungan suara, kesalahan daftar pemilih, dan mengurangi biaya pemungutan suara

    Unique health identifiers for universal health coverage

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    Identifying everyone residing in a country, especially the poor, is an indispensable part of pursuing universal health coverage (UHC). Having information on an individuals\u2019 financial protection is also imperative for measuring the progress of UHC. This paper examines different ways of instituting a system of unique health identifiers that can lead toward achieving UHC, particularly in relation to utilizing universal civil registration and national unique identification number systems. Civil registration is a fundamental function of the government that establishes a legal identity for individuals and enables them to access essential public services. National unique identification numbers assigned at birth registration can further link their vital event information with data collected in different sectors, including in finance and health. Some countries use the national unique identification number as the unique health identifier, such as is done in South Korea and Thailand. In other countries, a unique health identifier is created in addition to the national unique identification number, but the two numbers are linked; Slovenia offers an example of this arrangement. The advantages and disadvantages of the system types are discussed in the paper. In either approach, linking the health system with the civil registration and national identity management systems contributed to advancing effective and efficient UHC programs in those countries

    Best Surveillance System

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    The GPS module fitted in the bus records the accurate longitudinal and latitudinal location of the bus. As the location of the bus changes it will keep on sending the new latitude and longitude value to the base center. This way each bus will update itself with the main server. Each bus will be identified by its own unique identification number. Now when an person who wants to travel by a particular bus number sends a message to the base center. The base center will reply him giving the current location of the bus by which the person wants to travel.This way the user of the system will know the real time location of the bus and in what time it can reach to the expected destination DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150519
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