8 research outputs found

    Union-intersecting set systems

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    Three intersection theorems are proved. First, we determine the size of the largest set system, where the system of the pairwise unions is l-intersecting. Then we investigate set systems where the union of any s sets intersect the union of any t sets. The maximal size of such a set system is determined exactly if s+t4. Finally, we exactly determine the maximal size of a k-uniform set system that has the above described (s,t)-union-intersecting property, for large enough n.Comment: 9 page

    A note on vertex Tur\'an problems in the Kneser cube

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    The Kneser cube KnnKn_n has vertex set 2[n]2^{[n]} and two vertices F,F′F,F' are joined by an edge if and only if F∩F′=∅F\cap F'=\emptyset. For a fixed graph GG, we are interested in the most number vex(n,G)vex(n,G) of vertices of KnnKn_n that span a GG-free subgraph in KnnKn_n. We show that the asymptotics of vex(n,G)vex(n,G) is (1+o(1))2n−1(1+o(1))2^{n-1} for bipartite GG and (1−o(1))2n(1-o(1))2^n for graphs with chromatic number at least 3. We also obtain results on the order of magnitude of 2n−1−vex(n,G)2^{n-1}-vex(n,G) and 2n−vex(n,G)2^n-vex(n,G) in these two cases. In the case of bipartite GG, we relate this problem to instances of the forbidden subposet problem

    Eötvös Collegium – Collegiumi Értesítő (2013/2014)

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    Az Eötvös Collegium évkönyvének IV. száma. A kiadvány a "Az Oktatási Hivatal által nyilvántartott szakkolégiumok támogatása" című pályázat keretében (NTP-SZKOLL-13-0030) valósult meg