17,213 research outputs found

    Computational methods in codes and games

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    This dissertation discusses exhaustive search algorithms and heuristic search methods in combinatorial optimization, including combinatorial games. In this work unidirectional covering codes are introduced and some theoretical foundations for them are laid. Exhaustive search is used to construct asymmetric covering codes, unidirectional covering codes and multiple coverings with given parameters—or to show that no such codes exist. Integer programming formulations, bounds on maximal coverages of partial codes and code isomorphisms are used to prune the search space. Tabu search is used to construct asymmetric and unidirectional covering codes—with several record-breaking codes for the former. A new definition for neighborhood is derived. The traditional board game of go and computer go results are reviewed. The concept of entropy is introduced into the game context as a metric for complexity and for relevance (of features—like distance to the previous move). Experimental results and questionnaire studies are presented to support the use of entropy

    Two-batch liar games on a general bounded channel

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    We consider an extension of the 2-person R\'enyi-Ulam liar game in which lies are governed by a channel CC, a set of allowable lie strings of maximum length kk. Carole selects x∈[n]x\in[n], and Paul makes tt-ary queries to uniquely determine xx. In each of qq rounds, Paul weakly partitions [n]=A0âˆȘ>...âˆȘAt−1[n]=A_0\cup >... \cup A_{t-1} and asks for aa such that x∈Aax\in A_a. Carole responds with some bb, and if a≠ba\neq b, then xx accumulates a lie (a,b)(a,b). Carole's string of lies for xx must be in the channel CC. Paul wins if he determines xx within qq rounds. We further restrict Paul to ask his questions in two off-line batches. We show that for a range of sizes of the second batch, the maximum size of the search space [n][n] for which Paul can guarantee finding the distinguished element is ∌tq+k/(Ek(C)(qk))\sim t^{q+k}/(E_k(C)\binom{q}{k}) as q→∞q\to\infty, where Ek(C)E_k(C) is the number of lie strings in CC of maximum length kk. This generalizes previous work of Dumitriu and Spencer, and of Ahlswede, Cicalese, and Deppe. We extend Paul's strategy to solve also the pathological liar variant, in a unified manner which gives the existence of asymptotically perfect two-batch adaptive codes for the channel CC.Comment: 26 page

    Asymmetric binary covering codes

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    An asymmetric binary covering code of length n and radius R is a subset C of the n-cube Q_n such that every vector x in Q_n can be obtained from some vector c in C by changing at most R 1's of c to 0's, where R is as small as possible. K^+(n,R) is defined as the smallest size of such a code. We show K^+(n,R) is of order 2^n/n^R for constant R, using an asymmetric sphere-covering bound and probabilistic methods. We show K^+(n,n-R')=R'+1 for constant coradius R' iff n>=R'(R'+1)/2. These two results are extended to near-constant R and R', respectively. Various bounds on K^+ are given in terms of the total number of 0's or 1's in a minimal code. The dimension of a minimal asymmetric linear binary code ([n,R]^+ code) is determined to be min(0,n-R). We conclude by discussing open problems and techniques to compute explicit values for K^+, giving a table of best known bounds.Comment: 16 page

    Rewriting Codes for Joint Information Storage in Flash Memories

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    Memories whose storage cells transit irreversibly between states have been common since the start of the data storage technology. In recent years, flash memories have become a very important family of such memories. A flash memory cell has q states—state 0.1.....q-1 - and can only transit from a lower state to a higher state before the expensive erasure operation takes place. We study rewriting codes that enable the data stored in a group of cells to be rewritten by only shifting the cells to higher states. Since the considered state transitions are irreversible, the number of rewrites is bounded. Our objective is to maximize the number of times the data can be rewritten. We focus on the joint storage of data in flash memories, and study two rewriting codes for two different scenarios. The first code, called floating code, is for the joint storage of multiple variables, where every rewrite changes one variable. The second code, called buffer code, is for remembering the most recent data in a data stream. Many of the codes presented here are either optimal or asymptotically optimal. We also present bounds to the performance of general codes. The results show that rewriting codes can integrate a flash memory’s rewriting capabilities for different variables to a high degree

    Communication and Interference Coordination

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    We study the problem of controlling the interference created to an external observer by a communication processes. We model the interference in terms of its type (empirical distribution), and we analyze the consequences of placing constraints on the admissible type. Considering a single interfering link, we characterize the communication-interference capacity region. Then, we look at a scenario where the interference is jointly created by two users allowed to coordinate their actions prior to transmission. In this case, the trade-off involves communication and interference as well as coordination. We establish an achievable communication-interference region and show that efficiency is significantly improved by coordination

    Protection of parity-time symmetry in topological many-body systems: non-Hermitian toric code and fracton models

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    In the study of PT\mathcal{P}\mathcal{T}-symmetric quantum systems with non-Hermitian perturbations, one of the most important questions is whether eigenvalues stay real or whether PT\mathcal{P}\mathcal{T}-symmetry is spontaneously broken when eigenvalues meet. A particularly interesting set of eigenstates is provided by the degenerate ground-state subspace of systems with topological order. In this paper, we present simple criteria that guarantee the protection of PT\mathcal{P}\mathcal{T}-symmetry and, thus, the reality of the eigenvalues in topological many-body systems. We formulate these criteria in both geometric and algebraic form, and demonstrate them using the toric code and several different fracton models as examples. Our analysis reveals that PT\mathcal{P}\mathcal{T}-symmetry is robust against a remarkably large class of non-Hermitian perturbations in these models; this is particularly striking in the case of fracton models due to the exponentially large number of degenerate states.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Design issues for the Generic Stream Encapsulation (GSE) of IP datagrams over DVB-S2

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    The DVB-S2 standard has brought an unprecedented degree of novelty and flexibility in the way IP datagrams or other network level packets can be transmitted over DVB satellite links, with the introduction of an IP-friendly link layer - he continuous Generic Streams - and the adaptive combination of advanced error coding, modulation and spectrum management techniques. Recently approved by the DVB, the Generic Stream Encapsulation (GSE) used for carrying IP datagrams over DVBS2 implements solutions stemmed from a design rationale quite different from the one behind IP encapsulation schemes over its predecessor DVB-S. This paper highlights GSE's original design choices under the perspective of DVB-S2's innovative features and possibilities
