2,266 research outputs found

    Estimation of Cross-Species Introgression Rates using Genomic Data Despite Model Unidentifiability

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    Full likelihood implementations of the multispecies coalescent with introgression (MSci) model treat genealogical fluctuations across the genome as a major source of information to infer the history of species divergence and gene flow using multilocus sequence data. However, MSci models are known to have unidentifiability issues, whereby different models or parameters make the same predictions about the data and cannot be distinguished by the data. Previous studies have focused on heuristic methods based on gene trees and do not make an efficient use of the information in the data. Here we study the unidentifiability of MSci models under the full likelihood methods. We characterize the unidentifiability of the bidirectional introgression (BDI) model, which assumes that gene flow occurs in both directions. We derive simple rules for arbitrary BDI models, which create unidentifiability of the label-switching type. In general, an MSci model with k BDI events has 2k unidentifiable modes or towers in the posterior, with each BDI event between sister species creating within-model parameter unidentifiability and each BDI event between non-sister species creating between-model unidentifiability. We develop novel algorithms for processing Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samples to remove label-switching problems and implement them in the BPP program. We analyze real and synthetic data to illustrate the utility of the BDI models and the new algorithms. We discuss the unidentifiability of heuristic methods and provide guidelines for the use of MSci models to infer gene flow using genomic data

    Inferring the Direction of Introgression Using Genomic Sequence Data

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    Genomic data are informative about the history of species divergence and interspecific gene flow, including the direction, timing, and strength of gene flow. However, gene flow in opposite directions generates similar patterns in multilocus sequence data, such as reduced sequence divergence between the hybridizing species. As a result, inference of the direction of gene flow is challenging. Here we investigate the information about the direction of gene flow present in genomic sequence data using likelihood-based methods under the multispecies-coalescentwith-introgression model. We analyze the case of two species, and use simulation to examine cases with three or four species. We find that it is easier to infer gene flow from a small population to a large one than in the opposite direction, and easier to infer inflow (gene flow from outgroup species to an ingroup species) than outflow (gene flow from an ingroup species to an outgroup species). It is also easier to infer gene flow if there is a longer time of separate evolution between the initial divergence and subsequent introgression. When introgression is assumed to occur in the wrong direction, the time of introgression tends to be correctly estimated and the Bayesian test of gene flow is often significant, while estimates of introgression probability can be even greater than the true probability. We analyze genomic sequences from Heliconius butterflies to demonstrate that typical genomic datasets are informative about the direction of interspecific gene flow, as well as its timing and strength

    Multispecies Coalescent and its Applications to Infer Species Phylogenies and Cross-Species Gene Flow

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    Multispecies coalescent (MSC) is the extension of the single-population coalescent model to multiple species. It integrates the phylogenetic process of species divergences and the population genetic process of coalescent, and provides a powerful framework for a number of inference problems using genomic sequence data from multiple species, including estimation of species divergence times and population sizes, estimation of species trees accommodating discordant gene trees, inference of cross-species gene flow and species delimitation. In this review, we introduce the major features of the MSC model, discuss full-likelihood and heuristic methods of species tree estimation and summarize recent methodological advances in inference of cross-species gene flow. We discuss the statistical and computational challenges in the field and research directions where breakthroughs may be likely in the next few years

    Significant cross-species gene flow detected in the Tamias quadrivittatus group of North American chipmunks

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    In the past two decades genomic data have been widely used to detect historical gene flow between species in a variety of plants and animals. The Tamias quadrivittatus group of North America chipmunks, which originated through a series of rapid speciation events, are known to undergo massive amounts of mitochondrial introgression. Yet in a recent analysis of targeted nuclear loci from the group, no evidence for cross-species introgression was detected, indicating widespread cytonuclear discordance. The study used heuristic methods that analyze summaries of the multilocus sequence data to detect gene flow, which may suffer from low power. Here we use the full likelihood method implemented in the Bayesian program BPP to reanalyze these data. We take a stepwise approach to constructing an introgression model by adding introgression events onto a well-supported binary species tree. The analysis detected robust evidence for multiple ancient introgression events affecting the nuclear genome, with introgression probabilities reaching 65%. We estimate population parameters and highlight the fact that species divergence times may be seriously underestimated if ancient cross-species gene flow is ignored in the analysis. Our analyses highlight the importance of using adequate statistical methods to reach reliable biological conclusions concerning cross-species gene flow

    EM for phylogenetic topology reconstruction on non-homogeneous data

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    Background: The reconstruction of the phylogenetic tree topology of four taxa is, still nowadays, one of the main challenges in phylogenetics. Its difficulties lie in considering not too restrictive evolutionary models, and correctly dealing with the long-branch attraction problem. The correct reconstruction of 4-taxon trees is crucial for making quartet-based methods work and being able to recover large phylogenies. Results: In this paper we consider an expectation-maximization method for maximizing the likelihood of (time nonhomogeneous) evolutionary Markov models on trees. We study its success on reconstructing 4-taxon topologies and its performance as input method in quartet-based phylogenetic reconstruction methods such as QFIT and QuartetSuite. Our results show that the method proposed here outperforms neighbor-joining and the usual (time-homogeneous continuous-time) maximum likelihood methods on 4-leaved trees with among-lineage instantaneous rate heterogeneity, and perform similarly to usual continuous-time maximum-likelihood when data satisfies the assumptions of both methods. Conclusions: The method presented in this paper is well suited for reconstructing the topology of any number of taxa via quartet-based methods and is highly accurate, specially regarding largely divergent trees and time nonhomogeneous data.Comment: 1 main file: 6 Figures and 2 Tables. 1 Additional file with 2 Figures and 2 Tables. To appear in "BCM Evolutionary Biology

    Full‐likelihood genomic analysis clarifies a complex history 2 of species divergence and introgression: the example of the 3 erato‐sara group of Heliconius butterflies

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    Introgressive hybridization plays a key role in adaptive evolution and species diversification in many groups of species. However, frequent hybridization and gene flow between species make estimation of the species phylogeny and key population parameters challenging. Here, we show that by accounting for phasing and using full-likelihood methods, introgression histories and population parameters can be estimated reliably from whole-genome sequence data. We employ the multispecies coalescent (MSC) model with and without gene flow to infer the species phylogeny and cross-species introgression events using genomic data from six members of the erato-sara clade of Heliconius butterflies. The methods naturally accommodate random fluctuations in genealogical history across the genome due to deep coalescence. To avoid heterozygote phasing errors in haploid sequences commonly produced by genome assembly methods, we process and compile unphased diploid sequence alignments and use analytical methods to average over uncertainties in heterozygote phase resolution. There is robust evidence for introgression across the genome, both among distantly related species deep in the phylogeny and between sister species in shallow parts of the tree. We obtain chromosome-specific estimates of key population parameters such as introgression directions, times and probabilities, as well as species divergence times and population sizes for modern and ancestral species. We confirm ancestral gene flow between the sara clade and an ancestral population of Heliconius telesiphe, a likely hybrid speciation origin for Heliconius hecalesia, and gene flow between the sister species Heliconius erato and Heliconius himera. Inferred introgression among ancestral species also explains the history of two chromosomal inversions deep in the phylogeny of the group. This study illustrates how a full-likelihood approach based on the MSC makes it possible to extract rich historical information of species divergence and gene flow from genomic data. [3S; BPP; gene flow; Heliconius; hybrid speciation; introgression; inversion; multispecies coalescent

    Maximum likelihood implementation of an isolation-with-migration model for three species

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    We develop a maximum likelihood (ML) method for estimating migration rates between species using genomic sequence data. A species tree is used to accommodate the phylogenetic relationships among three species, allowing for migration between the two sister species, while the third species is used as an outgroup. A Markov chain characterization of the genealogical process of coalescence and migration is used to integrate out the migration histories at each locus analytically, while Gaussian quadrature is used to integrate over the coalescent times on each genealogical tree numerically. This is an extension of our early implementation of the symmetrical isolation-with-migration model for three species to accommodate arbitrary loci with two or three sequences per locus and to allow asymmetrical migration rates. Our implementation can accommodate tens of thousands of loci, making it feasible to analyze genome-scale datasets to test for gene flow. We calculate the posterior probabilities of gene trees at individual loci to identify genomic regions that are likely to have been transferred between species due to gene flow. We conduct a simulation study to examine the statistical properties of the likelihood ratio test for gene flow between the two ingroup species and of the maximum likelihood estimates of model parameters such as the migration rate. Inclusion of data from a third outgroup species is found to increase dramatically the power of the test and the precision of parameter estimation. We compiled and analyzed several genomic datasets from the Drosophila fruit flies. Our analyses suggest no migration from D. melanogaster to D. simulans, and a significant amount of gene flow from D. simulans to D. melanogaster, at the rate of ~0.02 migrant individuals per generation. We discuss the utility of the multispecies coalescent model for species tree estimation, accounting for incomplete lineage sorting and migration