145 research outputs found

    Acoustic positioning and tracking in Portsmouth Harbour, New Hampshire

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    Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire, is frequently used as a testing area for multibeam and sidescan sonars, and is the location of numerous ground-truthing studies. Having the ability to accurately position underwater sensors is an important aspect of this type of work. However, underwater positioning in Portsmouth Harbor is challenging. It is relatively shallow, approximately one kilometer wide with depths of less than 25 meters. There is mixing between fresh river water and seawater, which is intensified by high currents and strong tides. This causes a very complicated spatial and temporal sound speed structure. Solutions that use the time-of-arrival of an acoustic pulse to estimate range will require very precise knowledge of the travel paths of the signal in order to separate out issues of multipath arrivals. An alternative solution is to use the phase measurements between closely spaced hydrophones to measure the bearing of an acoustic pinger. By using two bearing measurement devices that are widely separated, the intersection of the two bearings can be used to position the pinger. The advantage of this approach is that the sound speed only needs to be known at the location of the phase measurements. Both time-of-arrival and phase difference systems may encounter difficulties arising from horizontal refraction due to spatially varying sound speed. To ascertain which solution would be optimal in Portsmouth Harbor, the time-of-arrival and phase measurement approaches are being examined individually. Initial field tests have been conducted using a 40 kHz signal to look at bearing accuracy. Using hydrophones that are spaced 2/3 wavelengths apart, the bearing accuracy was found to be 1.25deg for angles up to 20deg from broadside with signal to noise ratios (SNR) greater than 15 dB. The results from the closely spaced hydrophones were used to resolve phase ambiguities, allowing finer bearing measurements to be made between hydrophones spaced 5 wavelengths apart. The fi- ne bearing measurements resulted in a bearing accuracy of 0.3deg for angles up to 20deg from broadside with SNR greater than 15 dB. Field tests planned for summer 2007 will include a more detailed investigation of how the environmental influences affect each of the measurement types including range, signal to noise ratio, currents, and sound speed structure

    Observations of High Frequency, Long Range Acoustic Propagation in a Harbor Environment

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    The positioning and navigation of AUV\u27s in harbor environments using underwater acoustics is complicated by shallow waters, long propagation distances, and complex oceanographic features. This paper reports on high frequency (40 kHz) acoustic measurements made in Portsmouth Harbor, NH, USA, which is an estuary containing several riverine inputs and a strong tidal flow (2+ knots). A one-way propagation experiment was conducted at the mouth of the harbor for propagation distances up to 100 water depths. Strong signatures of a variety of phenomenon were observed in the acoustic signal levels, including tidal heights and currents, turbulent mixing, and wind/wave action. The relative importance of each of these will be discussed in terms of signal to noise level and the associated constraints on acoustic positioning systems

    Acoustic sensing of gas seeps in the deep ocean with split-beam echosounders

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    When in the form of free gas in the water column, methane seeps emanating from the seabed are strong acoustic targets that are often detectable from surface vessels using echo sounders.In addition to detecting that a seep is present at some location, it is also desirable to characterize the nature of the seep in terms of its morphology and flux rates. Here, we examine how much we can learn about seeps in the deep (\u3e 1000 m) northern Gulf of Mexico using narrow-band split-beam echo sounders operating at fixed frequencies (18 kHz and 38 kHz).Methane seeps in this region are deeper than the methane hydrate stability zone, implying that bubbles of free gas form hydrate rinds that allow them to rise further in the water column than they otherwise would. While this behavior may aid in the classification of gas types in the seep, it is possible that the presence of hydrate rinds may also change the acoustic response of the bubbles and thereby make flux rate estimates more challenging. These and other aspects of seep characterization will be discussed

    A Method for Field Calibration of a Multibeam Echo Sounder

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    The use of multibeam echo sounders (MBES) has grown more frequent in applications like seafloor imaging, fisheries, and habitat mapping. Calibration of these instruments is important for understanding and validating the performance of MBES. For echo sounders in general, different calibration methodologies have been developed in controlled environments such as a fresh water tank and in the actual field of operation. While calibration in an indoor tank facility can bring excellent results in terms of accuracy, the amount of time required for a complete calibration can become prohibitively large. A field calibration can reveal the actual radiation beam pattern for shipmounted sonar systems, accounting for acoustic interferences which may be caused by objects around the installed transducers. The standard target method is a common practice for field calibration of split-beam echo sounders. However, when applied to a Mills Cross MBES, this method does not provide means to determine the alongship angle of the target, since the receiver transducer is a line array. A method to determine the combined transmit/receive radiation beam pattern for a ship-mounted multibeam system was developed and tested for a Reson Seabat 7125 MBES inside the fresh water calibration tank of the University of New Hampshire. This calibration methodology employs a tungsten carbide sphere of 38.1 mm diameter as target and a Simrad EK60 split-beam sonar system to provide athwartship and alongship angular information of the target sphere position. The multibeam sonar system was configured for 256 beams equi-angle mode at an operating frequency of 200 kHz; the split-beam system was set to work passively at the same frequency. A combined transmit/receive beam pattern was computed for an athwartship angular range between –6o and +6o and an alongship angular range between –1o and +3o . The limited angular range of the measurements is due to the –3 dB beamwidth of 7.1o in the athwartship and alongship directions of the split-beam sonar system coupled with the alongship offset of 1.6o between the maximum response axes (MRA) of the two sonar systems. Possible acoustic interferences caused by the monofilament line used to suspend the target sphere in the water column were found in the measurements for alongship angle values less than –1o . Beam pattern measurements for the combined transmit/receive beam pattern at a distance of 8 m show a –3 dB beamwidth of 1.1o in the athwartship direction and a –3 dB beamwidth of 2.0o in the alongship direction for the most inner beams. The dynamic range for the measurements was approximately of –40 dB

    Calibration of multibeam echo sounders: a comparison between two methodologies

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    Multibeam echo sounders (MBES) are widely used in applications like seafloor imaging, fisheries, and habitat mapping. Calibration of acoustic backscatter is an important aspect of understanding and validating the performance of a MBES. Combined transmit/receive beampattern calibrations were performed on a 200 kHz Reson Seabat 7125 MBES in the acoustic tank of the University of New Hampshire utilizing two different methodologies. The first methodology employs fixed standard target spheres and a high accuracy/high resolution rotation mechanism. This method, similar to that proposed by Foote et al [ Protocols forcalibrating multibeam sonar , J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117(4), 2005], is designed for a calibrationtank and provides accurate results but requires a large amount of operation time and cannot be performed in situ. The second methodology has been designed for field calibration of MBES. It employs a standard target sphere and a 200 kHz Simrad EK60 split-beam sonar system to provide athwartship and alongship angular information of the target sphere position. This method offers the possibility of field calibration for vessel mounted systems and a significantly reduced operation time, but has a potential reduction in accuracy. In this paper, results from these two methods applied to the same MBES are compared

    Development of a fusion adaptive algorithm for marine debris detection within the post-Sandy restoration framework

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    Recognition of marine debris represent a difficult task due to the extreme variability of the marine environment, the possible targets, and the variable skill levels of human operators. The range of potential targets is much wider than similar fields of research such as mine hunting, localization of unexploded ordnance or pipeline detection. In order to address this additional complexity, an adaptive algorithm is being developing that appropriately responds to changes in the environment, and context. The preliminary step is to properly geometrically and radiometrically correct the collected data. Then, the core engine manages the fusion of a set of statistically- and physically-based algorithms, working at different levels (swath, beam, snippet, and pixel) and using both predictive modeling (that is, a high-frequency acoustic backscatter model) and phenomenological (e.g., digital image processing techniques) approaches. The expected outcome is the reduction of inter-algorithmic cross-correlation and, thus, the probability of false alarm. At this early stage, we provide a proof of concept showing outcomes from algorithms that dynamically adapt themselves to the depth and average backscatter level met in the surveyed environment, targeting marine debris (modeled as objects of about 1-m size). The project relies on a modular software library, called Matador (Marine Target Detection and Object Recognition)

    Application of a maximum likelihood processor to acoustic backscatter for the estimation of seafloor roughness parameters

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    Maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is used to extract seafloor roughness parameters from records of acoustic backscatter. The method relies on the Helmholtz–Kirchhoff approximation under the assumption of a power‐law roughness spectrum and on the statistical modeling of bottom reverberation. The result is a globally optimum, highly automated technique that is a useful tool in the context of seafloor classification via remote acoustic sensing. The general geometry of the Sea Beam bathymetric system is incorporated into the design of the ML processor in order to make it applicable to real acoustic data collected by this system. The processor is initially tested on simulated backscatter data and is shown to be very effective in estimating the seafloor parameters of interest. The simulated data are also used to study the effect of data averaging and normalization in the absence of system calibration information. The same estimation procedure is applied to real data collected over two central North Pacific seamounts, Horizon Guyot and Magellan Rise. The Horizon Guyot results are very close to estimates obtained through a curve‐fitting procedure presented by de Moustier and Alexandrou [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 90, 522–531 (1991)]. In the case of Magellan Rise, discrepancies are observed between the results of ML estimation and curve fitting

    Differential Phase Estimation with the SeaMARC II Bathymetric Sidescan Sonar System

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    A maximum-likelihood estimator is used to extract differential phase measurements from noisy seafloor echoes received at pairs of transducers mounted on either side of the SeaMARC II bathymetricsidescan sonar system. Carrier frequencies for each side are about 1 kHz apart, and echoes from a transmitted pulse 2 ms long are analyzed. For each side, phase difference sequences are derived from the full complex data consisting of base-banded and digitized quadrature components of the received echoes. With less bias and a lower variance, this method is shown to be more efficient than a uniform mean estimator. It also does not exhibit the angular or time ambiguities commonly found in the histogram method used in the SeaMARC II system. A figure for the estimation uncertainty of the phasedifference is presented, and results are obtained for both real and simulated data. Based on this error estimate and an empirical verification derived through coherent ping stacking, a single filter length of 100 ms is chosen for data processing application
