13 research outputs found

    Softwarization in Future Mobile Networks and Energy Efficient Networks

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    The data growth generated by pervasive mobile devices and the Internet of Things at the network edge (i.e., closer to mobile users), couple with the demand for ultra-low latency, requires high computation resources which are not available at the end-user device. This demands a new network design paradigm in order to handle user demands. As a remedy, a new MN network design paradigm has emerged, called Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), to enable low-latency and location-aware data processing at the network edge. MEC is based on network function virtualization (NFV) technology, where mobile network functions (NFs) that formerly existed in the evolved packet core (EPC) are moved to the access network [i.e., they are deployed on local cloud platforms in proximity to the base stations (BSs)]. In order to reap the full benefits of the virtualized infrastructure, the NFV technology shall be combined with intelligent mechanisms for handling network resources. Despite the potential benefits presented by MEC, energy consumption is a challenge due to the foreseen dense deployment of BSs empowered with computation capabilities. In the effort to build greener 5G mobile network (MN), we advocate the integration of energy harvesting (EH) into future edge systems

    DyMo: Dynamic Monitoring of Large Scale LTE-Multicast Systems

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    LTE evolved Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (eMBMS) is an attractive solution for video delivery to very large groups in crowded venues. However, deployment and management of eMBMS systems is challenging, due to the lack of realtime feedback from the User Equipment (UEs). Therefore, we present the Dynamic Monitoring (DyMo) system for low-overhead feedback collection. DyMo leverages eMBMS for broadcasting Stochastic Group Instructions to all UEs. These instructions indicate the reporting rates as a function of the observed Quality of Service (QoS). This simple feedback mechanism collects very limited QoS reports from the UEs. The reports are used for network optimization, thereby ensuring high QoS to the UEs. We present the design aspects of DyMo and evaluate its performance analytically and via extensive simulations. Specifically, we show that DyMo infers the optimal eMBMS settings with extremely low overhead, while meeting strict QoS requirements under different UE mobility patterns and presence of network component failures. For instance, DyMo can detect the eMBMS Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) experienced by the 0.1% percentile of the UEs with Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.05% with only 5 to 10 reports per second regardless of the number of UEs

    Exploiting Caching and Multicast for 5G Wireless Networks

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    Determinação de tráfego para uplink de vídeo e otimização de rede

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaCom o aumento do número de plataformas de transmissão de vídeo, as operadoras têm sofrido uma maior sobrecarga nas suas redes. De forma a fornecer uma melhor gestão dessas mesmas redes, garantindo qualidade de serviço a todos os clientes, torna-se necessário dar prioridade ao tráfego correspondente a vídeo aplicando novos conveitos na área das telecomunicações, como é o caso de Software-Defined Networking. Esta dissertação procura, numa primeira fase, apresentar uma revisão de vários temas relacionados com a determinação de tráfego de vídeo, Software-Defined Networking e qualidade de serviço. Posteriormente, é apresentada uma solução de uma aplicação de monitorização, que tem como objetivo, a deteção de tráfego de vídeo, de forma a ajudar na priorização de tráfego e na otimização da rede. A solução é validada através de uma implementação, baseada na performance e na baixa latência do sistema, que procura responder o mais rápido possível com informação sobre um determinado fluxo de pacotes na rede. São ainda apresentados resultados relativos a esta implementação.With the increase of live streaming platforms, service providers have been experiencing a overhead on their networks. In order to provide a better management of these networks, ensuring quality of service to all customers, it is necessary to prioritize video traffic using new concepts being introduced into the telecommunications field, such as Software-Defined Networking. Firstly, this dissertation aims to present a review of several topics related with video traffic determination, Software-Defned Networking and quality of service. Secondly, a monitoring application solution is presented, which aims to detect video traffic in order to help the prioritization of traffic and network optimization. The solution is validated through an implementation, based on the system’s performance and low latency, which tries to reply as quickly as possible with information about a certain flow of network packets. Results related with this implementation are also presente

    Hallintakerroksen suorituskyvyn vertailu virtualisoidussa tukiasemaohjaimessa

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    Mobile networks are in a middle of big changes. Requirements for scaling the networks while data and subscriber amounts are rapidly increasing make current network architectures too ossified. Current way of deploying mobile network with proprietary hardware and software of telecom equipment vendors is no longer sustainable. Telecom operators are having or will have profit problems with the current way. Fundamentals of building networks have to be changed. New paradigms from IT and internet world are coming also to mobile networks. Virtualized IT server hardware and cloud based service model together with latest concepts like SDN (Software Defined Networking) and NFV (Network Function Virtualization) are eagerly integrated as a parts of operator’s mobile network. Although most studies are concentrating on latest generations of mobile networks, mainly 4G, also older generations need to be part of the whole network portfolio. Future networks need to be transparent for users. In this scope, RAN (Radio Access Network) is in the biggest role being in the middle of the mobile user and the core network. This thesis studies the Single RAN concept from 2G BSC (Base Station Controller) point of view and what cloud, SDN and NFV would mean in that context. There were two main objectives for this study. First, based on literature, it was studied how telecom networks are technologically emerging from the current situation towards cloud service era. That was reflected to how all virtualization and cloud related technologies will possibly influence to the mobile network evolution and what high level steps are expected in the journey. As the study was focused in BSC, it was examined how the current architecture could be evolved to meet telecom industry requirements of the upcoming changes. Single (or common) radio access network is one part of the evolution and from the BSC point of view the scope was also to evaluate, what possibilities there are to merge the radio network controller functionality in 2G and 3G on top of a common virtualized hardware. Secondly two different initiatives of possibly needed steps in BSC part of the evolution were studied in practice. Many small steps will be needed and these experiments were just very small pieces in the entity. Those, however, indicated that a lot of studies, experiments and BSC architecture redesign will be needed.Mobiiliverkot ovat suurten muutosten keskellä. Nykyinen verkkoarkkitehtuuri on liian kankea vastatakseen verkon skaalautumisvaatimuksiin tiedon ja tilaajamäärien nopeasti kasvaessa. Nykyinen tapa kehittää mobiiliverkkoja verkkolaitetoimittajien suljetuilla laitteisto- ja ohjelmistoratkaisuilla ei enää ole kestävää. Nykyisellä tavalla mobiiliverkko-operaattoreilla on tai tulee olemaan kannattavuusongelmia. Mobiiliverkkojen rakentamisperiaatteiden täytyy muuttua. IT- ja internetmaailman uudet ajatusmallit tekevät tuloaan myös mobiiliverkkoihin. Virtualisoitu IT palvelinlaitteisto, pilvipalvelumallit yhdessä viimeisimpien käsitteiden, kuten SDN (Software Defined Networking) ja NFV (Network Function Virtualization) integroidaan innolla mobiiliverkkoihin. Vaikka useimmat tutkimukset keskittyvätkin viimeisiin mobiiliverkkoteknologioihin, kuten 4G, myös vanhempien teknologioiden täytyy olla osana laajempaa mobiiliverkkoa. Tässä tarkastelussa radioverkko on suurimassa roolissa mobiilikäyttäjän ja runkoverkon välissä. Tämä lopputyö tutki yhden radioverkon mallia 2G-tukiasemaohjaimen näkökulmasta, ja mitä nuo SDN ja NFV voisivat siinä yhteydessä tarkoittaa. Tässä lopputyössä oli kaksi pääkohdetta. Ensiksi, tutkittiin kirjallisuudesta, miten mobiiliverkot ovat teknisesti kehittymässä nykyisestä tilanteesta kohti pilvipalvelumallia. Tämä heijastuu siihen, miten kaikki virtualisointi ja pilvipalveluun liittyvät teknologiat tulevat mahdollisesti vaikuttamaan mobiiliverkkojen kehitykseen, ja mitä vaiheita kehitykseen liittyy. Koska lopputyö kohdistui 2G-tukiasemaohjaimeen, sen nykyistä arkkitehtuuria arvioitiin, miten se voisi kehittyä vastatakseen mobiiliverkkojen tuleviin vaatimuksiin. Yhteinen radioverkko on myös osa tätä kehitystä, siksi tuliaseman näkökulmasta pohdittiin myös, mitä vaihtoehtoja olisi yhdistää 2G- ja 3G-tukiasemaohjaimet toimivaksi yhteisessä virtualisoidussa laitteistossa. Toiseksi, tutkittiin käytännössä kahta mahdollista vaihetta, mitä saatetaan tarvita, kun tukiasemaohjainta virtualisoidaan. Nuo olivat pieniä vaiheita kokoisuuden kannalta mutta osoittivat, että tarvitaan paljon tutkimuksia, käytännön kokeiluja sekä tukiasemaohjaimen arkkitehtuurin uudelleen suunnittelua lopullisten tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi