239 research outputs found

    Quality of Information in Mobile Crowdsensing: Survey and Research Challenges

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    Smartphones have become the most pervasive devices in people's lives, and are clearly transforming the way we live and perceive technology. Today's smartphones benefit from almost ubiquitous Internet connectivity and come equipped with a plethora of inexpensive yet powerful embedded sensors, such as accelerometer, gyroscope, microphone, and camera. This unique combination has enabled revolutionary applications based on the mobile crowdsensing paradigm, such as real-time road traffic monitoring, air and noise pollution, crime control, and wildlife monitoring, just to name a few. Differently from prior sensing paradigms, humans are now the primary actors of the sensing process, since they become fundamental in retrieving reliable and up-to-date information about the event being monitored. As humans may behave unreliably or maliciously, assessing and guaranteeing Quality of Information (QoI) becomes more important than ever. In this paper, we provide a new framework for defining and enforcing the QoI in mobile crowdsensing, and analyze in depth the current state-of-the-art on the topic. We also outline novel research challenges, along with possible directions of future work.Comment: To appear in ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN

    When mobile crowd sensing meets traditional industry

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    With the evolution of mobile phone sensing and wireless networking technologies, mobile crowd sensing (MCS) has become a promising paradigm for large-scale sensing applications. MCS is a type of multi-participant sensing that has been widely used by many sensing applications because of its inherent capabilities, e.g., high mobility, scalability, and cost effectiveness. This paper reviews the existing works of MCS and clarifies the operability of MCS in sensing applications.With wide use and operability of MCS, MCS’s industrial applications are investigated based on the clarifications of (i) the evolution of industrial sensing, and (ii) the benefits MCS can provide to current industrial sensing. As a feasible industrial sensing paradigm, MCS opens up a new field that provides a flexible, scalable, and costeffective solution for addressing sensing problems in industrial spaces

    Incentive Mechanisms for Participatory Sensing: Survey and Research Challenges

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    Participatory sensing is a powerful paradigm which takes advantage of smartphones to collect and analyze data beyond the scale of what was previously possible. Given that participatory sensing systems rely completely on the users' willingness to submit up-to-date and accurate information, it is paramount to effectively incentivize users' active and reliable participation. In this paper, we survey existing literature on incentive mechanisms for participatory sensing systems. In particular, we present a taxonomy of existing incentive mechanisms for participatory sensing systems, which are subsequently discussed in depth by comparing and contrasting different approaches. Finally, we discuss an agenda of open research challenges in incentivizing users in participatory sensing.Comment: Updated version, 4/25/201

    Mechanisms for improving information quality in smartphone crowdsensing systems

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    Given its potential for a large variety of real-life applications, smartphone crowdsensing has recently gained tremendous attention from the research community. Smartphone crowdsensing is a paradigm that allows ordinary citizens to participate in large-scale sensing surveys by using user-friendly applications installed in their smartphones. In this way, fine-grained sensing information is obtained from smartphone users without employing fixed and expensive infrastructure, and with negligible maintenance costs. Existing smartphone sensing systems depend completely on the participants\u27 willingness to submit up-to-date and accurate information regarding the events being monitored. Therefore, it becomes paramount to scalably and effectively determine, enforce, and optimize the information quality of the sensing reports submitted by the participants. To this end, mechanisms to improve information quality in smartphone crowdsensing systems were designed in this work. Firstly, the FIRST framework is presented, which is a reputation-based mechanism that leverages the concept of mobile trusted participants to determine and improve the information quality of collected data. Secondly, it is mathematically modeled and studied the problem of maximizing the likelihood of successful execution of sensing tasks when participants having uncertain mobility execute sensing tasks. Two incentive mechanisms based on game and auction theory are then proposed to efficiently and scalably solve such problem. Experimental results demonstrate that the mechanisms developed in this thesis outperform existing state of the art in improving information quality in smartphone crowdsensing systems --Abstract, page iii

    A Survey on Mobile Crowdsensing Systems: Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities

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    Mobile crowdsensing (MCS) has gained significant attention in recent years and has become an appealing paradigm for urban sensing. For data collection, MCS systems rely on contribution from mobile devices of a large number of participants or a crowd. Smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices are deployed widely and already equipped with a rich set of sensors, making them an excellent source of information. Mobility and intelligence of humans guarantee higher coverage and better context awareness if compared to traditional sensor networks. At the same time, individuals may be reluctant to share data for privacy concerns. For this reason, MCS frameworks are specifically designed to include incentive mechanisms and address privacy concerns. Despite the growing interest in the research community, MCS solutions need a deeper investigation and categorization on many aspects that span from sensing and communication to system management and data storage. In this paper, we take the research on MCS a step further by presenting a survey on existing works in the domain and propose a detailed taxonomy to shed light on the current landscape and classify applications, methodologies, and architectures. Our objective is not only to analyze and consolidate past research but also to outline potential future research directions and synergies with other research areas

    Distributed microservices evaluation in edge computing

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    Abstract. Current Internet of Things applications rely on centralized cloud computing when processing data. Future applications, such as smart cities, homes, and vehicles, however, generate so much data that cloud computing is unable to provide the required Quality of Service. Thus, edge computing, which pulls data and related computation from distant data centers to the network edge, is seen as the way forward in the evolution of the Internet of Things. The traditional cloud applications, implemented as centralized server-side monoliths, may prove unfavorable for edge systems, due to the distributed nature of the network edge. On the other hand, the recent development practices of containerization and microservices seem like an attractive choice for edge application development. Containerization enables edge computing to use lightweight virtualized resources. Microservices modularize application on the functional level into small, independent packages. This thesis studies the impact of containers and distributed microservices on edge computing, based on service execution latency and energy consumption. Evaluation is done by developing a monolithic and a distributed microservice version of a user mobility analysis service. Both services are containerized with Docker and deployed on resource-constrained edge devices to conduct measurements in real-world settings. Collected results show that centralized monoliths provide lower latencies for small amounts of data, while distributed microservices are faster for large amounts of data. Partitioning services onto multiple edge devices is shown to increases energy consumption significantly.Hajautettujen mikropalveluiden arviointi reunalaskennassa. Tiivistelmä. Nykyiset Esineiden Internet -järjestelmät hyödyntävät keskitettyä pilvilaskentaa datan prosessointiin. Tulevaisuuden sovellusalueet, kuten älykkäät kaupungit, kodit ja ajoneuvot tuottavat kuitenkin niin paljon dataa, ettei pilvilaskenta pysty täyttämään tarvittavia sovelluspalveluiden laatukriteerejä. Pilvipohjainen sovellusten toteutus on osoittautunut sopimattomaksi hajautetuissa tietoliikenneverkoissa tiedonsiirron viiveiden takia. Täten laskennan ja datan siirtämistä tietoliikenneverkkojen päätepisteisiin reunalaskentaa varten pidetään tärkeänä osana Esineiden Internetin kehitystä. Pilvisovellusten perinteinen keskitetty monoliittinen toteutus saattaa osoittautua sopimattomiksi reunajärjestelmille tietoliikenneverkkojen hajautetun infrastruktuurin takia. Kontit ja mikropalvelut vaikuttavat houkuttelevilta vaihtoehdoilta reunasovellusten suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen. Kontit mahdollistavat reunalaskennalle kevyiden virtualisoitujen resurssien käytön ja mikropalvelut jakavat sovellukset toiminnallisella tasolla pienikokoisiin itsenäisiin osiin. Tässä työssä selvitetään konttien ja hajautettujen mikropalveluiden toteutustavan vaikutusta viiveeseen ja energiankulutukseen reunalaskennassa. Arviointi tehdään todellisessa ympäristössä toteuttamalla mobiilikäyttäjien liikkumista kaupunkialueella analysoiva keskitetty monoliittinen palvelu sekä vastaava hajautettu mikropalvelupohjainen toteutus. Molemmat versiot kontitetaan ja otetaan käyttöön verkon reunalaitteilla, joiden laskentateho on alhainen. Tuloksista nähdään, että keskitettyjen monoliittien viive on alhaisempi pienille datamäärille, kun taas hajautetut mikropalvelut ovat nopeampia suurille määrille dataa. Sovelluksen jakaminen usealle reunalaitteelle kasvatti energiankulutusta huomattavasti

    Crowdsensing solutions for urban pollution monitoring using smartphones

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    La contaminación ambiental es uno de los principales problemas que afecta a nuestro planeta. El crecimiento industrial y los aglomerados urbanos, entre otros, están contribuyendo a que dicho problema se diversifique y se cronifique. La presencia de contaminantes ambientales en niveles elevados afecta la salud humana, siendo la calidad del aire y los niveles de ruido ejemplos de factores que pueden causar efectos negativos en las personas tanto psicológicamente como fisiológicamente. Sin embargo, la ubiquidad de los microcomputadores, y el aumento de los sensores incorporados en nuestros smartphones, han hecho posible la aparición de nuevas estrategias para medir dicha contaminación. Así, el Mobile Crowdsensing se ha convertido en un nuevo paradigma mediante el cual los teléfonos inteligentes emergen como tecnología habilitadora, y cuya adopción generalizada proporciona un enorme potencial para su crecimiento, permitiendo operar a gran escala, y con unos costes asumibles para la sociedad. A través del crowdsensing, los teléfonos inteligentes pueden convertirse en unidades de detección flexibles y multiuso que, a través de los sensores integrados en dichos dispositivos, o combinados con nuevos sensores, permiten monitorizar regiones de interés con una buena granularidad tanto espacial como temporal. En esta tesis nos centramos en el diseño de soluciones de crowdsensing usando smartphones donde abordamos problemas de contaminación ambiental, específicamente del ruido y de la contaminación del aire. Con este objetivo, se estudian, en primer lugar, las propuestas de crowdsensing que han surgido en los últimos años. Los resultados de nuestro estudio demuestran que todavía hay mucha heterogeneidad en términos de tecnologías utilizadas y métodos de implementación, aunque los diseños modulares en el cliente y en el servidor parecen ser dominantes. Con respecto a la contaminación del aire, proponemos una arquitectura que permita medir la contaminación del aire, concretamente del ozono, dentro de entornos urbanos. Nuestra propuesta utiliza smartphones como centro de la arquitectura, siendo estos dispositivos los encargados de leer los datos de un sensor móvil externo, y de luego enviar dichos datos a un servidor central para su procesamiento y tratamiento. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la orientación del sensor y el período de muestreo, dentro de ciertos límites, tienen muy poca influencia en los datos capturados. Con respecto a la contaminación acústica, proponemos una arquitectura para medir los niveles de ruido en entornos urbanos basada en crowdsensing, y cuya característica principal es que no requiere intervención del usuario. En esta tesis detallamos aspectos tales como la calibración de los smartphones, la calidad de las medidas obtenidas, el instante de muestreo, el diseño del servidor, y la interacción cliente-servidor. Además, hemos validado nuestra solución en escenarios reales para demostrar el potencial de la solución alcanzada. Los resultados experimentales muestran que, con nuestra propuesta, es posible medir niveles de ruido en diferentes zonas urbanas o rurales con un grado de precisión comparable al de los dispositivos profesionales, todo ello sin requerir intervención del usuario, y con un consumo reducido en cuanto a recursos del sistema. En general, las diferentes contribuciones de esta tesis doctoral ofrecen un punto de partida para nuevos desarrollos, ofreciendo estrategias de calibración y algoritmos eficientes de cara a realizar medidas representativas. Además, una importante ventaja de nuestra propuesta es que puede ser implementada de forma directa tanto en instituciones públicas como no gubernamentales en poco tiempo, ya que utiliza tecnología accesible y soluciones basadas en código abierto.La contaminació ambiental és un dels principals problemes que afecten el nostre planeta. El creixement industrial i els aglomerats urbans, entre altres, estan contribuint al fet que aquest problema es diversifique i es cronifique. La presència de contaminants ambientals en nivells elevats afecta la salut humana, sent la qualitat de l'aire i els nivells de soroll exemples de factors que poden causar efectes negatius en les persones, tant psicològicament com fisiològicament. No obstant això, la ubiqüitat de les microcomputadores i l'augment dels sensors incorporats als nostres telèfons intel·ligents han fet possible l'aparició de noves estratègies per a mesurar aquesta contaminació. Així, el mobile crowdsensing s'ha convertit en un nou paradigma mitjançant el qual els telèfons intel·ligents emergeixen com a tecnologia habilitadora, i l'adopció generalitzada d'aquest proporciona un enorme potencial per al seu creixement, ja que permet operar a gran escala i amb uns costos assumibles per a la societat. A través del crowdsensing, els telèfons intel·ligents poden convertir-se en unitats de detecció flexibles i multiús que, a través dels sensors integrats en els esmentats dispositius, o combinats amb nous sensors, permeten monitoritzar regions d'interès amb una bona granularitat, tant espacial com temporal. En aquesta tesi ens centrem en el disseny de solucions de crowdsensing usant telèfons intel·ligents, on abordem problemes de contaminació ambiental, específicament del soroll i de la contaminació de l'aire. Amb aquest objectiu, s'estudien, en primer lloc, les propostes de crowdsensing que han sorgit en els últims anys. Els resultats del nostre estudi demostren que encara hi ha molta heterogeneïtat en termes de tecnologies utilitzades i mètodes d'implementació, encara que els dissenys modulars en el client i en el servidor semblen ser dominants. Pel que fa a la contaminació de l'aire, proposem una arquitectura que permeta mesurar la contaminació d'aquest, concretament de l'ozó, dins d'entorns urbans. La nostra proposta utilitza telèfons intel·ligents com a centre de l'arquitectura, sent aquests dispositius els encarregats de llegir les dades d'un sensor mòbil extern, i d'enviar després aquestes dades a un servidor central per al seu processament i tractament. Els resultats obtinguts demostren que l'orientació del sensor i el període de mostratge, dins de certs límits, tenen molt poca influència en les dades capturades. Pel que fa a la contaminació acústica, proposem una arquitectura per a mesurar els nivells de soroll en entorns urbans basada en crowdsensing, i la característica principal de la qual és que no requereix intervenció de la persona usuària. En aquesta tesi detallem aspectes com ara el calibratge dels telèfons intel·ligents, la qualitat de les mesures obtingudes, l'instant de mostratge, el disseny del servidor i la interacció client-servidor. A més, hem validat la nostra solució en escenaris reals per a demostrar el potencial de la solució assolida. Els resultats experimentals mostren que, amb la nostra proposta, és possible mesurar nivells de soroll en diferents zones urbanes o rurals amb un grau de precisió comparable al dels dispositius professionals, tot això sense requerir intervenció de l'usuari o usuària, i amb un consum reduït quant a recursos del sistema. En general, les diferents contribucions d'aquesta tesi doctoral ofereixen un punt de partida per a nous desenvolupaments, i ofereixen estratègies de calibratge i algorismes eficients amb vista a realitzar mesures representatives. A més, un important avantatge de la nostra proposta és que pot ser implementada de forma directa tant en institucions públiques com no governamentals en poc de temps, ja que utilitza tecnologia accessible i solucions basades en el codi obert.Environmental pollution is one of the main problems that affect our planet. Industrial growth and urban agglomerations, among others, are contributing to the diversification and chronification of this problem. The presence of environmental pollutants at high levels affect human health, with air quality and noise levels being examples of factors that can cause negative effects on people both psychologically and physiologically. Traditionally, environmental pollution is measured through monitoring centers, which are usually fixed and have a high cost. However, the ubiquity of microcomputers and the increase in the number of sensors embedded in our smartphones, have paved the way for the appearance of new strategies to measure such pollution. Thus, Mobile Crowdsensing has become a new paradigm through which smartphones emerge as an enabling technology, and whose widespread adoption provides enormous potential for growth, allowing large-scale operations, and with costs acceptable to our society. Through crowdsensing, smartphones can become flexible and multipurpose detection units that, through the sensors integrated into these devices, or combined with new sensors, allow monitoring regions of interest with good spatial and temporal granularity. In this thesis, we focus on the design of crowdsensing solutions using smartphones. We deal with environmental pollution problems, specifically noise and air pollution. With this objective, the crowdsensing proposals that have emerged in recent years are studied in the first place. The results of our study show that there is still a lot of heterogeneity in terms of technologies used and implementation methods, although modular designs at both client and server seem to be dominant. Concerning air pollution, we propose an architecture that allows measuring air pollution, specifically ozone, in urban environments. Our proposal uses smartphones as the center of the architecture, being these devices responsible for reading the data obtained by an external mobile sensor, and then sending such data to a central server for processing and analysis. In this proposal, several problems have been analyzed with regard to the orientation of the external sensor and the sampling time, and the proposed solution has been validated in real scenarios. The results obtained show that the orientation of the sensor and the sampling period, within certain limits, have very little influence on the captured data. Also, by comparing the heat maps generated by our solution with the data from the existing monitoring stations in the city of Valencia, we demonstrate that our approach is capable of providing greater data granularity. Concerning noise pollution, we propose an architecture to measure noise levels in urban environments based on crowdsensing, and whose main characteristic is that it does not require user intervention. In this thesis, we detail aspects such as the calibration of smartphones, the quality of the measurements obtained, the sampling instant, the server design, and the client-server interaction. Besides, we have validated our solution in real scenarios to demonstrate the potential of the proposed solution. Experimental results show that, with our proposal, it is possible to measure noise levels in different urban or rural areas with a degree of precision comparable to that of professional devices, all without requiring the intervention of the user, and with reduced consumption of system resources. In general, the different contributions of this doctoral thesis provide a starting point for new developments, offering efficient calibration strategies and algorithms to make representative measurements. Besides, a significant advantage of our proposal is that it can be implemented straightforwardly by both public and non-governmental institutions in a short time, as it relies on accessible technology and open source softwareZamora Mero, WJ. (2018). Crowdsensing solutions for urban pollution monitoring using smartphones [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/115483TESI