10,262 research outputs found

    The Interaction Effect of Task Experience and New Technology on Cognitive Beliefs

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    Effects of user experience on user resistance to change to the voice user interface of an in‑vehicle infotainment system: Implications for platform and standards competition

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    This study examines the effects of user experience on user resistance to change—particularly, on the relationship between user resistance to change and its antecedents (i.e. switching costs and perceived value) in the context of the voice user interface of an in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) system. This research offers several salient findings. First, it shows that user experience positively moderates the relationship between uncertainty costs (one type of switching cost) and user resistance. It also negatively moderates the association between perceived value and user resistance. Second, the research test results demonstrate that users with a high degree of prior experience with the voice user interface of other smart devices exhibit low user resistance to change to the voice user interface in an IVI system. Third, we show that three types of switching costs (transition costs, in particular) may directly influence users to resist a change to the voice user interface. Fourth, our test results empirically demonstrate that both switching costs and perceived value affect user resistance to change in the context of an IVI system, which differs from the traditional IS research setting (i.e. enterprise systems). These findings may guide not only platform leaders in designing user interfaces, user experiences, and marketing strategies, but also firms that want to defend themselves from platform envelopment while devising defensive strategies in platform and standards competition

    Virtual world commerce adoption (VWCA) : a case study of second life investigating the impacts of perceived affordances, trust, and need satisfaction

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    Virtual worlds are computer-simulated worlds in which multi-players can simultaneously interact in a rich graphical environment. The development of virtual worlds, along with the massive growth of users, creates opportunities for business organizations. This dissertation involves many studies regarding virtual world adoption in business by virtual consumers. Most of the research in Information Systems (IS) was conducted investigating factors influencing technology adoption, such as ease of use and usefulness, subjective norms and behavioral controls, self-efficacy, performance and effort expectancy, flow, etc. However, most of these research studies focused neither on design aspects related to affordances nor users\u27 goal-oriented behaviors, such as need satisfaction. This dissertation examines the effect of affordances, referring to a property of an object, animal, or environment that affords, or makes available certain actions. Particularly, this dissertation investigates the users\u27 perceived affordance of virtual products and environments, in which business transactions take place. In addition, relationship-based trust and need satisfaction are considered as crucial determinants of virtual world commerce adoption in this dissertation. There are three studies that were conducted in Second Life in this dissertation, which are two preliminary studies and a main study. The preliminary studies use multiple data collection methods, including user interviews, documentation, direct observations, and questionnaire surveys. The results of the preliminary studies suggest that trust, social influence, system security, system quality, and service quality are vital for users when they make purchase decisions. The initial measurement model containing valid and reliable measurement scales of the main research constructs was proposed. The main study, using a revised questionnaire survey from the preliminary studies, was conducted to develop the conceptual framework of Virtual World Commerce Adoption (VWCA). Covariance-based and PLS-based path analyses were employed based on the data obtained from the participants who have different experience levels with online business transactions. The final results show a significant relationship between perceived affordances and intention to purchase products in the virtual world. This relationship is mediated by need satisfaction. However, the mediating effect of relationship-based trust is not significant. This is due to more concern about trust related to technical aspects of the system rather than trust from social exchange process

    Self-Directed Learning and Technology Adoption by Principals

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    The changes in educational technology present challenges for K-12 principals leading students and faculty who are more engaged with classroom technology. The role of self-directed learning and how K-12 principals adopt the technology while leading the deployment and implementation of classroom technologies is not known due to a limited amount of empirical research. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between technology adoption and self-directed learning by K-12 principals. Using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology as the theoretical framework, a quantitative cross-sectional study was designed. The survey instruments, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Personal Responsibility Orientation Self-Directed Learning Scale were used to collect data from K-12 principals in the state of Arkansas. A regression and correlational analysis of the responses from 40 principals revealed a small positive but not statistically significant relationship between self-directed learning and technology adoption. The results also showed strong and moderate statistically significant correlations between the constructs of technology adoption and self-directed learning. The results from this research may provide a framework for pre-service and ongoing professional development of educational technology leadership. This study addresses positive social change by providing insight to administrators and bringing greater awareness to technology adoption. A greater awareness may increase their understanding of classroom technologies and may provide a foundation for better stewardship over public funds and purposeful engagement with students, parents, and the community

    Behavioral Accounting and its Interactions

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    Behavioral accounting is a branch of accounting that is related to behavior besides the accounting knowledge. It deals with the attitude and behavior of people when they are encountered with an accounting phenomenon which determines the behavior that they will show in decision‐making. This special area of accounting addresses such aspects as human information‐processing behavior, judgment quality, accounting problems that are created by users and providers of accounting information, and accounting information users’ and producers’ decision‐making skills. Behavioral research tries to find out how individuals make decisions and interact and influence other individuals, organizations, markets, and society. Behavioral accounting concept is examined under the topics of the influence of accounting information on behavior, managerial control (budget participation, nonfinancial measures, leadership, and balanced scorecard), auditing (auditor‐client negotiations, auditor’s judgment, and decision‐making), and ethics (ethical decision‐making, ethical orientation, and rationalizations on unethical behavior) in this chapter

    The Customer-Centered B2C Literature through the Lens of Activity Theory: A Review and Research Agenda

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    A multitude of published research studies investigate the B2C phenomenon from the customer point of view. At this point, making sense of such a large number of studies is a difficult task. The aim of this paper is to organize the literature to provide a clear depiction of what we know and what we don\u27t know about it in order to identify specific areas where future research efforts are needed. A review of the B2C literature of the past seven years yielded 115 papers investigating the phenomenon from the user/customer perspective, 74 of these were empirical. This literature is organized according to the Activity Theory framework, allowing for an enhanced understanding of the phenomenon through a social context perspective. Future research directions are identified and discussed

    Financial Management Information System within Government Institution and Supply Chain Strategy: Implementation Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

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    The provision of comprehensive financial information by the government institution is needed by the wider community to boost the effectiveness of the information to the society and government, and decision-making. This system produces information that is able to encourage the realization of a clean, transparent, and able government to respond to changing demands effectively. Therefore, the success of the information system if the users are successful in the model of acceptance of the systems and information technology and it would be improving their performance. This research aims to examine the acceptance of regional financial information systems in government using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and evidence of its influence on the performance. The study found 556 respondents who are civil servants in Lampung Province. The finding using SEM analysis shows that all constructs have an effect in conformity with the concept of TAM in a government institution. This study reveals that all variables which include the model of TAM theory have a positive impact on the user's performance. It also improves the effectiveness of the information system within the government institution, especially the implementation of the financial management information system

    Motivations of Students in the Open-Ended Use of Mobile Computing in Lecture-Based Classrooms

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    While research supports the integration of mobile computing into instruction, there is disagreement concerning the unstructured use of mobile devices in lecture-based college classrooms. Research supports the argument that unstructured use creates distraction and decreased academic performance. Research also suggests that unstructured use actually supports lecture instruction through personalized learning situations. In either case, the motivations of students to use mobile device is often unclear. This study sought to investigate the motivations for students’ acceptance of mobile devices. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was utilized to identify the factors leading to college students’ adoption of mobile devices. A survey based on UTAUT was distributed to 254 college students in six distinct lecture-based general education courses. The results revealed that Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, and Social Influence were positively correlated with Behavioral Intention for class-related behavior, with Performance Expectancy being the most significant. None of the constructs were significant for behavior unrelated to lecture. Analysis of the students’ intention based on the UTAUT moderators of age, gender, and experience did not produce any significant difference, nor did an analysis of the classes by subject. The study concludes that the ability of a mobile device to complete specific tasks was the strongest motivating factor leading to intention

    An exploration of computer-mediated skill acquisition in concept mapping by in-service panamanian public elementary school teachers

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    A large body of research provides evidence that concept mapping can support meaningful learning. However, very little is known about how novice mappers acquire the ability to construct concept maps. This dissertation explored the process by which learners acquire skills in computer mediated concept mapping. The study took place in Panama’s Conéctate Project, where elementary public schoolteachers are being trained in concept mapping in 2-week workshops. In view of the time average learners require to become proficient mappers, the short period considered by this study, at best, tells only part of the story. It constitutes, nonetheless, a solid starting point, helping us understand the difficulties that novice mappers confront, and explain the initial resistance they often display. This understanding, in turn, can assist in developing more effective concept mapping training programs.Gran cantidad de investigaciones proveen evidencia de que los mapas conceptuales pueden apoyar el aprendizaje significativo. No obstante, muy poco se sabe sobre cómo los mapeadores novatos adquieren habilidades para construir mapas conceptuales. Esta disertación exploró el proceso por el cual los aprendientes adquieren habilidades en la construcción de mapas conceptuales mediados por computadora. El estudio se realizó en el Proyecto Conéctate de Panamá, donde se está capacitando a maestros de escuelas primarias públicas para construir mapas conceptuales en talleres de 2 semanas. En vista del tiempo promedio que requieren los aprendientes para volverse mapeadores competentes, el corto período considerado por este estudio, a lo sumo, cuenta parte de la historia. Constituye, sin embargo, un sólido punto de partida, que nos ayuda a comprender las dificultades que enfrentan los mapeadores novatos y a explicar la resistencia inicial que suelen mostrar. Esta comprensión, a su vez, puede ayudar a desarrollar programas de capacitación más efectivos.Gran quantitat d'investigacions proveeixen evidència que els mapes conceptuals poden donar suport a l'aprenentatge significatiu. Tot i això, molt poc se sap sobre com els mapejadors novells adquireixen habilitats per construir mapes conceptuals. Aquesta dissertació va explorar el procés pel qual els aprenents adquireixen habilitats en la construcció de mapes conceptuals intervinguts per ordinador. L'estudi es va realitzar al Projecte Conéctate de Panamà, on s'està capacitant mestres d'escoles primàries públiques per construir mapes conceptuals a tallers de 2 setmanes. En vista del temps mitjà que requereixen els aprenents per tornar-se mapejadors competents, el curt període considerat per aquest estudi, com a màxim, explica part de la història. Constitueix, però, un sòlid punt de partida, que ens ajuda a comprendre les dificultats que enfronten els mapejadors novells i a explicar la resistència inicial que solen mostrar. Aquesta comprensió, alhora, pot ajudar a desenvolupar programes de capacitació més efectius.Societat de la informació i el coneixemen