26 research outputs found

    Understanding the Limitations of CNN-based Absolute Camera Pose Regression

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    Visual localization is the task of accurate camera pose estimation in a known scene. It is a key problem in computer vision and robotics, with applications including self-driving cars, Structure-from-Motion, SLAM, and Mixed Reality. Traditionally, the localization problem has been tackled using 3D geometry. Recently, end-to-end approaches based on convolutional neural networks have become popular. These methods learn to directly regress the camera pose from an input image. However, they do not achieve the same level of pose accuracy as 3D structure-based methods. To understand this behavior, we develop a theoretical model for camera pose regression. We use our model to predict failure cases for pose regression techniques and verify our predictions through experiments. We furthermore use our model to show that pose regression is more closely related to pose approximation via image retrieval than to accurate pose estimation via 3D structure. A key result is that current approaches do not consistently outperform a handcrafted image retrieval baseline. This clearly shows that additional research is needed before pose regression algorithms are ready to compete with structure-based methods.Comment: Initial version of a paper accepted to CVPR 201

    Calibrated and Partially Calibrated Semi-Generalized Homographies

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    In this paper, we propose the first minimal solutions for estimating the semi-generalized homography given a perspective and a generalized camera. The proposed solvers use five 2D-2D image point correspondences induced by a scene plane. One of them assumes the perspective camera to be fully calibrated, while the other solver estimates the unknown focal length together with the absolute pose parameters. This setup is particularly important in structure-from-motion and image-based localization pipelines, where a new camera is localized in each step with respect to a set of known cameras and 2D-3D correspondences might not be available. As a consequence of a clever parametrization and the elimination ideal method, our approach only needs to solve a univariate polynomial of degree five or three. The proposed solvers are stable and efficient as demonstrated by a number of synthetic and real-world experiments

    AtLoc: Attention Guided Camera Localization

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    Deep learning has achieved impressive results in camera localization, but current single-image techniques typically suffer from a lack of robustness, leading to large outliers. To some extent, this has been tackled by sequential (multi-images) or geometry constraint approaches, which can learn to reject dynamic objects and illumination conditions to achieve better performance. In this work, we show that attention can be used to force the network to focus on more geometrically robust objects and features, achieving state-of-the-art performance in common benchmark, even if using only a single image as input. Extensive experimental evidence is provided through public indoor and outdoor datasets. Through visualization of the saliency maps, we demonstrate how the network learns to reject dynamic objects, yielding superior global camera pose regression performance. The source code is avaliable at https://github.com/BingCS/AtLoc

    Can You Trust Your Pose? Confidence Estimation in Visual Localization

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    Camera pose estimation in large-scale environments is still an open question and, despite recent promising results, it may still fail in some situations. The research so far has focused on improving subcomponents of estimation pipelines, to achieve more accurate poses. However, there is no guarantee for the result to be correct, even though the correctness of pose estimation is critically important in several visual localization applications,such as in autonomous navigation. In this paper we bring to attention a novel research question, pose confidence estimation,where we aim at quantifying how reliable the visually estimated pose is. We develop a novel confidence measure to fulfil this task and show that it can be flexibly applied to different datasets,indoor or outdoor, and for various visual localization pipelines.We also show that the proposed techniques can be used to accomplish a secondary goal: improving the accuracy of existing pose estimation pipelines. Finally, the proposed approach is computationally light-weight and adds only a negligible increase to the computational effort of pose estimation.Comment: To appear in ICPR 202