11 research outputs found

    Mobil anlık mesajlaşma servislerinin kullanımı üzerinde etkili faktörlerin incelenmesi: Ardahan üniversitesi öğrencileri üzerinde bir saha araştırması

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    Mobil anlık mesajlaşma (MAM) servislerinin kullanımı tüm dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de artmıştır. Kullanıcılar arasında oldukça yaygınlaşan bu servislerin çok tercih edilmesi, bu servislerin kullanım tercihlerini belirleyen faktörleri açıklamayı önemli kılmıştır. Bu araştırma Teknoloji Kabul Modeli (TAM) temel alınarak, MAM servislerinin tercihlerini etkileyen faktörleri araştırmaktadır. TAM’ne eklenen özdeşleşme ve algılanan kritik yoğunluk faktörleri ile birlikte tercihlerin nasıl etkilendiği araştırılmıştır. Araştırma üniversite öğrencileri üzerinde yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre TAM faktörlerinin bu tercihleri olumlu açıkladığı, ayrıca eklenen özdeşleşme faktörünün ürünün algılanan kullanışlılığı üzerinde etkiye sahip olmadığı, algılanan kritik yoğunluk faktörünün algılanan kullanım kolaylığı ve niyet üzerinde olumlu bir etkiye sahip olduğu sonucu bulunmuştur

    The Role of Habit in Post-Adoption Switching of Personal Information Technologies: An Empirical Investigation

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    Unlike technology users in business organizations, users of personal information technologies are usually not bound to specific products and have the freedom to switch from one product to a substitute. As a unique and widespread product level post-adoption behavior, IT user switching has not garnered sufficient attention in the current literature. Prior research has suggested that a consumer’s decision to switch follows careful reasoning on three distinct groups of factors: push, pull, and mooring. Given the highly routinized nature of post-adoption IT use, we draw from research on habit in social psychology and post-adoption user behavior literatures, and argue that users’ habit plays a critical role in post-adoption IT switching. Specifically, we posit that the habit of using the incumbent product both contributes to the mooring effects during the formation of intention to switch, and moderates the relationship between intention and switching. We tested our hypotheses on a sample of 414 users presented with a choice of switching their Web browsers. Our findings confirm the direct influence of potential switchers’ habit on switching intention, and the interaction between habit and switching intention on switching. Our overall model explains 55 percent of total variance in users’ intention to switch and 23 percent of total variance in user switching. This study advances the theoretical and empirical understanding of post-adoption technology switching, valuable to both researchers and practitioners


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    Os modelos de aceitação da tecnologia têm evoluído e se transformado ao longo dos anos. A Teoria Unificada de Aceitação e Uso da Tecnologia (UTAUT) foi criada com o intuito de unir os principais estudos da área de aceitação da tecnologia. Entretanto, as pesquisas utilizando esse modelo são recentes, sendo importante conhecer como esses estudos estão se estruturando. Assim, este artigo tem o objetivo de identificar o estado da arte das pesquisas sobre o uso do UTAUT por meio da análise de artigos de periódicos internacionais. Dos artigos analisados, os quais utilizaram o modelo, procedeu-se análise em relação aos objetivos, campo de aplicação do modelo, teoria de base utilizada, aspectos metodológicos aplicados e principais resultados encontrados. Todos os estudos realizaram pesquisa survey, sendo a maioria dos dados analisados através de equações estruturais. Observou-se certa divergência quanto às influências dos construtos do modelo na aceitação e no uso da tecnologia.Technology acceptance models have evolved and undergone transformations over the years. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was created with the aim of unifying the major studies in the area of technology acceptance. However, studies making use of this model are recent, and it is important to learn how they are being structured. Therefore, this paper aims to identify the state-of-the art in research into the use of UTAUT through the analysis of studies published in international journals. The articles that adopted the model were examined and analyses were carried out in relation to aims, scope of the model, the theoretical fundaments, the methodology applied and main findings. All the studies were of the survey kind, and the majority of the data were analyzed by means of structural equations. There were some divergences as to the influences of the constructs of the model on the acceptance and use of technology

    Barriers to information and communication technology (ICT) adoption and use amongst SMEs: a study of the South African manufacturing sector

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Management (MMENVC) Johannesburg, February 2016This paper aims to look at the barriers of ICT adoption amongst Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa, specifically in the high growth-manufacturing sector. The population of the study is comprised of manufacturing SME owners and managers in Gauteng, South Africa. The objectives of this study are threefold. Firstly, it aims to establish which ICTs SMEs are currently making use of in South Africa. Secondly, it will analyse the perceived value added to SMEs through ICT adoption. And thirdly, the study endeavours to unearth the various barriers faced by SMEs when adopting ICTs. The research consists of data collection from 81 SMEs in the manufacturing sector in Gauteng, South Africa, by means of an online questionnaire. The data was analysed through a variety of statistical techniques covering both descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis. The following conclusions were reached: Three barriers examined are significantly important to the adoption of ICTs, namely lack of existing hardware, immediate return on investment (ROI), and lack of infrastructure. The perceived value of ICT has a positive, significant relationship to ICT adoption. The majority of SMEs still predominantly make use of general ICTs, with more advanced ICT use lagging behind significantly. The majority of respondents have Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone services (69%), Internet access and e-mail (90%), as well as telephone (89%) and fax (82%) services as ICTs that have already been implemented. The education level of the owner/manager has a significant, positive relationship with the level of ICT adoption, particularly amongst general-use ICT and production- integrating ICT.MB201

    Information communication technology adoption and business performance of tour operators in malaysia

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    The survival of tour operators depends very much on their adaptation to changes in tourists’ preferences and demands. Previous studies have shown mixed findings on the adoption ability of tour operators of different adopter categories namely innovator, early adopter, early or late majority, and laggards, to sustain their business performance with changes in information communication technology (ICT). A review of the literature has also indicated a lack of ICT adoption studies that measure adoption ability of tour operators in identifying their varying characteristics that relate to their business performance. Therefore, this research aims to explore the relationships between ICT adoption, company profiles and adoption characteristics of Malaysian tour operators, and their business performance. A quantitative technique of a structured questionnaire was used to elicit five variable parameters namely company profiles, ICT adoption, the contributing factors, adoption characteristics and business performance. A pilot test was conducted to validate the variables that were adapted into a structural scale to assist in data collection. A total of 285 tour operator companies that were identified from the registered members of the Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA) and from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Malaysia answered the questionnaire. Findings showed little difference between new and older tour operators in terms of ICT adoption. However, in the context of ICT adoption and business performance, there were specific divergences between the two, particularly when focusing on company age and adoption characteristics. Findings also suggest that company profiles, particularly age element and adoption characteristics have a large influence on Malaysian tour operators’ ICT adoption towards business performance. Findings also found that there were hidden elements that were not covered in the existing elements of adoption characteristics, namely smartness and the generation gap. This study contributes to the enhancement of the understanding of factors contributing to ICT adoption and business performance among Malaysian tour operators

    E-mail Marketing System Adoption In E-commerce Startups

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    More and more leading-edge information technology has penetrated the market in conjunction with the arrival of information times. However, there is still a reluctance to adopt some of these best practices. Furthermore, the rate of diffusion has remained below expectations. Take for example the explosive growth of the adoption of e-mail marketing systems in Chinese business-to-consumer e-commerce startups whose target markets are overseas. At the same time there has been a relatively sluggish response to this commercial communication technology in those sectors of e-commerce startups that focus on local consumers and business-to-business segments. This disparity reveals the fact that the acceptance and diffusion of communication innovation are subject to many negative external factors and contexts. To e-mail marketing system providers in Chinese market, it is essential to understand the process and to identify and contrast the distinct barriers perceived by marketers across the types of e-commerce mentioned above in order to discuss the reasons behind adoption inconsistencies. The research in this thesis is conducted through a multi-method interpretive approach. The author uses prior theories in order to draw on a combination to build a new framework. A series of interviews with e-mail advertising system users is conducted and based on the results, the new framework is validated and external negative variables emerged. The nature of these negative factors are then discussed by a group of experts to account for their existence. Finally, different hindrances impacting the adoption across clusters of e-commerce marketers are identified. This thesis posits a theoretical framework, a combination of technology acceptance model and media choice factors. The key factors considered in this new framework include perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use, critical mass, perceived accessibility and social influences. This study contributes to the existing literature by creating a new streamlined technology acceptance model that can be used as a theoretical framework to analyze the adoption of the e-mail marketing system. Moreover, it also addresses explicitly the hindrances presenting different barriers that may affect e-commerce startups’ adoption of this technology

    Understanding competing application usage with the theory of planned behavior

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    10.1002/asi.20453Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology57101338-1349AISJ

    Understanding the choice of software application: integration of two dominating models

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