5 research outputs found

    The effects of gratifications on intention to read citizen journalism news: The mediating effect of attitude

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    10.1016/j.chb.2014.03.054Computers in Human Behavior36129-13

    Assessing the Role of Critical Value Factors (CVFs) on Users’ Resistance of Urban Search and Rescue Robotics

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    Natural and manmade disasters have brought urban search and rescue (USAR) robots to the technology forefront as a means of providing additional support for search and rescue workers. The loss of life among victims and rescue workers necessitates the need for a wider acceptance of this assistive technology. Disasters, such as hurricane Harvey in 2017, hurricane Sandy in 2012, the 2012 United States tornadoes that devastated 17 states, the 2011 Australian floods, the 2011 Japan and 2010 Haiti earthquakes, the 2010 West Virginia coal mine explosions, the 2009 Typhoon caused mudslides in Taiwan, the 2001 Collapse of the World Trade Center, the 2005 Hurricane Katrina, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, and the 1995 Kobe Japan earthquake all benefited from the use of USAR. While there has been a push for use of USAR for disaster, user resistance to such technology is still significantly understudied. This study applied a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach to identify important system characteristics and critical value factors (CVFs) that contribute to team members’ resistance to use such technology. The populations for this study included 2,500 USAR team members from the Houston Professional Fire Fighters Association (HPFFA), and the expected sample size of approximately 250 respondents. The main goal of this quantitative study was to examine system characteristics and CVFs that contribute to USAR team members’ resistance to use such technology. System characteristics and CVFs are associated with USAR. Furthermore, the study utilized multivariate linear regression (MLR) and multivariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to determine if, and to what extent, CVFs and computer self-efficacy (CSE) interact to influence USAR team members’ resistance to use such technology. This quantitative study will test for significant differences on CVF’s, CSE, and resistance to use such technology based on age, gender, prior experience with USAR events, years of USAR experience, and organizational role. The contribution of this study was to reduce USAR team members’ resistance to use such technology in an effort minimize risk to USAR team members while maintaining their lifesaving capability

    Understanding the mechanism of consumer resistance to innovation : the moderating role of consumption values

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    Although previous research has established different types of barriers that lead to consumer resistance to innovation, little has been done to understand the effects of some scarcely researched barriers and how these different barriers can be mitigated. Further, there is scant empirical research examining the detrimental impact of resistance to innovation. Therefore, drawing on prospect theory and innovation resistance literature, this study develops and tests a conceptual framework to address the above-noted gaps in the literature. The key aims of the study are to understand: 1) the mechanism of consumer resistance in the context of smart payment services; 2) the development of consumer resistance to smart payment services due to different barrier perceptions; 3) the detrimental impact of consumer resistance to smart payment services by empirically establishing its consequence in the form of negative word of mouth (NWOM); 4) the role of consumer resistance to smart payment services as an underlying mechanism that explicates the translation of perceived barriers into NWOM; and 5) the role of perceived consumption values in buffering the effects of barrier perceptions on consumer resistance to smart payment services. Based on an online survey, data from n = 356 consumers (laggards) were collected and analysed in the context of smart payment services. The findings revealed that although most barriers from the extended Ram and Sheth framework influence resistance, the effects of the commonly investigated value and tradition barriers are, surprisingly, not found to be significant. Resistance is found to mediate the relationship between most barriers and NWOM, implying resistance is the key underlying mechanism that explicates why laggards who perceive barriers spread NWOM about smart payment services. Most importantly, consumption values are found to buffer the effects of some of the perceived barriers on resistance, which extends our understanding of the mechanism of resistance. Based on these results, theoretical and managerial contributions are discussed

    Les TIC comme levier du développement au Congo‐ Brazzaville : le cas du téléphone mobile

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    This doctoral research aims to problematize ICT, connecting the mobile phone with the socioeconomic development in Congo - Brazzaville. It is the opportunity to oppose the discourses of institutional actors and practices user. We record our problem in CIS, which the "interdisciplinary nature can help to multiply the angles" (Loneux, 2007). We favor the scientific project of Harold Garfinkel, namely ethnomethodology, as an "analysis of ordinary ways to make that ordinary social actors mobilize to achieve their common shares" (Mucchielli, 2004). The notion of communication is at the heart of our reflexion : to understand the propensity of communicative activity to participate in reconfigurations of socio-organizational practices. Thus, our perspective of interpretation of reality seeks to overcome overt or unspoken presuppositions to reveal and discuss the new modes of ownership of the mobile phone in the new forms of organization of the socio-economic activities of the actors within a given environment. The discourse of legitimation of ICT Congolese officials is pure "dispossession of discursivity", (Serge Latouche, 1986). However, ICT can not serve the integral development unless people appropriate them in their daily lives. In this sense, the uses of the mobile phone cannot be considered as isolated but should be seen in their "entrenchement" in existing social practices of Congolese users. The results of this research thus aim to enrich the debates in SIC around new visions on the use of ICTNotre recherche doctorale vise la problématisation des TIC, le téléphone mobile en rapport avecla question du développement socio-économique au Congo-Brazzaville. C’est l’occasion de mettre entension les discours des acteurs institutionnels et les pratiques des usagers. Nous inscrivons notre problématique en SIC, dont le « caractère interdisciplinaire peut permettre de multiplier les angles de vue » (Loneux, 2007). Nous privilégions le projet scientifique d’Harold Garfinkel, l’ethnométhodologie, en tant qu’ « analyse des façons de faire ordinaires que les acteurs sociaux ordinaires mobilisent afin de réaliser leurs actions ordinaires » (Mucchielli, 2004). La notion de communication est au coeur de notre réflexion : saisir la propension de l’activité communicationnelle à participer aux reconfigurations des pratiques socio-organisationnelles. Ainsi, notre perspective d’interprétation du réel s’emploie à dépasser les présupposés patents ou inavoués pour prétendre mettre en lumière, puis en discussion, les nouveauxmodes d’appropriation du téléphone mobile dans les nouvelles formes d’organisation des activités socioéconomiquesdes acteurs en contexte situé. Les discours de légitimation des TIC des officiels congolais relèvent de la pure « dépossession de la discursivité ». Or, les TIC ne peuvent servir le développement intégral que si les populations qui les utilisent se les approprient dans leur vie quotidienne. En ce sens, les usages du téléphone mobile ne peuvent pas être envisagés comme étant isolés, plutôt dans leur « enchâssement » dans les autres pratiques sociales des usagers congolais. Les résultats de cette recherche visent donc à enrichir les débats en SIC autour des nouvelles visions sur l’usage des TI