12 research outputs found

    Mining Mobile Youth Cultures

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    In this short paper we discuss our work on coresearch devices with a young coder community, which help investigate big social data collected by mobile phones. The development was accompanied by focus groups and interviews on privacy attitudes, and aims to explore how youth cultures are tracked in mobile phone data

    Who you gonna call? Analyzing Web Requests in Android Applications

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    Relying on ubiquitous Internet connectivity, applications on mobile devices frequently perform web requests during their execution. They fetch data for users to interact with, invoke remote functionalities, or send user-generated content or meta-data. These requests collectively reveal common practices of mobile application development, like what external services are used and how, and they point to possible negative effects like security and privacy violations, or impacts on battery life. In this paper, we assess different ways to analyze what web requests Android applications make. We start by presenting dynamic data collected from running 20 randomly selected Android applications and observing their network activity. Next, we present a static analysis tool, Stringoid, that analyzes string concatenations in Android applications to estimate constructed URL strings. Using Stringoid, we extract URLs from 30, 000 Android applications, and compare the performance with a simpler constant extraction analysis. Finally, we present a discussion of the advantages and limitations of dynamic and static analyses when extracting URLs, as we compare the data extracted by Stringoid from the same 20 applications with the dynamically collected data

    Exploring Privacy Leakage from the Resource Usage Patterns of Mobile Apps

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    Due to the popularity of smart phones and mobile apps, a potential privacy risk with the usage of mobile apps is that, from the usage information of mobile apps (e.g., how many hours a user plays mobile games in each day), private information about a user’s living habits and personal activities can be inferred. To assess this risk, this thesis answers the following research question: can the type of a mobile app (e.g., email, web browsing, mobile game, music streaming, etc.) used by a user be inferred from the resource (e.g., CPU, memory, network, etc.) usage patterns of the mobile app? This thesis answers this question for two kinds of systems, a single mobile device and a mobile cloud computing system. First, two privacy attacks under the same framework are proposed based on supervised learning algorithms. Then these attacks are implemented and explored in a mobile device and in a cloud computing environment. Experimental evaluations show that the type of app can be inferred with high probability. In particular, the attacks achieve up to 100% accuracy on a mobile device, and 66.7% accuracy in the mobile cloud computing environment. This study shows that resource usage patterns of mobile apps can be used to infer the type of apps being used, and thus can cause privacy leakage if not protected

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Android Penghimpun Data Ekonomi Nasional Berbasis Crowdsourcing

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    Aplicación móvil multiplataforma para mejorar la gestión de ventas en la veterinaria Janavet de Trujillo, 2020

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo, mejorar la gestión de ventas dentro de la veterinaria Janavet en la ciudad de Trujillo con la implementación de un aplicativo móvil multiplataforma. Se siguió una investigación de grado preexperimental, en la cual se usaron diferentes herramientas de recolección de datos, como las fichas de registro, mismas que fueron validadas por juicio de expertos, y su confiabilidad mediante el software SPSS versión 25. Para el desarrollo de la aplicación, se utilizó la metodología de desarrollo de software Extreme Programming, la cual cuanta con las etapas de planeación, diseño, codificación y testeo durante cada una de las iteraciones. Los resultados obtenidos luego de la implementación fueron el aumento del nivel de servicio del 95.21% a 98.66%, de la ganancia neta de S/16,517.61 a S/23,129.50, del promedio de venta en soles por cliente que también aumento de 224.2 a 231.86 y el número de clientes el cual aumento de 162 a 248; lo cual evidenció el cumplimiento del objetivo. La presente investigación se divide en introducción, marco teórico, resultados, discusión, conclusiones y recomendaciones

    Understanding Mobile App Usage Patterns Using In-App Advertisements

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    Recent years have seen an explosive growth in the number of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. This has resulted in a growing need of the operators to understand the usage patterns of the mobile apps used on these devices. Previous studies in this area have relied on volunteers using instrumented devices or using fields in the HTTP traffic such as User-Agent to identify the apps in network traces. However, the results of the former approach are difficult to be extrapolated to real-world scenario while the latter approach is not applicable to platforms like Android where developers generally use generic strings, that can not be used to identify the apps, in the User-Agent field. In this paper, we present a novel way of identifying Android apps in network traces using mobile in-app advertisements. Our preliminary experiments with real world traces show that this technique is promising for large scale mobile app usage pattern studies. We also present an analysis of the official Android market place from an advertising perspective. ? 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.EI

    An Investigation of the Impact of iPad Usage on Elementary Mathematical Skills and Attitudes

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    Currently, many schools are implementing one-to-one initiatives, where the goal is to give every student in a classroom a tablet or laptop computer. However, there is a dearth of research backing up the assumption that they significantly improve student learning. This study explored the effects of these new instructional devices by focusing on two second-grade classrooms implementing a one-to-one iPad program. Specifically, it investigated how iPad usage affects student and teacher attitudes toward mathematics, student mathematics performance in and out of app environments, the instructional purposes for which iPads are used in the classroom, and implementation issues of the technology. This primarily observational study used both quantitative and qualitative methods to capture a picture of an active program to serve as a source for further questions that may be better answered by experimenting with different treatments. Quantitative data was gathered on student performance in two apps, Addimal Adventure and Splash Math 2nd Grade, as well on the frequency and type of iPad usage. Qualitative data came from interviews with six students and two teachers near the beginning and end of the four month research period. While students generally reported they enjoyed doing mathematics on the iPad, half preferred paper and pencil. Teachers believed iPads helped students stay engaged in mathematics longer, resulted in more time spent on task, and enabled more differentiated instruction. Students performed better on quizzes for both apps than they had in either app environment. While the scores were positively correlated with varying degrees of strength, no evidence was found that app progress significantly explained student quiz scores. It was also found that iPads were being used in two different modes of instruction: free choice and focused. Based on these results, the education community needs to provide additional support to teachers, including technical and pedagogical trainings, focused apps for various skills, and a feedback channel for teachers to quickly report problems to developers. With an active and engaged support structure, educators can take advantage of the technological abilities of these devices and create a more responsive and differentiated environment of mathematics learning than has previously been feasible

    Elastic phone : towards detecting and mitigating computation and energy inefficiencies in mobile apps

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    Mobile devices have become ubiquitous and their ever evolving capabilities are bringing them closer to personal computers. Nonetheless, due to their mobility and small size factor constraints, they still present many hardware and software challenges. Their limited battery life time has led to the design of mobile networks that are inherently different from previous networks (e.g., wifi) and more restrictive task scheduling. Additionally, mobile device ecosystems are more susceptible to the heterogeneity of hardware and from conflicting interests of distributors, internet service providers, manufacturers, developers, etc. The high number of stakeholders ultimately responsible for the performance of a device, results in an inconsistent behavior and makes it very challenging to build a solution that improves resource usage in most cases. The focus of this thesis is on the study and development of techniques to detect and mitigate computation and energy inefficiencies in mobile apps. It follows a bottom-up approach, starting from the challenges behind detecting inefficient execution scheduling by looking only at apps’ implementations. It shows that scheduling APIs are largely misused and have a great impact on devices wake up frequency and on the efficiency of existing energy saving techniques (e.g., batching scheduled executions). Then it addresses many challenges of app testing in the dynamic analysis field. More specifically, how to scale mobile app testing with realistic user input and how to analyze closed source apps’ code at runtime, showing that introducing humans in the app testing loop improves the coverage of app’s code and generated network volume. Finally, using the combined knowledge of static and dynamic analysis, it focuses on the challenges of identifying the resource hungry sections of apps and how to improve their execution via offloading. There is a special focus on performing non-intrusive offloading transparent to existing apps and on in-network computation offloading and distribution. It shows that, even without a custom OS or app modifications, in-network offloading is still possible, greatly improving execution times, energy consumption and reducing both end-user experienced latency and request drop rates. It concludes with a real app measurement study, showing that a good portion of the most popular apps’ code can indeed be offloaded and proposes future directions for the app testing and computation offloading fields.Los dispositivos móviles se han tornado omnipresentes y sus capacidades están en constante evolución acercándolos a los computadoras personales. Sin embargo, debido a su movilidad y tamaño reducido, todavía presentan muchos desafíos de hardware y software. Su duración limitada de batería ha llevado al diseño de redes móviles que son inherentemente diferentes de las redes anteriores y una programación de tareas más restrictiva. Además, los ecosistemas de dispositivos móviles son más susceptibles a la heterogeneidad de hardware y los intereses conflictivos de las entidades responsables por el rendimiento final de un dispositivo. El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio y desarrollo de técnicas para detectar y mitigar las ineficiencias de computación y energéticas en las aplicaciones móviles. Empieza con los desafíos detrás de la detección de planificación de ejecución ineficientes, mirando sólo la implementación de las aplicaciones. Se muestra que las API de planificación son en gran medida mal utilizadas y tienen un gran impacto en la frecuencia con que los dispositivos despiertan y en la eficiencia de las técnicas de ahorro de energía existentes. A continuación, aborda muchos desafíos de las pruebas de aplicaciones en el campo de análisis dinámica. Más específicamente, cómo escalar las pruebas de aplicaciones móviles con una interacción realista y cómo analizar código de aplicaciones de código cerrado durante la ejecución, mostrando que la introducción de humanos en el bucle de prueba de aplicaciones mejora la cobertura del código y el volumen de comunicación de red generado. Por último, combinando la análisis estática y dinámica, se centra en los desafíos de identificar las secciones de aplicaciones con uso intensivo de recursos y cómo mejorar su ejecución a través de la ejecución remota (i.e.,"offload"). Hay un enfoque especial en el "offload" no intrusivo y transparente a las aplicaciones existentes y en el "offload"y distribución de computación dentro de la red. Demuestra que, incluso sin un sistema operativo personalizado o modificaciones en la aplicación, el "offload" en red sigue siendo posible, mejorando los tiempos de ejecución, el consumo de energía y reduciendo la latencia del usuario final y las tasas de caída de solicitudes de "offload". Concluye con un estudio real de las aplicaciones más populares, mostrando que una buena parte de su código puede de hecho ser ejecutado remotamente y propone direcciones futuras para los campos de "offload" de aplicaciones