909 research outputs found

    Investigation of Afghanistan network infrastructure for cyber security

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Siber güvenlik, siber saldırılar, siber savaşlar, güvenlik açığı, gizlilik, bütünlük, ağ altyapısı, iletişim ve bilgi sistemleri. Global endüstriler büyük ölçüde bilgi ve veri güvenliğine yatırım yapıyor. Sanal iletişim zamanında, herhangi bir topolojisinde, öncelikle geçerlik ve güvenliği garanti altına almalı. Aksi takdirde bu tür iletişim karmaşık sorunlara ve kaynakların ağlar üzerinde zarar görmesine neden olur. Halbuki iletişim sistemleri savunmasızdır, Ülkenin bilgi bütünlüğüne, gizliliğine ve kullanılabilirliğine güvenmesi, siber güvenliğinin yetersizliğinden tam tersidir. Aslında, iletişim sistemleri veya internet öncelikle odaklı veya insan zihnindeki güvenlikle tasarlanmamıştır. Diğer bir deyişle, çok sayıda ağ bileşeninin koordinasyonu, öncelikle hava-arayüzü üzerinden kurulan veya ağ üzerinden önceden tanımlanmış protokoller altında fiziksel olarak entegre edilmiş güvenli bir bağlantıya ihtiyaç duyar. Ayrıca, bir hükümetin gerçekleştirme sorumluluğundan biri, siber ortamda ya da gerçekçi saldırı ve tehditlerle mücadele etmek için bir caydırma ekibi ya da teşkilatı oluşturmaktır. Modern iletişim sistemlerinde, siber saldırılar casusluk açısından gittikçe artmaktadır ve bilgi sistemlerine ciddi zarar vermek suretiyle siber alanın geleceğinde büyük bir sorun çıkarmaktadır. Öte yandan, Afganistan hükümeti, herhangi bir dışa bağımlı siber saldırılara karşı iyi tanımlanmış bir stratejiye sahip değilken, casusluktan sorumlu olan ve Afganistan'daki siber alanda katastrofik sorunlar çıkaran ülkelerden aktarılan değiştirilebilir verilerin büyük bir çoğunluğu bulunmaktadır. Bu sorunlar dikkate alındığında, bu çalışma Afganistan'da siber saldırılar ve siber istismar, bilgi güvenliği ile ilgili zorluklar, siber saldırıların mevcut Afganistan ağ altyapıları üzerindeki etkileri ve analizleri de dahil olmak üzere siber tehditlerle ilgilidir. Siberayla ilgili belirgin ve belirgin olmayan siber saldırılar için bir şekilde çözümün yanı sıra, mevcut ve gelecekteki siber krizin, modellerin ve simülasyon özelliklerinin bu raporun kısmen bir bölümünde analizi tanımlanmıştır. Bununla birlikte, güvenlik açısından Afganistan'ın mevcut siber durumuna, yaygın gelecekteki siber güvenlik ve siber güvenlik zorluklarına ilişkin sorunlar da bu raporda gösterilmektedir.Global industries are investing heavily in information and data security. At the time of virtual communication under any types of topologies, firstly, the validity and security must be guaranteed. Otherwise, such communication cause complex problems and resources damage over the networks. However, communication systems are vulnerable, the nation's reliance on the integrities, confidentialities, and availabilities of information stand in stark contrast to the inadequacy of their cybersecurity. In fact, communication systems or internet was not primarily designed with security in oriented or human minds. On the other word, coordinating of huge numbers of network components, first of all, need to a secure connection, either such connection established via air-interface or integrated physically under predefined protocols over the network. Additionally, one of the accomplishment responsibility of a government is creating a deterrence team or military to combat any types of attack and threat either on cyberspace or on realistic. In modern communication systems cyber-attacks becoming increasingly in terms of espionage, and it would make a big challenge in the future of cyberspace by causing serious damage to information systems. From the other hand, the government of Afghanistan does not have a well-defined strategy against any types of outsider cyberattacks while the huge amount of the exchangeable data transferring from the countries who are in charge of espionage and attempt to make catastrophic problems on Afghanistan's cyberspace. In consideration to these issues, this study concerned in Afghanistan's cyber-threats including cyber-attacks and cyber-exploit, information security challenges, analysis and effects of cyber-attacks on current Afghanistan network infrastructures. Definition of somewhat solution for distinctive and non-distinctive cyber-attacks over cyberspace, as well as the analysis of current and future cyberspace crisis, models and simulations aspect in some partial part of this report, has been also covered. However, current cyberspace status of Afghanistan in term of security, challenges of prevalent future cyber security and cyber security difficulties have also illustrated in this report

    Challenges in Blockchain as a Solution for IoT Ecosystem Threats and Access Control: A Survey

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly influencing and transforming various aspects of our daily lives. Contrary to popular belief, it raises security and privacy issues as it is used to collect data from consumers or automated systems. Numerous articles are published that discuss issues like centralised control systems and potential alternatives like integration with blockchain. Although a few recent surveys focused on the challenges and solutions facing the IoT ecosystem, most of them did not concentrate on the threats, difficulties, or blockchain-based solutions. Additionally, none of them focused on blockchain and IoT integration challenges and attacks. In the context of the IoT ecosystem, overall security measures are very important to understand the overall challenges. This article summarises difficulties that have been outlined in numerous recent articles and articulates various attacks and security challenges in a variety of approaches, including blockchain-based solutions and so on. More clearly, this contribution consolidates threats, access control issues, and remedies in brief. In addition, this research has listed some attacks on public blockchain protocols with some real-life examples that can guide researchers in taking preventive measures for IoT use cases. Finally, a future research direction concludes the research gaps by analysing contemporary research contributions

    Evaluation of Efficiency of Cybersecurity

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    Uurimistöö eesmärgiks on uurida, kuidas tõhus küberjulgeolek on olnud edukas. Uurimistöö kasutab parima võimaliku tulemuse saamiseks mitmesuguseid uurimismeetodeid ja kirjanduse ülevaade on süstemaatiline. Kuid uurimistöö järeldus on see, et uuring ei suuda kinnitada või tagasi lükata peamist töö hüpoteesi. Uuring ei õnnestunud, sest puuduvad korralikud teooriad, mis näitavad ohutuse ja küberjulgeoleku nähtusi ning puuduvad head näitajad, mis annaksid küberohutuse tõhususe kohta kehtivaid ja ratsionaalseid tulemusi, kui hästi on küberkuritegevuse abil õnnestunud küberkuritegevuse tõhusaks võitmiseks ja küberkuritegude tõhusaks vähendamiseks. Seepärast on küberjulgeoleku teadusteooria ja julgeoleku teadusteooria vähearenenud 2018. aastal. Uuringud on teinud küberjulgeoleku ja turvalisuse arendamise põhilisi avastusi. Edasiste põhiuuringute suund on luua üldine turbeteooria, mis kirjeldab ohtlike muutujate ohtlike muutujate kavatsust, ressursse, pädevust ja edusamme ohtlike muutujate ja aksioomide puhul, kus ohtlike muutujate mõõtmisel saab teha selle sisse loodetavas ja teooria kirjeldab, millised on tõhusad meetmed, et vältida ja leevendada ning millised ei ole ja lõpuks kehtestada nõuetekohased mõõdikud, et mõõta turvalisuse ja küberjulgeoleku tõhusust loodetavus ja kehtivusega.The purpose of the thesis is to research how effectively cybersecurity has succeeded on its mission. The thesis used multiple research methods to get best possible answer and the literature review has been systematic. However, the conclusion of the research was that the study is unable to either confirm or reject the main working hypothesis. The study is unable to do it because of the lack of proper theories to describe what are the phenomena in secu-rity and cybersecurity and the lack of proper metrics to give valid and sound conclusion about the effective of cybersecurity and how well have cybersecurity succeed on its mis-sion to effectively prevent and mitigate cybercrime. Therefore, the science of security and science of cybersecurity are underdeveloped in 2018. The research has made basic discov-eries of development of cybersecurity and security. A direction of further basic research is to establish a general theory of security which describes threat variables, threat variables intention, resources, competence and progress of the threat variables and axioms where measurement of threat variables can be made with reliability and the theory would describe which are effective measures to prevent and mitigate and which are not and finally, estab-lish proper metrics to measure efficiency of security and cybersecurity with reliability and validity

    Resilience to DDoS attacks

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    Tese de mestrado, Segurança Informática, 2022, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasDistributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) is one of the most common cyberattack used by malicious actors. It has been evolving over the years, using more complex techniques to increase its attack power and surpass the current defense mechanisms. Due to the existent number of different DDoS attacks and their constant evolution, companies need to be constantly aware of developments in DDoS solutions Additionally, the existence of multiple solutions, also makes it hard for companies to decide which solution best suits the company needs and must be implemented. In order to help these companies, our work focuses in analyzing the existing DDoS solutions, for companies to implement solutions that can lead to the prevention, detection, mitigation, and tolerance of DDoS attacks, with the objective of improving the robustness and resilience of the companies against DDoS attacks. In our work, it is presented and described different DDoS solutions, some need to be purchased and other are open-source or freeware, however these last solutions require more technical expertise by cybersecurity agents. To understand how cybersecurity agents protect their companies against DDoS attacks, nowadays, it was built a questionnaire and sent to multiple cybersecurity agents from different countries and industries. As a result of the study performed about the different DDoS solutions and the information gathered from the questionnaire, it was possible to create a DDoS framework to guide companies in the decisionmaking process of which DDoS solutions best suits their resources and needs, in order to ensure that companies can develop their robustness and resilience to fight DDoS attacks. The proposed framework it is divided in three phases, in which the first and second phase is to understand the company context and the asset that need to be protected. The last phase is where we choose the DDoS solution based on the information gathered in the previous phases. We analyzed and presented for each DDoS solutions, which DDoS attack types they can prevent, detect and/or mitigate

    Endpoints and Interdependencies in Internet of Things Residual Artifacts: Measurements, Analyses, and Insights into Defenses

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    The usage of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is growing fast. Moreover, the lack of security measures among the IoT devices and their persistent online connection give adversaries an opportunity to exploit them for multiple types of attacks, such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS). To understand the risks of IoT devices, we analyze IoT malware from an endpoint standpoint. We investigate the relationship between endpoints infected and attacked by IoT malware, and gain insights into the underlying dynamics in the malware ecosystem. We observe the affinities and different patterns among endpoints. Towards this, we reverse-engineer 2,423 IoT malware samples and extract IP addresses from them. We further gather information about these endpoints from Internet-wide scans. For masked IP addresses, we examine their network distribution, with networks accumulating more than 100 million endpoints. Moreover, we conduct a network penetration analysis, leveraging information such as active ports, vulnerabilities, and organizations. We discover the possibility of ports being an entry point of attack and observe the low presence of vulnerable services in dropzones. Our analysis shows the tolerance of organizations towards endpoints with malicious intent. To understand the dependencies among malware, we highlight dropzone characteristics including spatial, network, and organizational affinities. Towards the analysis of dropzones\u27 interdependencies and dynamics, we identify dropzones chains. In particular, we identify 56 unique chains, which unveil coordination among different malware families. Our further analysis of chains suggests a centrality-based defense and monitoring mechanism to limit malware propagation. Finally, we propose a defense based on the observed measures, such as the blocked/blacklisted IP addresses or ports. In particular, we investigate network-level and country-level defenses, by blocking a list of ports that are not commonly used by benign applications, and study the underlying issues and possible solutions of such a defense

    A critical review of cyber-physical security for building automation systems

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    Modern Building Automation Systems (BASs), as the brain that enables the smartness of a smart building, often require increased connectivity both among system components as well as with outside entities, such as optimized automation via outsourced cloud analytics and increased building-grid integrations. However, increased connectivity and accessibility come with increased cyber security threats. BASs were historically developed as closed environments with limited cyber-security considerations. As a result, BASs in many buildings are vulnerable to cyber-attacks that may cause adverse consequences, such as occupant discomfort, excessive energy usage, and unexpected equipment downtime. Therefore, there is a strong need to advance the state-of-the-art in cyber-physical security for BASs and provide practical solutions for attack mitigation in buildings. However, an inclusive and systematic review of BAS vulnerabilities, potential cyber-attacks with impact assessment, detection & defense approaches, and cyber-secure resilient control strategies is currently lacking in the literature. This review paper fills the gap by providing a comprehensive up-to-date review of cyber-physical security for BASs at three levels in commercial buildings: management level, automation level, and field level. The general BASs vulnerabilities and protocol-specific vulnerabilities for the four dominant BAS protocols are reviewed, followed by a discussion on four attack targets and seven potential attack scenarios. The impact of cyber-attacks on BASs is summarized as signal corruption, signal delaying, and signal blocking. The typical cyber-attack detection and defense approaches are identified at the three levels. Cyber-secure resilient control strategies for BASs under attack are categorized into passive and active resilient control schemes. Open challenges and future opportunities are finally discussed.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables, submitted to Annual Reviews in Contro

    DDoS Capability and Readiness - Evidence from Australian Organisations

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    A common perception of cyber defence is that it should protect systems and data from malicious attacks, ideally keeping attackers outside of secure perimeters and preventing entry. Much of the effort in traditional cyber security defence is focused on removing gaps in security design and preventing those with legitimate permissions from becoming a gateway or resource for those seeking illegitimate access. By contrast, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks do not use application backdoors or software vulnerabilities to create their impact. They instead utilise legitimate entry points and knowledge of system processes for illegitimate purposes. DDoS seeks to overwhelm system and infrastructure resources so that legitimate requests are prevented from reaching their intended destination. For this thesis, a literature review was performed using sources from two perspectives. Reviews of both industry literature and academic literature were combined to build a balanced view of knowledge of this area. Industry and academic literature revealed that DDoS is outpacing internet growth, with vandalism, criminal and ideological motivations rising to prominence. From a defence perspective, the human factor remains a weak link in cyber security due to proneness for mistakes, oversights and the variance in approach and methods expressed by differing cultures. How cyber security is perceived, approached, and applied can have a critical effect on the overall outcome achieved, even when similar technologies are implemented. In addition, variance in the technical capabilities of those responsible for the implementation may create further gaps and vulnerabilities. While discussing technical challenges and theoretical concepts, existing literature failed to cover the experiences held by the victim organisations, or the thoughts and feelings of their personnel. This thesis addresses these identified gaps through exploratory research, which used a mix of descriptive and qualitative analysis to develop results and conclusions. The websites of 60 Australian organisations were analysed to uncover the level and quality of cyber security information they were willing to share and the methods and processes they used to engage with their audience. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 30 employees from around half of those websites analysed. These were analysed using NVivo12 qualitative analysis software. The difficulty experienced with attracting willing participants reflected the comfort that organisations showed with sharing cyber security information and experiences. However, themes found within the results show that, while DDoS is considered a valid threat, without encouragement to collaborate and standardise minimum security levels, firms may be missing out on valuable strategies to improve their cyber security postures. Further, this reluctance to share leads organisations to rely on their own internal skill and expertise, thus failing to realise the benefits of established frameworks and increased diversity in the workforce. Along with the size of the participant pool, other limitations included the diversity of participants and the impact of COVID-19 which may have influenced participants' thoughts and reflections. These limitations however, present opportunity for future studies using greater participant numbers or a narrower target focus. Either option would be beneficial to the recommendations of this study which were made from a practical, social, theoretical and policy perspective. On a practical and social level, organisational capabilities suffer due to the lack of information sharing and this extends to the community when similar restrictions prevent collaboration. Sharing of knowledge and experiences while protecting sensitive information is a worthy goal and this is something that can lead to improved defence. However, while improved understanding is one way to reduce the impact of cyber-attacks, the introduction of minimum cyber security standards for products, could reduce the ease at which devices can be used to facilitate attacks, but only if policy and effective governance ensures product compliance with legislation. One positive side to COVID-19's push to remote working, was an increase in digital literacy. As more roles were temporarily removed from their traditional physical workplace, many employees needed to rapidly accelerate their digital competency to continue their employment. To assist this transition, organisations acted to implement technology solutions that eased the ability for these roles to be undertaken remotely and as a consequence, they opened up these roles to a greater pool of available candidates. Many of these roles are no longer limited to the geographical location of potential employees or traditional hours of availability. Many of these roles could be accessed from almost anywhere, at any time, which had a positive effect on organisational capability and digital sustainability


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    This bibliometric study addresses the importance of endpoint security in companies, considering the growing use of information technologies, both in business and personal use. It highlights the need to protect endpoints such as computers, mobile devices, servers, and IoT devices. Endpoint security encompasses measures such as monitoring the files and binaries on and running on the machine using antivirus, data encryption, and threat detection solutions. The literature review highlights the importance of terminology and best practices, highlighting the application of graph-based approaches to strengthen security in medical information networks. Tools such as EDR are cited as essential, especially for small and medium-sized companies. The study emphasizes the importance of business continuity in the face of cyber threats, highlighting the role of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and frameworks. It takes a bibliometric approach, using a specific database to collect bibliometric data on scientific publications published between 2017 and 2023. As a basis for the study, the words “cybersecurity”, “endpoint security”, “business continuity”, and “business” were used. Various analyses of bibliometric results are also presented, including the number of publications by type of document, the scientific journals with the highest number of publications, the countries with the highest number of publications, the number of publications per author, the most cited articles, and the occurrence of identified keywords.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Leveraging Conventional Internet Routing Protocol Behavior to Defeat DDoS and Adverse Networking Conditions

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    The Internet is a cornerstone of modern society. Yet increasingly devastating attacks against the Internet threaten to undermine the Internet\u27s success at connecting the unconnected. Of all the adversarial campaigns waged against the Internet and the organizations that rely on it, distributed denial of service, or DDoS, tops the list of the most volatile attacks. In recent years, DDoS attacks have been responsible for large swaths of the Internet blacking out, while other attacks have completely overwhelmed key Internet services and websites. Core to the Internet\u27s functionality is the way in which traffic on the Internet gets from one destination to another. The set of rules, or protocol, that defines the way traffic travels the Internet is known as the Border Gateway Protocol, or BGP, the de facto routing protocol on the Internet. Advanced adversaries often target the most used portions of the Internet by flooding the routes benign traffic takes with malicious traffic designed to cause widespread traffic loss to targeted end users and regions. This dissertation focuses on examining the following thesis statement. Rather than seek to redefine the way the Internet works to combat advanced DDoS attacks, we can leverage conventional Internet routing behavior to mitigate modern distributed denial of service attacks. The research in this work breaks down into a single arc with three independent, but connected thrusts, which demonstrate that the aforementioned thesis is possible, practical, and useful. The first thrust demonstrates that this thesis is possible by building and evaluating Nyx, a system that can protect Internet networks from DDoS using BGP, without an Internet redesign and without cooperation from other networks. This work reveals that Nyx is effective in simulation for protecting Internet networks and end users from the impact of devastating DDoS. The second thrust examines the real-world practicality of Nyx, as well as other systems which rely on real-world BGP behavior. Through a comprehensive set of real-world Internet routing experiments, this second thrust confirms that Nyx works effectively in practice beyond simulation as well as revealing novel insights about the effectiveness of other Internet security defensive and offensive systems. We then follow these experiments by re-evaluating Nyx under the real-world routing constraints we discovered. The third thrust explores the usefulness of Nyx for mitigating DDoS against a crucial industry sector, power generation, by exposing the latent vulnerability of the U.S. power grid to DDoS and how a system such as Nyx can protect electric power utilities. This final thrust finds that the current set of exposed U.S. power facilities are widely vulnerable to DDoS that could induce blackouts, and that Nyx can be leveraged to reduce the impact of these targeted DDoS attacks


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    This bibliometric study addresses the importance of endpoint security in companies, considering the growing use of information technologies, both in business and personal use. It highlights the need to protect endpoints such as computers, mobile devices, servers, and IoT devices. Endpoint security encompasses measures such as monitoring the files and binaries on and running on the machine using antivirus, data encryption, and threat detection solutions. The literature review highlights the importance of terminology and best practices, highlighting the application of graph-based approaches to strengthen security in medical information networks. Tools such as EDR are cited as essential, especially for small and medium-sized companies. The study emphasizes the importance of business continuity in the face of cyber threats, highlighting the role of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and frameworks. It takes a bibliometric approach, using a specific database to collect bibliometric data on scientific publications published between 2017 and 2023. As a basis for the study, the words “cybersecurity”, “endpoint security”, “business continuity”, and “business” were used. Various analyses of bibliometric results are also presented, including the number of publications by type of document, the scientific journals with the highest number of publications, the countries with the highest number of publications, the number of publications per author, the most cited articles, and the occurrence of identified keywords.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio