120,263 research outputs found

    An Undergraduate Collaborative Team Model to Engage Nursing Students in Research

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    Purpose: Student-faculty collaboration on research is an effective model to engage undergraduate students in the research process outside of the traditional curriculum. Using this model, a student-faculty team developed a longitudinal study about college students’ alcohol use behaviors and implemented an intervention to influence the culture of drinking on campus. Methods: A longitudinal design was used to assess drinking behaviors and evaluate the effect of a mass media campaign with social norm messages and alcohol education. Undergraduate students on a faith-based, Midwestern campus completed baseline (N = 1,095) and post-intervention (N = 1,011) electronic surveys. Results: In addition to helping students learn about and develop enthusiasm for research, this project had an impact on the drinking culture on campus. Findings showed 88% of students observed media campaign messages with 82% viewing the printed posters, 47% viewing the outdoor displays, and 25% viewing messages on social media. There was a significant change in binge drinking from the pre- (72%) to post-intervention (40%) surveys. Conclusions: Collaborative undergraduate research teams are an effective model to help students learn how to carry out research and develop interest and enthusiasm for the process. The outcomes of the project demonstrated interventions were effective at influencing the drinking culture on campus. The development of a research program outside the required curriculum can be a successful strategy to engage students in all phases of the research process, increase enthusiasm for research, and enhance health care outcomes in various settings

    Preparing the foundations for video-based, practice-placement support: establishing the role from a students’ perspective

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    Currently, many placement-based health programme students within the UK are supported through face-to-face visits from university staff. Whilst cited in literature as being of value, the face-to-face nature of this contact is not supported. Alternatives including video-based communications methods offer the potential for cost effective, environmentally responsible support. However, in order to establish the fitness for purpose of alternative approaches, the content and purpose of current support needs to be understood. This project aimed to investigate student perceptions of the ideal content and purpose of clinical support visits, and alternatives to the current face-to-face approach. Fifty-six Physiotherapy undergraduate students responded to questionnaires with a further nine participating in a follow-up focus group. Participants emphasised the value of the visit in guiding learning, ensuring progression and resolving arising issues, and highlighted concerns over alternative approaches. Focus group participants discussed the importance of personal and professional confidence in directing requirements for support, and went on to propose a menu of options for methods of communication.Whilst limited in some applications, video technologies may be one of the options. Overall, however, this project supports the need for consideration of individualised learning journeys within curriculum planning

    Rape Talk: Student Awareness and Perceptions of Campus Sexual Assault and Resources

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    This project evaluates student perceptions of campus sexual assault and related resources at Marquette University of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. As campus sexual assault and an unsafe rape culture are still persistent, research is needed to bring about awareness and spark an open discourse of this issue. The original data of this project consists of the researcher’s autoethnography, observations of Marquette’s online sexual violence resources, student interviews, and an online student survey. After analyzing this data, the most important finding was that students do not share the same perceptions and knowledge of this issue, despite receiving the same resources. Also, the relationship between Marquette students and staff and other non-student people is distant and in need of development. Lastly, students want to see more change on campus concerning this issue. However, the overarching theme of their desires for change is a wish for more transparency on campus.https://epublications.marquette.edu/english_3210ur/1028/thumbnail.jp

    The international development of the ‘Social Norms’ approach to drug education and prevention

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    Binge drinking has sparked considerable interest and concern. However despite this interest little is known about the lay understanding of binge drinking and whether there are differences in understanding by gender, age and level of deprivation. Aims: This study investigated the beliefs and attitudes of a sample in the Inverclyde area to binge drinking. Methods: Using both cluster and quota sampling, 586 subjects completed a structured interview, using open questions about their beliefs on binge drinking and was it a problem generally and locally. Findings: Definitions of binge drinking tended to concentrate on intoxication and some described a dependent drinking pattern. Causes and solutions offered were varied but pointed up levels of deprivation in respect of jobs and entertainment. More subjects regarded binge drinking as a problem in society than locally, which is consistent with research suggesting that misperceptions of others’ drinking increases with social distance. Differences in beliefs were found by age and level of deprivation but not gender. It was marked that no subject offered the ‘official’ definition of bingeing or even an approximation of it. Conclusions: Further research is required if future mass media campaigns and interventions are to be relevant to the population

    College Student Perceptions of ADHD: Links Between Prior Knowledge and Stigma

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    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by persistent inattention, which might or might not accompany hyperactivity and impulsivity, that noticeably interferes with functioning and development in at least two settings. It is a commonly diagnosed childhood mental health disorder. Public knowledge and attitudes towards ADHD are an important consideration for those who are going to potentially be working with that population. Research has shown older children and parents may attribute ADHD behavior to poor social skills or immaturity. Teachers often report feeling unprepared to have a student with ADHD and would like more training. Some research has shown the perpetuation of common misconceptions of ADHD by parents and teachers. This research sought to determine if there was a correlation between knowledge of ADHD and stigma towards individuals with ADHD and to determine if students majoring in psychology differed from their peers on knowledge about ADHD or attitudes towards individuals with ADHD. After surveying 131 students from a faith-based, private university in Virginia, it was found that those majoring in psychology did not have significant differences in knowledge of ADHD or stigma towards people with ADHD when compared to students in other majors. Both knowledge and stigma scores were high across groups and no significant correlation between knowledge and attitudes was found. Findings have implications for university students diagnosed with ADHD and administrators working to reduce the stigma of ADHD on campus

    Students\u27 use of personal technology in the classroom: analyzing the perceptions of the digital generation

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    Faculty frequently express concerns about students’ personal use of information and communication technologies in today’s university classrooms. As a requirement of a graduate research methodology course in a university in Ontario, Canada, the authors conducted qualitative research to gain an in-depth understanding of students’ perceptions of this issue. Their findings reveal students’ complex considerations about the acceptability of technology use. Their analysis of the broader contexts of students’ use reveals that despite a technological revolution, university teaching practices have remained largely the same, resulting in ‘cultural lag’ within the classroom. While faculty are technically ‘in charge’, students wield power through course evaluations, surveillance technologies and Internet postings. Neoliberalism and the corporatisation of the university have engendered an ‘entrepreneurial student’ customer who sees education as a means to a career. Understanding students’ perceptions and their technological, social and political contexts offers insights into the tensions within today’s classrooms

    The digital glass house - Social networking and privacy

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    Since the explosion of the Internet age, nearly 2 billion people are connected to the World Wide Web, creating seemingly limitless opportunities for communication and collaboration including social networking. Communication is virtually instantaneous and vast amounts of information are available at the touch of a key.In such an open digital environment, we take it for granted that almost any information can be sourced online by anyone with Internet access.The rapid growth of the social networking sites (SNS) such as Facebook, which reaches 500 million users recently, has coincided with an increasing concern over personal privacy.This study examines how Facebook users' perceptions of privacy, frequency of use, and the disclosure of their personal information with other users. This study was guided by two research questions: What are the Facebook users' perceptions of privacy and what is the personal information they disclose to other users? Does the Facebook users' frequency of use affect their disclosure of personal information? 149 respondents from the researcher's own Facebook profile filled up a Web-based questionnaire in August 2010. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.The research hypothesized that higher levels of privacy perception will result in less disclosure of personal information and the more active a user is on Facebook, the greater will be the user's likelihood of maintaining a private profile. The results of chi-square tests and correlation analysis found significant positive relationships between privacy perception and the disclosure of personal information, and no significant relationships between frequency of use and disclosure of personal information. Recommendations for future researchers were also included

    2011 ACSSC Program

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    PDP4XL2: Personal Development Planning for Cross-Institutional Lifelong Learning. Final Report.

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    This collaborative project PDP4XL2 built on the strengths and successful outcomes of PDP4Life and took as its principal focus the use of personal development planning and e-portfolios to develop and sustain favourable learner attitudes towards lifelong learning and to understand the role that technology plays in supporting that process. Project objectives included identifying student and employer attitudes to and usage of PDP and e-portfolios in the creative industries and health cares. This final report documents the outcomes of the project

    Contributing Factors to Attitudes and Beliefs about Diversity

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    Diversity is a major issue in the world today. This project studied the attitudes and beliefs about diversity in order to understand where they originate. It focused on family beliefs and educational experiences and whether they each play a role in one’s perspective of other races/ethnicities. The sample consisted of 100 University of New Hampshire undergraduate students recruited through Facebook as well as in-class presentations on campus. Students were asked to complete a survey online. Quantitative results revealed that neither family nor education, as measured with forced-choice questions, were predictive of acceptance of other races. Overall, students reported themselves and their families as being very accepting of other races. However, they noted there was a lack of formal education about the topic of diversity in schools and that they largely came from homogenous schools. Qualitative results reveal that students themselves highlight the importance of exposure to diverse others, family upbringing, the media, and several other key factors as important considerations in how they treat other people; this suggests a multitude of ways that people create their beliefs. Implications for college student curriculum and campus life are highlighted
