1,809 research outputs found


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    This report provides insights on the expansive development in Shanghai of human resources in higher education and the creation of a huge web of incubators, university science parks, district industrial parks, and various specialized development zones. With a total population of some 17 million and a GDP per capita of around US$3,000 the city planners expects that 2.5 per cent of its GDP will in 2005 be used for research and development. FDI in high technology and returning scientists in microelectronics illustrate the ambitions of Shanghai to become a knowledge city. More than 140 foreign-controlled R&D laboratories have already been established in Shanghai. Their number and sizes will increase and also involve more basic research as the IPR regime improves. Shanghai will emerge as innovative knowledge region on the world stage that before 2020 will be competing with other global knowledge regions such as the Oxford-London-Cambridge triangle by attracting talent and creating new knowledge. This report highlights a rapid and continued expansion of higher education in Shanghai that now has 59 colleges and universities with a total enrolment in 2004 of 600,000 students. The City has 10 universities which are included in the national list of Top-100 Universities which have been selected by the Ministry of Education to receive special treatment and extra resources. Three of a dozen Chinese universities with expectation to become recognized as world-famous research universities are located in Shanghai – Fudan University, Tongji University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. Fudan University Science Park and the School of Microelectronics at Fudan University provide examples of the changing character of the university system in Shanghai Linked to the development of human resources is a web of technological infrastructure of which Zhangjiang High-Technology Development Zone provides an illustration of ongoing efforts to integrate industrial production, research and university education. Shanghai is attracting overseas entrepreneurs in its advancing semiconductor industry, exemplified by SMIC with one of its bases in Zhangjiang High-Technology Development Zone, Shanghai is also attracting returning scientists to expand its IC knowledge base as exemplified by the School of Microelectronics at Fudan University, which has 600 graduate students.Human factors; Universities; Fudan University; Regional innovation System (RIS) Semiconductors; High Technology Parks; Overview of Science and Technology

    Exploration on the Construction of Digital Content Security Course under the Background of "New Engineering Disciplines"

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    According to the development and construction of the "new engineering disciplines", the training requirements for talents and the construction of digital content security course are discussed in this paper. Based on the current development situation, this paper clarifies the tightness of digital content security and the development of "new engineering disciplines". The digital content security course has both a complete frontier theoretical system and close correlation with various new engineering disciplines. Combining these two characteristics, this paper proposes three aspects of construction: comprehensive social resources, the formation of a new curriculum teaching system, and the creation of a digital content security gold course; further introduction of school-enterprise cooperation, promotion of the combination of production and education, practical and targeted activities; training of students’ ability to master and apply digital content security and promotion of the construction of applied undergraduate programs


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    The dynamic development in Ningbo illustrates local changes that have their basis in government support and resources from all levels of government. The rapid development arises from a combination of excellent infrastructure, a strong private entrepreneurship and strong foreign direct Investment (FDI) to exploit the geographical location which will be further enhanced when the bridge, across Hangzhou Bay to Shanghai, is completed by 2008.Ningbo, a famous port city in China, reached in 2000 a population of six million. It is situated 100 kilometres from Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province, and 150 kilometres across the water from Shanghai. In terms of geo-economics Ningbo is an integral part of the dynamic Yangtze Delta region; but Ningbo is also trying to develop its own niche based on its comparative advantage. This is an important feature of China’s regional development model. Ningbo is the native place of Ningbo Bird, the forerunner in China’s, as well as a strong contender in the global, mobile handset industry. Ningbo has traditionally been a location for car component industries with early development of spark plugs and car wheels. The Geely car company has used Ningbo for its national expansion The Ningbo car components industry is expanding fuelled by support from the mould industry and a number of private supplier entrepreneurs. There are three major moulding industry centres in China. The moulding industry in Ningbo now employs about 100,000 workers. Ningbo does not want to remain only in knowledge application but in knowledge creation too. To this end Ningbo has four national-scale development zones, one hi-tech zone and 10 provincial and municipal level development zones which cater to both shipping and trade sectors; it is widely using incubators to stimulate new technologies. The Ningbo Hi-Tech Park is an important hi-tech zone in the region. jointly developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Ningbo Municipal Government, it was opened in July 1999. In March 2004, the Chinese Ministry of Education approved the establishment of Ningbo-Nottingham China's first Sino-foreign university. The new university will be founded jointly by the University of Nottingham of Britain and the Zhejiang Wanli University in Ningbo with an investment of RMB600 million.Regional innovation system; local universities; industrial parks; incubators; clusters; industrial zones

    Higher Education Reform in China

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    This report is the result of visits to Chinese university campuses in Spring 2003. As a Fulbright scholar I became interested in proposals for reform of Hong Kong higher education; that interest expanded to mainland universities as well. My focus was on key comprehensive universities, the best institutions in the country and ones under the direct control of the national Ministry of Education. I visited ten mainland universities, almost all of them are in the large urban centers of the east coast of China, government offices, and several education research institutes. I also interviewed individuals at several Hong Kong institutions

    Virtual Teaching

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    The potential of online virtual environments, such as Second Life for delivering remote learning continues to be debated by academics. It would appear to offer particular opportunities to support remote learning in art & design, where there is a particular requirement for live visual interaction. The School of Art, Design & Printing at the Technological University Dublin (DIT) received funding to develop a module for undergraduate students to test this theory. A five-credit module (under the European Credit Transfer System) received formal approval from the Institute in 2008 and was delivered as a pilot to academic staff interested in exploring virtual environments for the purposes of learning and teaching. This was followed by the first delivery of the module to undergraduates in art & design as an elective module in the first semester of the 2009/10 academic year. A thorough knowledge of virtual environments and social networking communities is increasingly essential for those working in what could be described broadly as the content creation sector. The module encourages participants to explore this area and exploit the opportunity to create and manage their online presence and begin the process of building and maintaining an online personal brand. The paper describes the delivery of the module, the challenges encountered and reports on feedback from participants. It also suggests a framework for lecturing in Second Life based on what was successful in this instance and what was not

    Specialized Courses Teaching Mode Innovation of the Independent College Based on MOOCS

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    Independent college is a new kind of school-running pattern, on the basis of independent college computer professional course teaching, based on the background of MOOCS, specialized course teaching mode principle, on the basis of design is given priority to, the class online course of classroom teaching mode. To a certain extent can motivate we will accelerate reform of the teaching mode of independent colleges, improve the teaching quality of education. Keywords: Moocs, Independent college, Specialized courses, Teaching mod

    The Development of Data Science Education in China from the LIS Perspective

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce the development of data science in higher education in China, including the policy and educational programs at various levels. We investigated the data science education of five LIS (Library and Information Studies) schools in China, using Fudan University’s Data Management and Application Master’s Program as an example for more specific information about the curriculum structure, course focus and teaching methods in data science education. The paper further describes the action of promoting data science and data science education in the field of LIS by the China Academic Library Research Data Management Implementation Group

    America and China: Cultural differences in online learning motivation

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    There are learning motivation differences among students from different countries. And differences between American and Korean online learners were identified. This study was to identify whether American and Chinese online learners\u27 motivation differed and what were the learner characteristics that affected the motivation of online learners. This study was conducted in May-June, 2005, West Virginia University, the United States of America, and Fudan University, China. Findings revealed that there was a significant difference in learning motivation between the U.S. and Chinese online learners. And there were some learner characteristics affected the learning motivation of online learners as well, such as gender and employment status. Future research could explore the scope of cultural contexts on a more multi-leveled area

    Exploring the Strategic Alignment of Performing Arts and Computing: Creating and Delivering Multimedia Performing Arts Content, Part II

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    Our Exploring the Strategic Alignment of Performing Arts and Computing initiative aims to develop an interdisciplinary Seidenberg-Performing arts curriculum that will integrate into the performing arts program an expansion of exposure to information technology skills and expertise relevant to creating and delivering computer mediated content. During spring and fall terms 2010 we successfully launched the interdisciplinary course Creating with Web 2.0. The fall 2010 offering includes majors from Finance, Marketing, Accounting, Computer Science, Information Systems and Performing Arts. The first offering enrolled 13 students from Marketing, Finance, Information Systems, Computer Science, Communications and Film. During spring and fall 2011 we will further develop the initial course by creating and including more sophisticated Performing to create content and to focus more attention towards recruiting Performing Arts majors. The concept of creating interactive content as an interdisciplinary curriculum offering has been shown to succeed through our first two offerings of the course. In this segment of the project we will focus much more on Performing Arts individuals and creating more sophisticated content during the Performing Arts classes, and then integrating this content into a living web presence for the Performing Artists and for students from other majors who may also enter the class

    Career Guidance and Counseling for University Students in China

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    In recent years, various forms of career guidance and career counseling have become more prominent and better serviced in most universities throughout the world. Such services are obviously to the benefit of the students themselves and for society. After an initially slow start, researchers and practitioners in China have now begun to focus on the localization of guidance and counselling theory and strategies in order to match more exactly actual employment situations in different regions of the country. This should result in a service that meets students' needs more effectively. Using mainly core literature examining the context of career guidance and counseling in China from 2001 to the present, this paper elaborates on the current situation and summarizes the progress that has been made. The authors detail the content, implementation, problems that exist, and ways of improving projects of this kind in Chinese universities. Conclusions and suggestions for further research on career guidance and counseling are provided. © 2012 The Author(s).published_or_final_versionSpringer Open Choice, 28 May 201
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