
Exploring the Strategic Alignment of Performing Arts and Computing: Creating and Delivering Multimedia Performing Arts Content, Part II


Our Exploring the Strategic Alignment of Performing Arts and Computing initiative aims to develop an interdisciplinary Seidenberg-Performing arts curriculum that will integrate into the performing arts program an expansion of exposure to information technology skills and expertise relevant to creating and delivering computer mediated content. During spring and fall terms 2010 we successfully launched the interdisciplinary course Creating with Web 2.0. The fall 2010 offering includes majors from Finance, Marketing, Accounting, Computer Science, Information Systems and Performing Arts. The first offering enrolled 13 students from Marketing, Finance, Information Systems, Computer Science, Communications and Film. During spring and fall 2011 we will further develop the initial course by creating and including more sophisticated Performing to create content and to focus more attention towards recruiting Performing Arts majors. The concept of creating interactive content as an interdisciplinary curriculum offering has been shown to succeed through our first two offerings of the course. In this segment of the project we will focus much more on Performing Arts individuals and creating more sophisticated content during the Performing Arts classes, and then integrating this content into a living web presence for the Performing Artists and for students from other majors who may also enter the class

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