3,808 research outputs found

    A modified underdetermined blind source separation algorithm using competitive learning

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    The problem of underdetermined blind source separation is addressed. An advanced classification method based upon competitive learning is proposed for automatically determining the number of active sources over the observation. Its introduction in underdetermined blind source separation successfully overcomes the drawback of an existing method, in which the goal of separating more sources than the number of available mixtures is achieved by exploiting the sparsity of the non-stationary sources in the time-frequency domain. Simulation studies are presented to support the proposed approach

    Approximate Message Passing for Underdetermined Audio Source Separation

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    Approximate message passing (AMP) algorithms have shown great promise in sparse signal reconstruction due to their low computational requirements and fast convergence to an exact solution. Moreover, they provide a probabilistic framework that is often more intuitive than alternatives such as convex optimisation. In this paper, AMP is used for audio source separation from underdetermined instantaneous mixtures. In the time-frequency domain, it is typical to assume a priori that the sources are sparse, so we solve the corresponding sparse linear inverse problem using AMP. We present a block-based approach that uses AMP to process multiple time-frequency points simultaneously. Two algorithms known as AMP and vector AMP (VAMP) are evaluated in particular. Results show that they are promising in terms of artefact suppression.Comment: Paper accepted for 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Signal Processing (ISP 2017

    Maximum a Posteriori Binary Mask Estimation for Underdetermined Source Separation Using Smoothed Posteriors

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    Sound source separation has become a topic of intensive research in the last years. The research effort has been specially relevant for the underdetermined case, where a considerable number of sparse methods working in the time-frequency (T-F) domain have appeared. In this context, although binary masking seems to be a preferred choice for source demixing, the estimated masks differ substantially from the ideal ones. This paper proposes a maximum a posteriori (MAP) framework for binary mask estimation. To this end, class-conditional source probabilities according to the observed mixing parameters are modeled via ratios of dependent Cauchy distributions while source priors are iteratively calculated from the observed histograms. Moreover, spatially smoothed posteriors in the T-F domain are proposed to avoid noisy estimates, showing that the estimated masks are closer to the ideal ones in terms of objective performance measures.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under project TEC2009-14414-C03-01. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Jingdong Chen.Cobos Serrano, M.; López Monfort, JJ. (2012). Maximum a Posteriori Binary Mask Estimation for Underdetermined Source Separation Using Smoothed Posteriors. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing. 20(7):2059-2064. doi:10.1109/TASL.2012.2195654S2059206420

    Underdetermined source separation using a sparse STFT framework and weighted laplacian directional modelling

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    The instantaneous underdetermined audio source separation problem of K-sensors, L-sources mixing scenario (where K < L) has been addressed by many different approaches, provided the sources remain quite distinct in the virtual positioning space spanned by the sensors. This problem can be tackled as a directional clustering problem along the source position angles in the mixture. The use of Generalised Directional Laplacian Densities (DLD) in the MDCT domain for underdetermined source separation has been proposed before. Here, we derive weighted mixtures of DLDs in a sparser representation of the data in the STFT domain to perform separation. The proposed approach yields improved results compared to our previous offering and compares favourably with the state-of-the-art.Comment: EUSIPCO 2016, Budapest, Hungar

    Blind Spectral-GMM Estimation for Underdetermined Instantaneous Audio Source Separation

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    The underdetermined blind audio source separation problem is often addressed in the time-frequency domain by assuming that each time-frequency point is an independently distributed random variable. Other approaches which are not blind assume a more structured model, like the Spectral Gaussian Mixture Models (Spectral-GMMs), thus exploiting statistical diversity of audio sources in the separation process. However, in this last approach, Spectral-GMMs are supposed to be learned from some training signals. In this paper, we propose a new approach for learning Spectral-GMMs of the sources without the need of using training signals. The proposed blind method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches on stereophonic instantaneous music mixtures

    Underdetermined Blind Separation of Nondisjoint Sources in the Time-Frequency Domain

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    International audienceThis paper considers the blind separation of non-stationary sources in the underdetermined case, when there are more sources than sensors. A general framework for this problem is to work on sources that are sparse in some signal representation domain. Recently, two methods have been proposed with respect to the time-frequency (TF) domain. The first uses quadratic time-frequency distributions (TFDs) and a clustering approach, and the second uses a linear TFD. Both of these methods assume that the sources are disjoint in the TF domain; i.e. there is at most one source present at a point in the TF domain. In this paper, we relax this assumption by allowing the sources to be TF-nondisjoint to a certain extent. In particular, the number of sources present at a point is strictly less than the number of sensors. The separation can still be achieved thanks to subspace projection that allows us to identify the sources present and to estimate their corresponding TFD values. In particular, we propose two subspace-based algorithms for TF-nondisjoint sources, one uses quadratic TFDs and the other a linear TFD. Another contribution of this paper is a new estimation procedure for the mixing matrix. Finally, then numerical performance of the proposed methods are provided highlighting their performance gain compared to existing ones