17 research outputs found

    Decidability Issues for Petri Nets

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    This is a survey of some decidability results for Petri nets, covering the last three decades. The presentation is structured around decidability of specific properties, various behavioural equivalences and finally the model checking problem for temporal logics

    Complexity of Problems of Commutative Grammars

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    We consider commutative regular and context-free grammars, or, in other words, Parikh images of regular and context-free languages. By using linear algebra and a branching analog of the classic Euler theorem, we show that, under an assumption that the terminal alphabet is fixed, the membership problem for regular grammars (given v in binary and a regular commutative grammar G, does G generate v?) is P, and that the equivalence problem for context free grammars (do G_1 and G_2 generate the same language?) is in Π2P\mathrm{\Pi_2^P}

    Analysis of Probabilistic Basic Parallel Processes

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    Basic Parallel Processes (BPPs) are a well-known subclass of Petri Nets. They are the simplest common model of concurrent programs that allows unbounded spawning of processes. In the probabilistic version of BPPs, every process generates other processes according to a probability distribution. We study the decidability and complexity of fundamental qualitative problems over probabilistic BPPs -- in particular reachability with probability 1 of different classes of target sets (e.g. upward-closed sets). Our results concern both the Markov-chain model, where processes are scheduled randomly, and the MDP model, where processes are picked by a scheduler.Comment: This is the technical report for a FoSSaCS'14 pape

    Behavioural Equivalence for Infinite Systems—Partially Decidable!

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    For finite-state systems non-interleaving equivalences are computationallyat least as hard as interleaving equivalences. In this paper we showthat when moving to infinite-state systems, this situation may changedramatically.We compare standard language equivalence for process description languages with two generalizations based on traditional approaches capturing non-interleaving behaviour, pomsets representing global causal dependency, and locality representing spatial distribution of events.We first study equivalences on Basic Parallel Processes, BPP, a processcalculus equivalent to communication free Petri nets. For this simpleprocess language our two notions of non-interleaving equivalences agree.More interestingly, we show that they are decidable, contrasting a result ofHirshfeld that standard interleaving language equivalence is undecidable.Our result is inspired by a recent result of Esparza and Kiehn, showingthe same phenomenon in the setting of model checking.We follow up investigating to which extent the result extends to largersubsets of CCS and TCSP. We discover a significant difference betweenour non-interleaving equivalences. We show that for a certain non-trivialsubclass of processes between BPP and TCSP, not only are the two equivalences different, but one (locality) is decidable whereas the other (pomsets) is not. The decidability result for locality is proved by a reduction to the reachability problem for Petri nets

    Approximating Weak Bisimilarity of Basic Parallel Processes

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    This paper explores the well known approximation approach to decide weak bisimilarity of Basic Parallel Processes. We look into how different refinement functions can be used to prove weak bisimilarity decidable for certain subclasses. We also show their limitations for the general case. In particular, we show a lower bound of ω ∗ ω for the approximants which allow weak steps and a lower bound of ω + ω for the approximants that allow sequences of actions. The former lower bound negatively answers the open question of Jančar and Hirshfeld

    Nested Semantics over Finite Trees are Equationally Hard

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    This paper studies nested simulation and nested trace semantics over the language BCCSP, a basic formalism to express finite process behaviour. It is shown that none of these semantics affords finite (in)equational axiomatizations over BCCSP. In particular, for each of the nested semantics studied in this paper, the collection of sound, closed (in)equations over a singleton action set is not finitely based

    Behavioural Equivalence for Infinite Systems—Partially Decidable!

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    For finite-state systems non-interleaving equivalences are computationallyat least as hard as interleaving equivalences. In this paper we showthat when moving to infinite-state systems, this situation may changedramatically.We compare standard language equivalence for process description languages with two generalizations based on traditional approaches capturing non-interleaving behaviour, pomsets representing global causal dependency, and locality representing spatial distribution of events.We first study equivalences on Basic Parallel Processes, BPP, a processcalculus equivalent to communication free Petri nets. For this simpleprocess language our two notions of non-interleaving equivalences agree.More interestingly, we show that they are decidable, contrasting a result ofHirshfeld that standard interleaving language equivalence is undecidable.Our result is inspired by a recent result of Esparza and Kiehn, showingthe same phenomenon in the setting of model checking.We follow up investigating to which extent the result extends to largersubsets of CCS and TCSP. We discover a significant difference betweenour non-interleaving equivalences. We show that for a certain non-trivialsubclass of processes between BPP and TCSP, not only are the two equivalences different, but one (locality) is decidable whereas the other (pomsets) is not. The decidability result for locality is proved by a reduction to the reachability problem for Petri nets

    Behavioural Properties and Dynamic Software Update for Concurrent Programs, Thesis Progress Report

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    Correctly developing multi-threaded programs is notoriously difficult, and getting total coverage using traditional testing paradigms, to guarantee the program is correct, is often infeasible. We expand on previous work to provide various tools, namely a generalisation of session typing and an extension of policy automata to multi-threaded code, with which to verify multi-threaded code. Additionally, most programs are not written once and then left; maintaining and updating software is an essential part of the software development cycle. Dynamic software update (DSU) “is a technique by which a running program can be updated with new code and data without interrupting its execution” [45] and uses code analyses to ensure given safety properties are maintained across update boundaries. We present techniques for verifying if a modification can be applied to a running program whilst maintaining the desired behavioural properties, which may be those the program had before or some new properties

    Equivalence of infinite-state systems with silent steps

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    This dissertation contributes to analysis methods for infinite-state systems. The dissertation focuses on equivalence testing for two relevant classes of infinite-state systems: commutative context-free processes, and one-counter automata. As for equivalence notions, we investigate the classical bisimulation and simulation equivalences. The important point is that we allow for silent steps in the model, abstracting away from internal, unobservable actions. Very few decidability results have been known so far for bisimulation or simulation equivalence for infinite-state systems with silent steps, as presence of silent steps makes the equivalence problem arguably harder to solve. A standard technique for bisimulation or simulation equivalence testing is to use the hierarchy of approximants. For an effective decision procedure the hierarchy must stabilize (converge) at level omega, the first limit ordinal, which is not the case for the models investigated in this thesis. However, according to a long-standing conjecture, the community believed that the convergence actually takes place at level omega+ omega in the class of commutative context free processes. We disprove the conjecture and provide a lower bound of omega * omega for the convergence level. We also show that all previously known positive decidability results for BPPs can be re-proven uniformly using the improved approximants techniques. Moreover dissertation contains an unsuccesfull attack on one of the main open problems in the area: decidability of weak bisimulation equivalence for commutative context-free processes. Our technical development of this section is not sufficient to solve the problem, but we believe it is a serious step towards a solution. Furtermore, we are able to show decidability of branching (stuttering) bisimulation equivalence, a slightly more discriminating variant of bisimulation equivalence. It is worth emphesizing that, until today, our result is the only known decidability result for bisimulation equivalence in a class of inifinite-state systems with silent steps that is not known to admit convergence of (some variant of) standard approximants at level omega. Finally we consider weak simulation equivalence over one-counter automata without zero tests (allowing zero tests implies undecidability). While weak bisimulation equivalence is known to be undecidable in this class, we prove a surprising result that weak simulation equivalence is actually decidable. Thus we provide a first example going against a trend, widely-believed by the community, that simulation equivalence tends to be computationally harder than bisimulation equivalence. In short words, the dissertation contains three new results, each of them solving a non-trivial open problem about equivalence testing of infinite-state systems with silent steps