43 research outputs found

    Fast and Accurate OOV Decoder on High-Level Features

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    This work proposes a novel approach to out-of-vocabulary (OOV) keyword search (KWS) task. The proposed approach is based on using high-level features from an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system, so called phoneme posterior based (PPB) features, for decoding. These features are obtained by calculating time-dependent phoneme posterior probabilities from word lattices, followed by their smoothing. For the PPB features we developed a special novel very fast, simple and efficient OOV decoder. Experimental results are presented on the Georgian language from the IARPA Babel Program, which was the test language in the OpenKWS 2016 evaluation campaign. The results show that in terms of maximum term weighted value (MTWV) metric and computational speed, for single ASR systems, the proposed approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art approach based on using in-vocabulary proxies for OOV keywords in the indexed database. The comparison of the two OOV KWS approaches on the fusion results of the nine different ASR systems demonstrates that the proposed OOV decoder outperforms the proxy-based approach in terms of MTWV metric given the comparable processing speed. Other important advantages of the OOV decoder include extremely low memory consumption and simplicity of its implementation and parameter optimization.Comment: Interspeech 2017, August 2017, Stockholm, Sweden. 201

    Spoken content retrieval: A survey of techniques and technologies

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    Speech media, that is, digital audio and video containing spoken content, has blossomed in recent years. Large collections are accruing on the Internet as well as in private and enterprise settings. This growth has motivated extensive research on techniques and technologies that facilitate reliable indexing and retrieval. Spoken content retrieval (SCR) requires the combination of audio and speech processing technologies with methods from information retrieval (IR). SCR research initially investigated planned speech structured in document-like units, but has subsequently shifted focus to more informal spoken content produced spontaneously, outside of the studio and in conversational settings. This survey provides an overview of the field of SCR encompassing component technologies, the relationship of SCR to text IR and automatic speech recognition and user interaction issues. It is aimed at researchers with backgrounds in speech technology or IR who are seeking deeper insight on how these fields are integrated to support research and development, thus addressing the core challenges of SCR

    A comparison of grapheme and phoneme-based units for Spanish spoken term detection

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    The ever-increasing volume of audio data available online through the world wide web means that automatic methods for indexing and search are becoming essential. Hidden Markov model (HMM) keyword spotting and lattice search techniques are the two most common approaches used by such systems. In keyword spotting, models or templates are defined for each search term prior to accessing the speech and used to find matches. Lattice search (referred to as spoken term detection), uses a pre-indexing of speech data in terms of word or sub-word units, which can then quickly be searched for arbitrary terms without referring to the original audio. In both cases, the search term can be modelled in terms of sub-word units, typically phonemes. For in-vocabulary words (i.e. words that appear in the pronunciation dictionary), the letter-to-sound conversion systems are accepted to work well. However, for out-of-vocabulary (OOV) search terms, letter-to-sound conversion must be used to generate a pronunciation for the search term. This is usually a hard decision (i.e. not probabilistic and with no possibility of backtracking), and errors introduced at this step are difficult to recover from. We therefore propose the direct use of graphemes (i.e., letter-based sub-word units) for acoustic modelling. This is expected to work particularly well in languages such as Spanish, where despite the letter-to-sound mapping being very regular, the correspondence is not one-to-one, and there will be benefits from avoiding hard decisions at early stages of processing. In this article, we compare three approaches for Spanish keyword spotting or spoken term detection, and within each of these we compare acoustic modelling based on phone and grapheme units. Experiments were performed using the Spanish geographical-domain Albayzin corpus. Results achieved in the two approaches proposed for spoken term detection show us that trigrapheme units for acoustic modelling match or exceed the performance of phone-based acoustic models. In the method proposed for keyword spotting, the results achieved with each acoustic model are very similar

    Very Fast Keyword Spotting System with Real Time Factor below 0.01

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    In the paper we present an architecture of a keyword spotting (KWS) system that is based on modern neural networks, yields good performance on various types of speech data and can run very fast. We focus mainly on the last aspect and propose optimizations for all the steps required in a KWS design: signal processing and likelihood computation, Viterbi decoding, spot candidate detection and confidence calculation. We present time and memory efficient modelling by bidirectional feedforward sequential memory networks (an alternative to recurrent nets) either by standard triphones or so called quasi-monophones, and an entirely forward decoding of speech frames (with minimal need for look back). Several variants of the proposed scheme are evaluated on 3 large Czech datasets (broadcast, internet and telephone, 17 hours in total) and their performance is compared by Detection Error Tradeoff (DET) diagrams and real-time (RT) factors. We demonstrate that the complete system can run in a single pass with a RT factor close to 0.001 if all optimizations (including a GPU for likelihood computation) are applied.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure


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    This paper investigates detection of English keywords in a conversational scenario using a combination of acoustic and LVCSR based keyword spotting systems. Acoustic KWS systems search predefined words in parameterized spoken data. Corresponding confidences are represented by likelihood ratios given the keyword models and a background model. First, due to the especially high number of false-alarms, the acoustic KWS system is augmented with confidence measures estimated from corresponding LVCSR lattices. Then, various strategies to combine scores estimated by the acoustic and several LVCSR based KWS systems are explored. We show that a linear regression based combination significantly outperforms other (model-based) techniques. Due to that, the relative number of false-alarms of the combined KWS system decreased by more than 50% compared to the acoustic KWS system. Finally, an attention is also paid to the complexities of the KWS systems enabling them to potentially be exploited in real-detection tasks

    Out-of-vocabulary spoken term detection

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    Spoken term detection (STD) is a fundamental task for multimedia information retrieval. A major challenge faced by an STD system is the serious performance reduction when detecting out-of-vocabulary (OOV) terms. The difficulties arise not only from the absence of pronunciations for such terms in the system dictionaries, but from intrinsic uncertainty in pronunciations, significant diversity in term properties and a high degree of weakness in acoustic and language modelling. To tackle the OOV issue, we first applied the joint-multigram model to predict pronunciations for OOV terms in a stochastic way. Based on this, we propose a stochastic pronunciation model that considers all possible pronunciations for OOV terms so that the high pronunciation uncertainty is compensated for. Furthermore, to deal with the diversity in term properties, we propose a termdependent discriminative decision strategy, which employs discriminative models to integrate multiple informative factors and confidence measures into a classification probability, which gives rise to minimum decision cost. In addition, to address the weakness in acoustic and language modelling, we propose a direct posterior confidence measure which replaces the generative models with a discriminative model, such as a multi-layer perceptron (MLP), to obtain a robust confidence for OOV term detection. With these novel techniques, the STD performance on OOV terms was improved substantially and significantly in our experiments set on meeting speech data

    Holistic Vocabulary Independent Spoken Term Detection

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    Within this thesis, we aim at designing a loosely coupled holistic system for Spoken Term Detection (STD) on heterogeneous German broadcast data in selected application scenarios. Starting from STD on the 1-best output of a word-based speech recognizer, we study the performance of several subword units for vocabulary independent STD on a linguistically and acoustically challenging German corpus. We explore the typical error sources in subword STD, and find that they differ from the error sources in word-based speech search. We select, extend and combine a set of state-of-the-art methods for error compensation in STD in order to explicitly merge the corresponding STD error spaces through anchor-based approximate lattice retrieval. Novel methods for STD result verification are proposed in order to increase retrieval precision by exploiting external knowledge at search time. Error-compensating methods for STD typically suffer from high response times on large scale databases, and we propose scalable approaches suitable for large corpora. Highest STD accuracy is obtained by combining anchor-based approximate retrieval from both syllable lattice ASR and syllabified word ASR into a hybrid STD system, and pruning the result list using external knowledge with hybrid contextual and anti-query verification.Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt ein lose gekoppeltes, ganzheitliches System zur Sprachsuche auf heterogenenen deutschen Sprachdaten in unterschiedlichen Anwendungsszenarien. Ausgehend von einer wortbasierten Sprachsuche auf dem Transkript eines aktuellen Wort-Erkenners werden zunĂ€chst unterschiedliche Subwort-Einheiten fĂŒr die vokabularunabhĂ€ngige Sprachsuche auf deutschen Daten untersucht. Auf dieser Basis werden die typischen Fehlerquellen in der Subwort-basierten Sprachsuche analysiert. Diese Fehlerquellen unterscheiden sich vom Fall der klassichen Suche im Worttranskript und mĂŒssen explizit adressiert werden. Die explizite Kompensation der unterschiedlichen Fehlerquellen erfolgt durch einen neuartigen hybriden Ansatz zur effizienten Ankerbasierten unscharfen Wortgraph-Suche. DarĂŒber hinaus werden neuartige Methoden zur Verifikation von Suchergebnissen vorgestellt, die zur Suchzeit verfĂŒgbares externes Wissen einbeziehen. Alle vorgestellten Verfahren werden auf einem umfangreichen Satz von deutschen Fernsehdaten mit Fokus auf ausgewĂ€hlte, reprĂ€sentative Einsatzszenarien evaluiert. Da Methoden zur Fehlerkompensation in der Sprachsuchforschung typischerweise zu hohen Laufzeiten bei der Suche in großen Archiven fĂŒhren, werden insbesondere auch Szenarien mit sehr großen Datenmengen betrachtet. Die höchste Suchleistung fĂŒr Archive mittlerer GrĂ¶ĂŸe wird durch eine unscharfe und Anker-basierte Suche auf einem hybriden Index aus Silben-Wortgraphen und silbifizierter Wort-Erkennung erreicht, bei der die Suchergebnisse mit hybrider Verifikation bereinigt werden

    Searching Spontaneous Conversational Speech:Proceedings of ACM SIGIR Workshop (SSCS2008)

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