10 research outputs found

    Rational Trust Modeling

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    Trust models are widely used in various computer science disciplines. The main purpose of a trust model is to continuously measure trustworthiness of a set of entities based on their behaviors. In this article, the novel notion of "rational trust modeling" is introduced by bridging trust management and game theory. Note that trust models/reputation systems have been used in game theory (e.g., repeated games) for a long time, however, game theory has not been utilized in the process of trust model construction; this is where the novelty of our approach comes from. In our proposed setting, the designer of a trust model assumes that the players who intend to utilize the model are rational/selfish, i.e., they decide to become trustworthy or untrustworthy based on the utility that they can gain. In other words, the players are incentivized (or penalized) by the model itself to act properly. The problem of trust management can be then approached by game theoretical analyses and solution concepts such as Nash equilibrium. Although rationality might be built-in in some existing trust models, we intend to formalize the notion of rational trust modeling from the designer's perspective. This approach will result in two fascinating outcomes. First of all, the designer of a trust model can incentivise trustworthiness in the first place by incorporating proper parameters into the trust function, which can be later utilized among selfish players in strategic trust-based interactions (e.g., e-commerce scenarios). Furthermore, using a rational trust model, we can prevent many well-known attacks on trust models. These two prominent properties also help us to predict behavior of the players in subsequent steps by game theoretical analyses

    Sequential Secret Sharing as a New Hierarchical Access Structure

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    Due to the rapid growth of the next generation networking and system technologies, computer networks require new design and management. In this context, security, and more specifically, access structures have been one of the major concerns. As such, in this article, sequential secret sharing (SQS), as an application of dynamic threshold schemes, is introduced. In this new cryptographic primitive, different (but related) secrets with increasing thresholds are shared among a set of players who have different levels of authority. Subsequently, each subset of the players can only recover the secret in their own level. Finally, the master secret will be revealed if all the secrets in the higher levels are first recovered. We briefly review the existing threshold modification techniques. We then present our construction and compare it with other hierarchical secret sharing schemes such as disjunctive and conjunctive multilevel secret sharing protocols

    A New Secret Sharing Scheme With Priority in Order of Sharing and its Application in Multi Authority E-voting Systems

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    Secret sharing caused a high level of security in encrypted systems. So, there are wide ranges of methods based on the secret sharing policies. Secret sharing schemes has 2 main aims. The first is determined to decrease the risks of attacks by adversaries which can be done by increasing the number of authorities. Second is to remove the dependence of protocol to an special part.In this paper, the priority of parties to share the secret is important. Also different authorities may be given different type of part. We also propose some voting systems in order to justify suggested secret sharing protocol. Also we analyze theses protocols to show that this secret sharing protocol saves the security of E-voting system

    An Owner-managed Indirect-Permission Social Authentication Method for Private Key Recovery

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    In this paper, we propose a very secure and reliable owner-self-managed private key recovery method. In recent years, Public Key Authentication (PKA) method has been identified as the most feasible online security solution. However, losing the private key also implies the risk of losing the ownership of the assets associated with the private key. For key protection, the commonly adopted something-you-x solutions require a new secret to protect the target secret and fall into a circular protection issue as the new secret has to be protected too. To resolve the circular protection issue and provide a truly secure and reliable solution, we propose separating the permission and possession of the private key. Then we create secret shares of the permission using the open public keys of selected trustees while having the owner possess the permission-encrypted private key. Then by applying the social authentication method, one may easily retrieve the permission to recover the private key. Our analysis shows that our proposed indirect-permission method is six orders of magnitude more secure and reliable tha

    Designing Efficient Algorithms for Combinatorial Repairable Threshold Schemes

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    Repairable secret sharing schemes are secret sharing schemes where, without the original dealer who distributed the shares, the participants can combine information from their shares to perform a computation that reconstructs a share for a participant who has lost their share. In this work, we study the repairability of a threshold scheme with respect to the probability that it is possible to perform a repair for a failed share, where each participant in the scheme is available with some probability p. We measure the repairability of a scheme in terms of probability that a repair set is available and in terms of the expected number of available repair sets. Additionally, we design efficient algorithms for determining who to contact when attempting to perform a repair on a failed share for repairable threshold schemes which use 2-designs. We also introduce the use of t-designs, for t > 2, as distribution designs to produce repairable secret sharing schemes with higher repairing degrees and we discuss modifications to the algorithm to account for the different attributes of the designs where t > 2

    Novel Secret Sharing and Commitment Schemes for Cryptographic Applications

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    In the second chapter, the notion of a social secret sharing (SSS) scheme is introduced in which shares are allocated based on a player's reputation and the way she interacts with other parties. In other words, this scheme renews shares at each cycle without changing the secret, and it allows the trusted parties to gain more authority. Our motivation is that, in real-world applications, components of a secure scheme have different levels of importance (i.e., the number of shares a player has) and reputation (i.e., cooperation with other parties). Therefore, a good construction should balance these two factors accordingly. In the third chapter, a novel socio-rational secret sharing (SRS) scheme is introduced in which rational foresighted players have long-term interactions in a social context, i.e., players run secret sharing while founding and sustaining a public trust network. To motivate this, consider a repeated secret sharing game such as sealed-bid auctions. If we assume each party has a reputation value, we can then penalize (or reward) the players who are selfish (or unselfish) from game to game. This social reinforcement stimulates the players to be cooperative in the secret recovery phase. Unlike the existing protocols in the literature, the proposed solution is stable and it only has a single reconstruction round. In the fourth chapter, a comprehensive analysis of the existing dynamic secret sharing (DSS) schemes is first provided. In a threshold scheme, the sensitivity of the secret and the number of players may fluctuate due to various reasons. Moreover, a common problem with almost all secret sharing schemes is that they are ``one-time'', meaning that the secret and shares are known to everyone after secret recovery. We therefore provide new techniques where the threshold and/or the secret can be changed multiple times to arbitrary values after the initialization. In addition, we introduce a new application of dynamic threshold schemes, named sequential secret sharing (SQS), in which several secrets with increasing thresholds are shared among the players who have different levels of authority. In the fifth chapter, a cryptographic primitive, named multicomponent commitment scheme (MCS) is proposed where we have multiple committers and verifiers. This new scheme is used to construct different sealed-bid auction protocols (SAP) where the auction outcomes are defined without revealing the losing bids. The main reason for constructing secure auctions is the fact that the values of the losing bids can be exploited in future auctions and negotiations if they are not kept private. In our auctioneer-free protocols, bidders first commit to their bids before the auction starts. They then apply a decreasing price mechanism to define the winner and selling price in an unconditionally secure setting

    RESCUE: Evaluation of a Fragmented Secret Share System in Distributed-Cloud Architecture

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    Scaling big data infrastructure using multi-cloud environment has led to the demand for highly secure, resilient and reliable data sharing method. Several variants of secret sharing scheme have been proposed but there remains a gap in knowledge on the evaluation of these methods in relation to scalability, resilience and key management as volume of files generated increase and cloud outages persist. In line with these, this thesis presents an evaluation of a method that combines data fragmentation with Shamir’s secret sharing scheme known as Fragmented Secret Share System (FSSS). It applies data fragmentation using a calculated optimum fragment size and encrypts each fragment using a 256-bit AES key length before dispersal to cloudlets, the encryption key is managed using secret sharing methods as used in cryptography.Four experiments were performed to measure the scalability, resilience and reliability in key management. The first and second experiments evaluated scalability using defined fragment blocks and an optimum fragment size. These fragment types were used to break file of varied sizes into fragments, and then encrypted and dispersed to the cloud, and recovered when required. Both were used in combination of different secret sharing policies for key management. The third experiment tested file recovery during cloud failures, while the fourth experiment focused on efficient key management.The contributions of this thesis are of two ways: development of evaluation frameworks to measure scalability and resilience of data sharing methods; and the provision of information on relationships between file sizes and share policies combinations. While the first aimed at providing platform to measure scalability from the point of continuous production as file size and volume increase, and resilience as the potential to continue operation despite cloud outages; the second provides experimental frameworks on the effects of file sizes and share policies on overall system performance.The results of evaluation of FSSS with similar methods showed that the fragmentation method has less overhead costs irrespective of file sizes and the share policy combination. That the inherent challenges in secret sharing scheme can only be solved through alternative means such as combining secret sharing with other data fragmentation method. In all, the system is less of any erasure coding technique, making it difficult to detect corrupt or lost fragment during file recovery