6 research outputs found

    Prediction of stroke probability occurrence based on fuzzy cognitive maps

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    Among neurological patients, stroke is the most common cause of mortality. It is a health problem that is very costly all over the world. Therefore, the mortality due to the disease can be reduced by identifying and modifying the risk factors. Controllable factors which are contributing to stroke including hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, hyperlipidemia, smoking, and obesity. Therefore, by identifying and controlling the risk factors, stroke can be prevented and the effects of this disease could be reduced to a minimum. Therefore, for the quick and timely diagnosis of the disease, we need an intelligent system to predict the stroke risk. In this paper, a method has been proposed for predicting the risk rate of stroke which is based on fuzzy cognitive maps and nonlinear Hebbian learning algorithm. The accuracy of the proposed NHL-FCM model is tested using 15-fold cross-validation, for 90 actual cases, and compared with those of support vector machine and k-nearest neighbours. The proposed method shows superior performance with a total accuracy of (95.4 ± 7.5)%

    The Impact of AI on Recruitment and Selection Processes: Analysing the role of AI in automating and enhancing recruitment and selection procedures

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    Human resource management is the process of identifying, recruiting, hiring, and training talented individuals, as well as providing them with career advancement possibilities and critical feedback on their performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the function of AI in HRM practises using qualitative bibliometric analysis. Scopus, emerald, and the Jstore library are used as data sources. This analysis contains adjustments to data spanning 18 years. It also showed that there is a constant improvement and introduction of new technological conveniences. In accordance with the present market climate, which promotes and celebrates process management and people management practises targeted at making the organisation economically viable and different from the competition, this is a positive development. This work advances the theoretical understanding of AI\u27s growth in the HR sector in light of this reality. Articles and proceedings examined in this research reveal that different authors and academic institutions provide different perspectives on the problem

    Artificial Intelligence and Human Resources Management: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly present in organizations. In the specific case of Human Resource Management (HRM), AI has become increasingly relevant in recent years. This article aims to perform a bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature that addresses in a connected way the application and impact of AI in the field of HRM. The scientific databases consulted were Web of Science and Scopus, yielding an initial number of 156 articles, of which 73 were selected for subsequent analysis. The information was processed using the Bibliometrix tool, which provided information on annual production, analysis of journals, authors, documents, keywords, etc. The results obtained show that AI applied to HRM is a developing field of study with constant growth and a positive future vision, although it should also be noted that it has a very specific character as a result of the fact that most of the research is focused on the application of AI in recruitment and selection actions, leaving aside other sub-areas with a great potential for application

    Uncertainty Propagation in Fuzzy Grey Cognitive Maps With Hebbian-Like Learning Algorithms

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    This paper is focused on an innovative fuzzy cognitive maps extension called fuzzy grey cognitive maps (FGCMs). FGCMs are a mixture of fuzzy cognitive maps and grey systems theory. These have become a useful framework for facing problems with high uncertainty, under discrete small and incomplete datasets. This paper deals with the problem of uncertainty propagation in FGCM dynamics with Hebbian learning. In addition, this paper applies differential Hebbian learning (DHL) and balanced DHL to FGCMs for the first time. We analyze the uncertainty propagation in eight different scenarios in a classical chemical control problem. The results give insight into the propagation of the uncertainty or greyness in the iterations of the FGCMs. The results show that the nonlinear Hebbian learning is the choice with less uncertainty in steady final grey states for Hebbian learning algorithms

    Uncertainty Propagation in Fuzzy Grey Cognitive Maps With Hebbian-Like Learning Algorithms

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    Dynamics under Uncertainty: Modeling Simulation and Complexity

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    The dynamics of systems have proven to be very powerful tools in understanding the behavior of different natural phenomena throughout the last two centuries. However, the attributes of natural systems are observed to deviate from their classical states due to the effect of different types of uncertainties. Actually, randomness and impreciseness are the two major sources of uncertainties in natural systems. Randomness is modeled by different stochastic processes and impreciseness could be modeled by fuzzy sets, rough sets, Dempster–Shafer theory, etc