936 research outputs found

    Unambiguous 1-Uniform Morphisms

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    A morphism h is unambiguous with respect to a word w if there is no other morphism g that maps w to the same image as h. In the present paper we study the question of whether, for any given word, there exists an unambiguous 1-uniform morphism, i.e., a morphism that maps every letter in the word to an image of length 1.Comment: In Proceedings WORDS 2011, arXiv:1108.341

    Unambiguous 1-uniform morphisms

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    A morphism σ is unambiguous with respect to a word α if there is no other morphism τ that maps α to the same image as σ. In the present paper we study the question of whether, for any given word, there exists an unambiguous 1-uniform morphism, i.e., a morphism that maps every letter in the word to an image of length 1

    Conditions on the existence of unambiguous morphisms

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    A morphism α is (strongly) unambiguous with respect to a word α if there is no other morphism τ that maps α to the same image as σ. Moreover, α is said to be weakly unambiguous with respect to a word α if σ is the only nonerasing morphism.....

    Polymonadic Programming

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    Monads are a popular tool for the working functional programmer to structure effectful computations. This paper presents polymonads, a generalization of monads. Polymonads give the familiar monadic bind the more general type forall a,b. L a -> (a -> M b) -> N b, to compose computations with three different kinds of effects, rather than just one. Polymonads subsume monads and parameterized monads, and can express other constructions, including precise type-and-effect systems and information flow tracking; more generally, polymonads correspond to Tate's productoid semantic model. We show how to equip a core language (called lambda-PM) with syntactic support for programming with polymonads. Type inference and elaboration in lambda-PM allows programmers to write polymonadic code directly in an ML-like syntax--our algorithms compute principal types and produce elaborated programs wherein the binds appear explicitly. Furthermore, we prove that the elaboration is coherent: no matter which (type-correct) binds are chosen, the elaborated program's semantics will be the same. Pleasingly, the inferred types are easy to read: the polymonad laws justify (sometimes dramatic) simplifications, but with no effect on a type's generality.Comment: In Proceedings MSFP 2014, arXiv:1406.153

    Morphic primitivity and alphabet reductions

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    An alphabet reduction is a 1-uniform morphism that maps a word to an image that contains a smaller number of dfferent letters. In the present paper we investigate the effect of alphabet reductions on morphically primitive words, i. e., words that are not a fixed point of a nontrivial morphism. Our first main result answers a question on the existence of unambiguous alphabet reductions for such words, and our second main result establishes whether alphabet reductions can be given that preserve morphic primitivity. In addition to this, we study Billaud's Conjecture - which features a dfferent type of alphabet reduction, but is otherwise closely related to the main subject of our paper - and prove its correctness for a special case

    Weakly Unambiguous Morphisms

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    A nonerasing morphism sigma is said to be weakly unambiguous with respect to a word w if sigma is the only nonerasing morphism that can map w to sigma(w), i.e., there does not exist any other nonerasing morphism tau satisfying tau(w) = sigma(w). In the present paper, we wish to characterise those words with respect to which there exists such a morphism. This question is nontrivial if we consider so-called length-increasing morphisms, which map a word to an image that is strictly longer than the word. Our main result is a compact characterisation that holds for all morphisms with ternary or larger target alphabets. We also comprehensively describe those words that have a weakly unambiguous length-increasing morphism with a unary target alphabet, but we have to leave the problem open for binary alphabets, where we can merely give some non-characteristic conditions
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