11 research outputs found

    Artificial intelligence in musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging

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    Ultrasonography (US) is noninvasive and offers real-time, low-cost, and portable imaging that facilitates the rapid and dynamic assessment of musculoskeletal components. Significant technological improvements have contributed to the increasing adoption of US for musculoskeletal assessments, as artificial intelligence (AI)-based computer-aided detection and computer-aided diagnosis are being utilized to improve the quality, efficiency, and cost of US imaging. This review provides an overview of classical machine learning techniques and modern deep learning approaches for musculoskeletal US, with a focus on the key categories of detection and diagnosis of musculoskeletal disorders, predictive analysis with classification and regression, and automated image segmentation. Moreover, we outline challenges and a range of opportunities for AI in musculoskeletal US practice.11Nsciescopu

    Artificial intelligence for ultrasound scanning in regional anaesthesia: a scoping review of the evidence from multiple disciplines

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    Background Artificial intelligence (AI) for ultrasound scanning in regional anaesthesia is a rapidly developing interdisciplinary field. There is a risk that work could be undertaken in parallel by different elements of the community but with a lack of knowledge transfer between disciplines, leading to repetition and diverging methodologies. This scoping review aimed to identify and map the available literature on the accuracy and utility of AI systems for ultrasound scanning in regional anaesthesia. Methods A literature search was conducted using Medline, Embase, CINAHL, IEEE Xplore, and ACM Digital Library. Clinical trial registries, a registry of doctoral theses, regulatory authority databases, and websites of learned societies in the field were searched. Online commercial sources were also reviewed. Results In total, 13,014 sources were identified; 116 were included for full-text review. A marked change in AI techniques was noted in 2016–17, from which point on the predominant technique used was deep learning. Methods of evaluating accuracy are variable, meaning it is impossible to compare the performance of one model with another. Evaluations of utility are more comparable, but predominantly gained from the simulation setting with limited clinical data on efficacy or safety. Study methodology and reporting lack standardisation. Conclusions There is a lack of structure to the evaluation of accuracy and utility of AI for ultrasound scanning in regional anaesthesia, which hinders rigorous appraisal and clinical uptake. A framework for consistent evaluation is needed to inform model evaluation, allow comparison between approaches/models, and facilitate appropriate clinical adoption

    Applications of artificial intelligence in musculoskeletal ultrasound: narrative review

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    Ultrasonography (US) has become a valuable imaging tool for the examination of the musculoskeletal system. It provides important diagnostic information and it can also be very useful in the assessment of disease activity and treatment response. US has gained widespread use in rheumatology practice because it provides real time and dynamic assessment, although it is dependent on the examiner’s experience. The implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in the process of image recognition and interpretation has the potential to overcome certain limitations related to physician-dependent assessment, such as the variability in image acquisition. Multiple studies in the field of AI have explored how integrated machine learning algorithms could automate specific tissue recognition, diagnosis of joint and muscle pathology, and even grading of synovitis which is essential for monitoring disease activity. AI-based techniques applied in musculoskeletal US imaging focus on automated segmentation, image enhancement, detection and classification. AI-based US imaging can thus improve accuracy, time efficiency and offer a framework for standardization between different examinations. This paper will offer an overview of current research in the field of AI-based ultrasonography of the musculoskeletal system with focus on the applications of machine learning techniques in the examination of joints, muscles and peripheral nerves, which could potentially improve the performance of everyday clinical practice

    Unveiling healthcare data archiving: Exploring the role of artificial intelligence in medical image analysis

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    Gli archivi sanitari digitali possono essere considerati dei moderni database progettati per immagazzinare e gestire ingenti quantità di informazioni mediche, dalle cartelle cliniche dei pazienti, a studi clinici fino alle immagini mediche e a dati genomici. I dati strutturati e non strutturati che compongono gli archivi sanitari sono oggetto di scrupolose e rigorose procedure di validazione per garantire accuratezza, affidabilità e standardizzazione a fini clinici e di ricerca. Nel contesto di un settore sanitario in continua e rapida evoluzione, l’intelligenza artificiale (IA) si propone come una forza trasformativa, capace di riformare gli archivi sanitari digitali migliorando la gestione, l’analisi e il recupero di vasti set di dati clinici, al fine di ottenere decisioni cliniche più informate e ripetibili, interventi tempestivi e risultati migliorati per i pazienti. Tra i diversi dati archiviati, la gestione e l’analisi delle immagini mediche in archivi digitali presentano numerose sfide dovute all’eterogeneità dei dati, alla variabilità della qualità delle immagini, nonché alla mancanza di annotazioni. L’impiego di soluzioni basate sull’IA può aiutare a risolvere efficacemente queste problematiche, migliorando l’accuratezza dell’analisi delle immagini, standardizzando la qualità dei dati e facilitando la generazione di annotazioni dettagliate. Questa tesi ha lo scopo di utilizzare algoritmi di IA per l’analisi di immagini mediche depositate in archivi sanitari digitali. Il presente lavoro propone di indagare varie tecniche di imaging medico, ognuna delle quali è caratterizzata da uno specifico dominio di applicazione e presenta quindi un insieme unico di sfide, requisiti e potenziali esiti. In particolare, in questo lavoro di tesi sarà oggetto di approfondimento l’assistenza diagnostica degli algoritmi di IA per tre diverse tecniche di imaging, in specifici scenari clinici: i) Immagini endoscopiche ottenute durante esami di laringoscopia; ciò include un’esplorazione approfondita di tecniche come la detection di keypoints per la stima della motilità delle corde vocali e la segmentazione di tumori del tratto aerodigestivo superiore; ii) Immagini di risonanza magnetica per la segmentazione dei dischi intervertebrali, per la diagnosi e il trattamento di malattie spinali, così come per lo svolgimento di interventi chirurgici guidati da immagini; iii) Immagini ecografiche in ambito reumatologico, per la valutazione della sindrome del tunnel carpale attraverso la segmentazione del nervo mediano. Le metodologie esposte in questo lavoro evidenziano l’efficacia degli algoritmi di IA nell’analizzare immagini mediche archiviate. I progressi metodologici ottenuti sottolineano il notevole potenziale dell’IA nel rivelare informazioni implicitamente presenti negli archivi sanitari digitali

    Ultrasound Guidance in Perioperative Care

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    Ultrasound Guidance in Perioperative Care

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    Advancements and Breakthroughs in Ultrasound Imaging

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    Ultrasonic imaging is a powerful diagnostic tool available to medical practitioners, engineers and researchers today. Due to the relative safety, and the non-invasive nature, ultrasonic imaging has become one of the most rapidly advancing technologies. These rapid advances are directly related to the parallel advancements in electronics, computing, and transducer technology together with sophisticated signal processing techniques. This book focuses on state of the art developments in ultrasonic imaging applications and underlying technologies presented by leading practitioners and researchers from many parts of the world

    An image processing decisional system for the Achilles tendon using ultrasound images

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    The Achilles Tendon (AT) is described as the largest and strongest tendon in the human body. As for any other organs in the human body, the AT is associated with some medical problems that include Achilles rupture and Achilles tendonitis. AT rupture affects about 1 in 5,000 people worldwide. Additionally, AT is seen in about 10 percent of the patients involved in sports activities. Today, ultrasound imaging plays a crucial role in medical imaging technologies. It is portable, non-invasive, free of radiation risks, relatively inexpensive and capable of taking real-time images. There is a lack of research that looks into the early detection and diagnosis of AT abnormalities from ultrasound images. This motivated the researcher to build a complete system which enables one to crop, denoise, enhance, extract the important features and classify AT ultrasound images. The proposed application focuses on developing an automated system platform. Generally, systems for analysing ultrasound images involve four stages, pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and classification. To produce the best results for classifying the AT, SRAD, CLAHE, GLCM, GLRLM, KPCA algorithms have been used. This was followed by the use of different standard and ensemble classifiers trained and tested using the dataset samples and reduced features to categorize the AT images into normal or abnormal. Various classifiers have been adopted in this research to improve the classification accuracy. To build an image decisional system, a 57 AT ultrasound images has been collected. These images were used in three different approaches where the Region of Interest (ROI) position and size are located differently. To avoid the imbalanced misleading metrics, different evaluation metrics have been adapted to compare different classifiers and evaluate the whole classification accuracy. The classification outcomes are evaluated using different metrics in order to estimate the decisional system performance. A high accuracy of 83% was achieved during the classification process. Most of the ensemble classifies worked better than the standard classifiers in all the three ROI approaches. The research aim was achieved and accomplished by building an image processing decisional system for the AT ultrasound images. This system can distinguish between normal and abnormal AT ultrasound images. In this decisional system, AT images were improved and enhanced to achieve a high accuracy of classification without any user intervention