265,222 research outputs found

    Context for Ubiquitous Data Management

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    In response to the advance of ubiquitous computing technologies, we believe that for computer systems to be ubiquitous, they must be context-aware. In this paper, we address the impact of context-awareness on ubiquitous data management. To do this, we overview different characteristics of context in order to develop a clear understanding of context, as well as its implications and requirements for context-aware data management. References to recent research activities and applicable techniques are also provided

    U-health expert system with statistical neural network

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    Ubiquitous Health(U-Health) system witch focuses on automated applications that can provide healthcare to human anywhere and anytime using wired and wireless mobile technologies is becoming increasingly important. This system consists of a network system to collect data and a sensor module which measures pulse, blood pressure, diabetes, blood sugar, body fat diet with management and measurement of stress etc, by both wired and wireless and further portable mobile connections. In this paper, we propose an expert system using back-propagation to support the diagnosis of citizens in U-Health system

    Ubiquitous Manufacturing Requirements for Product Data Management

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    Ubiquitous manufacturing rather straightforwardly means the usage and utility of ubiquitous computing concepts and technologies in manufacturing. Simply put this means embedding more intelligence into objects of the production line, making them communicate and using all data this generates to further enhance the functionality and visibility of the production. The study is structured into theory and empirical sections. Theory part is a literature review for defining the concepts of ubiquitous computing, product data management and ubiquitous manufacturing. Along with the definition of ubiquitous manufacturing, ubiquitous computing ideas are used to build ubiquitous manufacturing concepts. These definitions and concepts are then used as a foundation for defining the requirements that the ubiquitous manufacturing sets on product data management. The requirement definition mainly studies the role and availability of product information, regarding different phases and aspects of the product and its manufacturing. In the empirical part of the study a data model is built for product structure management, which aims to fulfill the needs and requirements posed in the theory section of the study. The developed data model is also put into test in a case study section, where a pilot production line, that realizes single ubiquitous manufacturing concept, is built at The Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT. The conclusion of the study discusses the implications of the study and of ubiquitous manufacturing in general. The study concludes that one of the key possibilities of ubiquitous computing in manufacturing environment is the development of product data management to the level of real-world single item management. This real-time information of singular items enables development of production through better controllability, monitoring and optimization. In a ubiquitous manufacturing concept such as this, the main requirements for PDM are real-time singular level information management, and possibility to model product manufacturing phases in addition to modeling products./Kir11Ubiikilla valmistuksella tarkoitetaan varsin suoraviivaisesti jokapaikan tietotekniikan kÀyttöÀ valmistuksen apuna. Yksinkertaisesti tÀmÀ tarkoittaa tiedon ja Àlyn lisÀÀmistÀ tuotantolinjan kappaleisiin, kuten työkaluihin ja komponentteihin, nÀiden kappaleiden vÀlistÀ kommunikointia sekÀ tÀstÀ syntyvÀn uuden tiedon kÀyttÀmistÀ toiminnan analysoimiseen ja kehittÀmiseen. TÀmÀn työn pÀÀasiallinen sisÀltö on tutkia millaisia vaatimuksia ubiikki valmistus aiheuttaa tuotetiedonhallinnalle. Työ jakautuu teoria- ja empiriaosuuksiin. Teoriaosuudessa aihetta lÀhestytÀÀn kirjallisuusselvityksen keinoin ubiikin tietotekniikan ja tuotetiedonhallinnan mÀÀrittelyn ja vaatimusten kautta, siirtyen lopulta ubiikkiin valmistukseen. Samalla tutkitaan lyhyesti ubiikin tietotekniikan mahdollistamia konsepteja ja uusia toimintatapoja valmistusympÀristöissÀ. NÀiden konseptien pohjalta tehdÀÀn vaatimusmÀÀrittely siitÀ, mitÀ vaatimuksia ubiikki valmistus aiheuttaa tiedonhallinnalle ja etenkin tuotetiedonhallinnalle. Empiriaosuudessa muotoillaan tuotteelle tietorakenne, joka vastaa ubiikin valmistuksen tarpeisiin ja vaatimuksiin. TÀtÀ tuotteen tietorakennetta testataan vielÀ lyhyesti case-tutkimuksena toteuttamalla Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus VTT:n Espoon tiloissa kokeellinen tuotantolinja, johon on liitetty ubiikkia toiminnallisuutta. Lopuksi työssÀ kÀsitellÀÀn vielÀ tutkimuksen tuloksia sekÀ ubiikin tuotannon vaatimuksia ja mahdollisuuksia yleensÀ ottaen. KeskeisinÀ ubiikin valmistuksen mahdollisuuksina työssÀ nousee esille tuotetiedonhallinnan kehittÀminen jokapaikan teknologioiden avulla reaalimaailman kappalekohtaiselle tasolle, jossa on keskeistÀ erottaa, mitÀ tietoa kustakin yksittÀisestÀ tuotteesta talletetaan millekin tasolle. TÀmÀ reaaliaikainen kappalekohtainen tiedonhallinta mahdollistaa tuotannon tehostamisen muun muassa paremman ohjattavuuden, optimoinnin sekÀ tarkkailun kautta. TÀllöin tuotetiedonhallinnalle asetettuja pÀÀvaatimuksia ovatkin juuri reaaliaikainen kappalekohtainen toiminta sekÀ valmius mallintaa itse tuotteiden lisÀksi myös tuotteiden valmistusvaiheit

    Performance Analysis of C/U Split Hybrid Satellite Terrestrial Network for 5G Systems

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    Over the last decade, the explosive increase in demand of high-data-rate video services and massive access machine type communication (MTC) requests have become the main challenges for the future 5G wireless network. The hybrid satellite terrestrial network based on the control and user plane (C/U) separation concept is expected to support flexible and customized resource scheduling and management toward global ubiquitous networking and unified service architecture. In this paper, centralized and distributed resource management strategies (CRMS and DRMS) are proposed and compared com- prehensively in terms of throughput, power consumption, spectral and energy efficiency (SE and EE) and coverage probability, utilizing the mature stochastic geometry. Numerical results show that, compared with DRMS strategy, the U-plane cooperation between satellite and terrestrial network under CRMS strategy could improve the throughput and EE by nearly 136% and 60% respectively in ultra-sparse networks and greatly enhance the U-plane coverage probability (approximately 77%). Efficient resource management mechanism is suggested for the hybrid network according to the network deployment for the future 5G wireless network

    Towards Exascale Scientific Metadata Management

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    Advances in technology and computing hardware are enabling scientists from all areas of science to produce massive amounts of data using large-scale simulations or observational facilities. In this era of data deluge, effective coordination between the data production and the analysis phases hinges on the availability of metadata that describe the scientific datasets. Existing workflow engines have been capturing a limited form of metadata to provide provenance information about the identity and lineage of the data. However, much of the data produced by simulations, experiments, and analyses still need to be annotated manually in an ad hoc manner by domain scientists. Systematic and transparent acquisition of rich metadata becomes a crucial prerequisite to sustain and accelerate the pace of scientific innovation. Yet, ubiquitous and domain-agnostic metadata management infrastructure that can meet the demands of extreme-scale science is notable by its absence. To address this gap in scientific data management research and practice, we present our vision for an integrated approach that (1) automatically captures and manipulates information-rich metadata while the data is being produced or analyzed and (2) stores metadata within each dataset to permeate metadata-oblivious processes and to query metadata through established and standardized data access interfaces. We motivate the need for the proposed integrated approach using applications from plasma physics, climate modeling and neuroscience, and then discuss research challenges and possible solutions

    The Link between Environmental Innovation, Patents, and Environmental Management

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    This paper analyses empirically the relationship between environmental innovations, environmental management and patenting. In particular it tests a number of propositions on how environmental management systems and the interaction with environmentally more or less concerned stakeholders are associated with the probability of firms to pursue innovation in general (measured as patenting behaviour) and specifically environmental innovation (measured as firm self-assessment and based on patent data). In applying a negative binomial as well as binary discrete choice models the relationship is studied using data on German manufacturing firms. As a novel and important insight, the study finds that environmental innovation can be meaningfully identified using patent data and that environmental innovation defined this way is less ubiquitous than self-reported environmental innovation. It also reveals that the implementation level of environmental management systems has a positive effect exclusively on environmental process innovation, whereas it is negatively associated with the level of a firm’s general patenting activities. For environmental product innovation and patented environmental innovations a positive relationship with environ-mentally concerned and a negative link with environmentally neutral stakeholders is found.Environmental innovations, patents
