416 research outputs found

    Traversing NAT: A Problem

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    This quasi-experimental before-and-after study measured and analyzed the impacts of adding security to a new bi-directional Network Address Translation (NAT). Literature revolves around various types of NAT, their advantages and disadvantages, their security models, and networking technologies’ adoption. The study of the newly created secure bi-directional model of NAT showed statistically significant changes in the variables than another model using port forwarding. Future research of how data will traverse networks is crucial in an ever-changing world of technology

    A Survey on Handover Management in Mobility Architectures

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    This work presents a comprehensive and structured taxonomy of available techniques for managing the handover process in mobility architectures. Representative works from the existing literature have been divided into appropriate categories, based on their ability to support horizontal handovers, vertical handovers and multihoming. We describe approaches designed to work on the current Internet (i.e. IPv4-based networks), as well as those that have been devised for the "future" Internet (e.g. IPv6-based networks and extensions). Quantitative measures and qualitative indicators are also presented and used to evaluate and compare the examined approaches. This critical review provides some valuable guidelines and suggestions for designing and developing mobility architectures, including some practical expedients (e.g. those required in the current Internet environment), aimed to cope with the presence of NAT/firewalls and to provide support to legacy systems and several communication protocols working at the application layer

    The HSS/SNiC : a conceptual framework for collapsing security down to the physical layer

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    This work details the concept of a novel network security model called the Super NIC (SNIC) and a Hybrid Super Switch (HSS). The design will ultimately incorporate deep packet inspection (DPI), intrusion detection and prevention (IDS/IPS) functions, as well as network access control technologies therefore making all end-point network devices inherently secure. The SNIC and HSS functions are modelled using a transparent GNU/Linux Bridge with the Netfilter framework

    Post Sockets: Towards an Evolvable Network Transport Interface

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    The traditional Sockets API is showing its age, and no longer provides effective support for modern networked applications. This has led to a proliferation of non-standard extensions, alternative APIs, and workarounds that enable new features and allow applications to make good use of the network, but are difficult to use, and require expert knowledge that is not widespread. In this paper, we present Post Sockets, a proposed new standard network API, that is designed to support modern network transport protocols and features, while raising the level of abstraction and enhancing usability. Specifically, Post Sockets aims to give portable applications the ability to use a clear, messages based, interface to multi-path and multi-stream transports, rendezvous and connection racing, and fast connection re-establishment

    Extending the Functionality of the Realm Gateway

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    The promise of 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) expects the coming years to witness substantial growth of connected devices. This increase in the number of connected devices further aggravates the IPv4 address exhaustion problem. Network Address Translation (NAT) is a widely known solution to cater to the issue of IPv4 address depletion but it poses an issue of reachability. Since Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) application layer protocols play a vital role in the communication of the mobile devices and IoT devices, the NAT reachability problem needs to be addressed particularly for these protocols. Realm Gateway (RGW) is a solution proposed to overcome the NAT traversal issue. It acts as a Destination NAT (DNAT) for inbound connections initiated towards the private hosts while acting as a Source NAT (SNAT) for the connections in the outbound direction. The DNAT functionality of RGW is based on a circular pool algorithm that relies on the Domain Name System (DNS) queries sent by the client to maintain the correct connection state. However, an additional reverse proxy is needed with RGW for dealing with HTTP and HTTPS connections. In this thesis, a custom Application Layer Gateway (ALG) is designed to enable end-to-end communication between the public clients and private web servers over HTTP and HTTPS. The ALG replaces the reverse proxy used in the original RGW software. Our solution uses a custom parser-lexer for the hostname detection and routing of the traffic to the correct back-end web server. Furthermore, we integrated the RGW with a policy management system called Security Policy Management (SPM) for storing and retrieving the policies of RGW. We analyzed the impact of the new extensions on the performance of RGW in terms of scalability and computational overhead. Our analysis shows that ALG's performance is directly dependent on the hardware specification of the system. ALG has an advantage over the reverse proxy as it does not require the private keys of the back-end servers for forwarding the encrypted HTTPS traffic. Therefore, using a system with powerful processing capabilities improves the performance of RGW as ALG outperforms the NGINX reverse proxy used in the original RGW solution

    Securing VoIP: A Framework to Mitigate or Manage Risks

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    In Australia, the past few years have seen Voice over IP (VoIP) move from a niche communications medium used by organisations with the appropriate infrastructure and capabilities to a technology that is available to any one with a good broadband connection. Driven by low cost and no cost phone calls, easy to use VoIP clients and increasingly reliable connections, VoIP is replacing the Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) in a growing number of households. VoIP adoption appears to be following a similar path to early Internet adoption, namely little awareness by users of the security implications. Lack of concern about security by VoIP users is probably due to the relatively risk free service provided by the PSTN. However, VoIP applications use the Internet as their communications medium and therefore the risk profile is significantly different to the PSTN. This paper reviews the risks for two VoIP implementation models now being increasingly used in Australian homes; the PC softphone and the Analogue Telephony Adaptor (ATA). An overview of each of the VoIP implementation models is given together with a description of the respective technologies and protocols utilised. The VoIP security threats, applicable to the two VoIP implementation models considered, are enumerated and vulnerabilities that could be exploited are considered. Available security mechanisms that address the identified vulnerabilities are discussed. A practical and pragmatic VoIP security framework is proposed that will enable a user to mitigate or manage the risks associated with using the VoIP implementation models considered. By applying the VoIP security framework a user will be able to deploy a secure VoIP solution appropriate for residential use

    Verification and Configuration of Software-based Networks

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    The innovative trends of Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN) have posed never experienced opportunities in productive environments, like data centers. While NFV decouples software implementation of the network functions (e.g., DPI and NAT) from their physical counterparts, SDN is in charge of dynamically changing those functions to create network paths. One new opportunity of such Software-based networks is to make the network service-provisioning models more flexible, by enabling users to build their own service graphs: users can select the Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) to use and can specify how packets have to be processed and forwarded in their networks. In particular, this PhD thesis spans mostly topics related to the verification and configuration of service graphs. For what concerns the challenges of network verification, our aim is to explore strategies that overcome the limitations of traditional techniques, which generally exploit complex modelling approaches and takes considerable verification times. Thus we envision for verification techniques that are based on non-complex modelling approaches in order to be much more efficient than existing proposals. Under these conditions, such novel approaches may work at run-time and, in particular, may be performed before deploying the service graphs, in order to avoid unexpected network behaviours and detect errors as early as possible. Another requirement is that verification should take a reasonable amount of time from a VNF Orchestrator point of view, with fair processing resources (e.g. CPU, memory and so on). This is because we are in the context of flexible services, where the reconfiguration of network functions can be frequently triggered, both in case of user request and in case of management events. The first contribution of this thesis lays on the service graphs specification by means of forwarding policies (i.e, a high-level specification of how packet flows are forwarded). While the majority of the SDN verification tools operate on OpenFlow configurations, we have defined a formal model to detect a set of anomalies in forwarding policies (i.e., erroneous specifications that may cause misleading network conditions and states). The key factors that distinguish our work from existing approaches are both an early detection of policies anomalies (i.e., before translating such policies into OpenFlow entries), in order to speed up the fixing phase, without even starting service deployment, and a scalable approach that achieves verification times in the order of milliseconds for medium- large- sized networks. Another advancement in network verification has been the possibility to verify networks including stateful VNFs, which are functions that may dynamically change the forwarding path of a traffic flow according to their local algorithms and states (e.g., IDSs). Our second contribution is thus a verification approach that models the network and the involved (possibly stateful) VNFs as a set of FOL formulas. Those formulas are passed to the off-the-shelf SMT (Satisfiability Modulo Theory) solver Z3 in order to verify some reachability-based properties. In particular, the proposed solution has been implemented in a tool released under the AGPLv3 license, named VeriGraph, which takes the functional configurations of all deployed VNFs (e.g., filtering rules on firewalls) into account to check the network. The adopted approach achieves verification times in the order of milliseconds, which is compliant with the timing limitations needed by a VNF Orchestrator. Finally, for what concerns the configuration of VNFs, service graph deployment should include a strategy to deploy VNF configurations in order to fix bugs in case of verification failures. Here, we have to face several challenges like the different ways a network function may require for being configured (REST API, CLI, etc...) and the configuration semantic that depends on the function itself (e.g., router parameters are clearly different from firewall ones). We conclude this thesis by proposing a model-based configuration approach, which means defining a representation of the main configuration parameters of a VNF. This VNF model is then automatically processed by further software modules in the VNF architecture to translate the configuration parameters into a particular format required by a VNF and to deliver the produced configuration into the VNF following one of the configuration strategies (e.g., REST, configuration file, etc.) already supported by the function. The achieved results of this last work, w.r.t. the current state of the art, are the exploitation of a model-driven approach that achieves a higher flexibility and the insertion of non-VNF-specific software modules to avoid changes in the VNF implementation