3 research outputs found

    Overview of the ImageCLEF 2018 Caption Prediction Tasks

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    The caption prediction task is in 2018 in its second edition after the task was first run in the same format in 2017. For 2018 the database was more focused on clinical images to limit diversity. As automatic methods with limited manual control were used to select images, there is still an important diversity remaining in the image data set. Participation was relatively stable compared to 2017. Usage of external data was restricted in 2018 to limit critical remarks regarding the use of external resources by some groups in 2017. Results show that this is a difficult task but that large amounts of training data can make it possible to detect the general topics of an image from the biomedical literature. For an even better comparison it seems important to filter the concepts for the images that are made available. Very general concepts (such as “medical image”) need to be removed, as they are not specific for the images shown, and also extremely rare concepts with only one or two examples can not really be learned. Providing more coherent training data or larger quantities can also help to learn such complex models

    Exposure Fusion Framework in Deep Learning-Based Radiology Report Generator

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    Writing a radiology report is time-consuming and requires experienced radiologists. Hence a technology that could generate an automatic report would be beneficial. The key problem in developing an automated report-generating system is providing a coherent predictive text. To accomplish this, it is important to ensure the image has good quality so that the model can learn the parts of the image in interpreting, especially in medical images that tend to be noise-prone in the acquisition process. This research uses the Exposure Fusion Framework method to enhance the quality of medical images to increase the model performance in producing coherent predictive text. The model used is an encoder-decoder with visual feature extraction using a pre- trained ChexNet, Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformer (BERT) embedding for text feature, and Long-short Term Memory (LSTM) as a decoder. The model’s performance with EFF enhancement obtained a 7% better result than without enhancement processing using an evaluation value of Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) with n-gram 4. It can be concluded that using the enhancement method effectively increases the model’s performance

    Overview of ImageCLEF 2018: Challenges, Datasets and Evaluation

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    This paper presents an overview of the ImageCLEF 2018 evaluation campaign, an event that was organized as part of the CLEF (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum) Labs 2018. ImageCLEF is an ongoing initiative (it started in 2003) that promotes the evaluation of technologies for annotation, indexing and retrieval with the aim of providing information access to collections of images in various usage scenarios and domains. In 2018, the 16th edition of ImageCLEF ran three main tasks and a pilot task: (1) a caption prediction task that aims at predicting the caption of a figure from the biomedical literature based only on the figure image; (2) a tuberculosis task that aims at detecting the tuberculosis type, severity and drug resistance from CT (Computed Tomography) volumes of the lung; (3) a LifeLog task (videos, images and other sources) about daily activities understanding and moment retrieval, and (4) a pilot task on visual question answering where systems are tasked with answering medical questions. The strong participation, with over 100 research groups registering and 31 submitting results for the tasks, shows an increasing interest in this benchmarking campaign