483 research outputs found

    ACCIP reports, 8 of 10: ACCIP report on the education of California Indians.

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    This conference notebook is a compilation of the workshop agenda, conference objectives, and reference material. The references material includes: 1) brochures for elder organizations; 2) summaries of national aging care and advocacy groups; 3) listings of regional and national resources; 4) articles from, The Provider: IHS Primary Care journal, National Institute on Aging magazine, and U.S. Medicine journal; 5) a directory of American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian Program Administration on Aging; 6) charts and graphs showing statistics on nursing homes; and 7) information on sources of funding for health care. The notebook also includes the biographies of the conference presenters

    Study of macerates of selected plant materials in oily bases

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    Cieľom tejto práce bolo z hľadiska literárnej rešerše popísať zloženie, výrobu, vplyv na ľudské zdravie a rozmanité použitie rastlinných olejov a ich bylinných macerátov v živote človeka. Bylinné maceráty olejov sú vlastne zmesou olejov a bylín, ktorá vzniká za účelom vytvorenia produktu, spájajúceho blahodarné účinky olejov s terapeutickými účinkami bylín. V práci boli použité avokádový a mandľový olej v kombinácii s bylinami ako baza čierna, čajovník čínsky a ďumbier lekársky. Každá bylina do určitej miery ovplyvňuje aj kvalitu oleja, čo bolo pozorované na časovej závislosti čísla kyslosti v bylinných macerátoch v porovnaní s čistými olejmi. Na kvalitu oleja z hľadiska jeho kyslosti má významný vplyv aj teplota a preto bola jedna sada vzoriek macerovaná pri laboratórnej teplote a druhá v termostate pri 35°C. Časové závislosti čísla kyslosti jednotlivých olejov a macerátov boli vynesené do grafov a porovnané. Vo väčšine prípadov nadobúdali oleje a maceráty skladované v termostate vyššie hodnoty čísla kyslosti ako tie, skladované pri laboratórnej teplote. Vplyv bylín na kyslosť oleja sa v jednotlivých typoch macerátov líšil, pričom najvyššie hodnoty čísla kyslosti nadobúdali maceráty s kvetmi bazy čiernej a najnižšie, najviac podobné čistým olejom, zasa maceráty s plodmi bazy čiernej. Na konci experimentu boli ešte plynovou chromatografiou premerané celkové a voľné mastné kyseliny z posledného odberu (po 77 dňoch extrahovania) vzoriek, macerovaných pri laboratórnej teplote. Aj tu boli zistené určité rozdiely zloženia celkových aj voľných MK bylinných macerátov v porovnaní s čistými olejmi. Niektoré byliny vplývajú na zloženie jednotlivých viazaných a voľných MK viac, iné takmer vôbec.The aim of this thesis was in terms of literary research describe the composition, production, impact on human health and diverse uses of vegetable oils and their herbal macerates in human life. Herbal oil macerates are actually a blend of oils and herbs, created to produce a product that combines the beneficial effects of oils with therapeutic effects of herbs. Avocado and almond oil were used in combination with herbs such as black elder, chinese tea tree and ginger. Each herb also affects to some extent the quality of oil, which was observed in the time dependence of acid number in herbal macerates compared to pure oils. The acidity of the oil is also significantly influenced by temperature and therefore one set of samples was macerated at room temperature and the other in a thermostate at 35°C. The time dependencies of the acidity number of the individual oils and macerates were plotted into graphs and compared. In most cases, the thermostate-stored oils and macerates obtained higher acidity than those stored at room temperature. The effect of the herbs on the acidity of the oil varied in the different types of macerates, with the highest acidity values being taken by macerates with black elder flowers and the lowest, most similar to pure oils, by macerates with black elder fruits. At the end of the experiment, total and free fatty acids from the last sampling (after 77 days of extraction) of macerates and oils at room temperature were analysed by gas chromatography. Again, there were some differences in the composition of total and free fatty acids in herbal macerates compared to pure oils. Some herbs affect the composition of individual fatty acids more, others do not affect it almost at all.

    The revitalization of health and education in Rural America Act of 1992

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    During the preceding decade of the 1980's, rural communities witnessed an exodus of over 5 million residents to urban and suburban areas of the nation. It has become increasingly clear that rural parts of the country must adopt aggressive strategies to strengthen rural communities and enhance the quality of life for its citizens into the 21st century. Studies by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Technology Assessment, and the Aspen Institute all identify advanced telecommunications systems as the linchpin for a vigorous future for rural America. The Revitalization of Health and Education in Rural America Act of 1992 incorporates these recommendations into viable strategies to improve health care and educational services for rural citizens. By linking up hospitals and schools through advanced telecommunications technology, vast geographic distances are instantly reduced. With the proper infrastructure in place, up-to-date telecommunications services will facilitate endless opportunities for improving the quality of life in remote areas. This comprehensive legislation is the critical first step in forging a partnership with urban communities to create an economically sound and technologically advanced America for generations to come. Improvement of health care and educational services in rural areas through the implementation of interactive telecommunications systems is addressed. A copy of the Act is included

    Elevated second-trimester maternal serum hCG: a marker of inadequate angiogenesis.

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    Journal ArticleOBJECTIVE: To measure angiogenin, a potent inducer of neovascularization and interleukin-6, as an indicator of acute inflammation, in second-trimester amniotic fluid of patients with elevated maternal serum hCG. METHODS: In this case-control study, 20 patients with elevated maternal serum hCG (at least 2.0 multiples of median) at triple screen were matched 2:1 with controls on the basis of year of amniocentesis, parity, and race. Inclusion criteria were 1) singleton gestation, 2) no evidence of anomalies, and 3) genetic amniocentesis. Amniotic fluid was immunoassayed for angiogenin and interleukin-6. The immunoassay sensitivity for angiogenin was 0.026 ng/mL, interassay coefficient of variation 4.6%, and intra-assay coefficient of variation 2.9%. For interleukin-6, the immunoassay sensitivity was 2.37 pg/mL, interassay coefficient of variation 2.7%, and intra-assay coefficient of variation 1.9%. Angiogenin and interleukin-6 values were normalized by using natural log transformation for statistical analysis. Statistical analysis included analysis of variance and stepwise regression, with P < .05 significant. RESULTS: After correcting (by multivariate regression) for gestational age at sampling and nulliparity, amniotic fluid angiogenin levels were significantly lower in the study subjects than in controls (26%+/-11% lower, P=.004), whereas the interleukin-6 levels did not change significantly (34%+/-40% lower, P=.3). CONCLUSION: Amniotic fluid angiogenin levels are significantly lower in patients with elevated maternal serum hCG at triple screen, suggesting inadequate angiogenesis, but interleukin-6 values do not differ significantly

    An Open Pilot Study of Training Hostile Interpretation Bias to Treat Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder

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    Objective: Irritability in disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) may be associated with a biased tendency to judge ambiguous facial expressions as angry. We conducted three experiments to explore this bias as a treatment target. We tested: 1) whether youth with DMDD express this bias; 2) whether judgment of ambiguous faces can be altered in healthy youth by training; and 3) whether such training in youth with DMDD is associated with reduced irritability and associated changes in brain function. Methods: Participants in all experiments made happy versus angry judgments of faces that varied along a happy to angry continuum. These judgments were used to quantify a “balance point,” the facial expression at which a participant's judgment switches from predominantly happy to predominantly angry. We first compared balance points in youth with DMDD (n = 63) versus healthy youth (n = 26). We then conducted a double-blind, randomized controlled trial of active versus sham balance-point training in 19 healthy youth. Finally, we piloted open, active balance-point training in 14 youth with DMDD, with 10 completing an implicit functional MRI (fMRI) face-emotion processing task. Results: Relative to healthy youth, DMDD youth manifested a shifted balance point, expressed as a tendency to classify ambiguous faces as angry rather than happy. In both healthy and DMDD youth, active training is associated with a shift in balance point toward more happy judgments. In DMDD, evidence suggests that active training may be associated with decreased irritability and changes in activation in the lateral orbitofrontal cortex. Conclusions:These results set the stage for further research on computer-based treatment targeting interpretation bias of angry faces in DMDD. Such treatment may decrease irritability and alter neural responses to subtle expressions of happiness and anger

    1995 Federal Research and Development Program in Materials Science and Technology

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