9 research outputs found

    Typing with Leftovers - A mechanization of Intuitionistic Multiplicative-Additive Linear Logic

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    We start from an untyped, well-scoped lambda-calculus and introduce a bidirectional typing relation corresponding to a Multiplicative-Additive Intuitionistic Linear Logic. We depart from typical presentations to adopt one that is well-suited to the intensional setting of Martin-Löf Type Theory. This relation is based on the idea that a linear term consumes some of the resources available in its context whilst leaving behind leftovers which can then be fed to another program. Concretely, this means that typing derivations have both an input and an output context. This leads to a notion of weakening (the extra resources added to the input context come out unchanged in the output one), a rather direct proof of stability under substitution, an analogue of the frame rule of separation logic showing that the state of unused resources can be safely ignored, and a proof that typechecking is decidable. Finally, we demonstrate that this alternative formalization is sound and complete with respect to a more traditional representation of Intuitionistic Linear Logic. The work has been fully formalised in Agda, commented source files are provided as additional material available at https://github.com/gallais/typing-with-leftovers

    A linear algebra approach to linear metatheory

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    Linear typed λ-calculi are more delicate than their simply typed siblings when it comes to metatheoretic results like preservation of typing under renaming and substitution. Tracking the usage of variables in contexts places more constraints on how variables may be renamed or substituted. We present a methodology based on linear algebra over semirings, extending McBride's kits and traversals approach for the metatheory of syntax with binding to linear usage-annotated terms. Our approach is readily formalisable, and we have done so in Agda

    π with Leftovers: a Mechanisation in Agda

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    Linear type systems need to keep track of how programs use their resources. The standard approach is to use context splits specifying how resources are (disjointly) split across subterms. In this approach, context splits redundantly echo information which is already present within subterms. An alternative approach is to use leftover typing [2, 23], where in addition to the usual (input) usage context, typing judgments have also an output usage context: the leftovers. In this approach, the leftovers of one typing derivation are fed as input to the next, threading through linear resources while avoiding context splits. We use leftover typing to define a type system for a resource-aware π -calculus [26, 27], a process algebra used to model concurrent systems. Our type system is parametrised over a set of usage algebras [20, 34] that are general enough to encompass shared types (free to reuse and discard), graded types (use exactly n number of times) and linear types (use exactly once). Linear types are important in the π -calculus: they ensure privacy and safety of communication and avoid race conditions, while graded and shared types allow for more flexible programming. We provide a framing theorem for our type system, generalise the weakening and strengthening theorems to include linear types, and prove subject reduction. Our formalisation is fully mechanised in about 1850 lines of Agda [37]

    π with Leftovers: a Mechanisation in Agda

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    Linear type systems need to keep track of how programs use their resources. The standard approach is to use context splits specifying how resources are (disjointly) split across subterms. In this approach, context splits redundantly echo information which is already present within subterms. An alternative approach is to use leftover typing [2, 23], where in addition to the usual (input) usage context, typing judgments have also an output usage context: the leftovers. In this approach, the leftovers of one typing derivation are fed as input to the next, threading through linear resources while avoiding context splits. We use leftover typing to define a type system for a resource-aware π -calculus [26, 27], a process algebra used to model concurrent systems. Our type system is parametrised over a set of usage algebras [20, 34] that are general enough to encompass shared types (free to reuse and discard), graded types (use exactly n number of times) and linear types (use exactly once). Linear types are important in the π -calculus: they ensure privacy and safety of communication and avoid race conditions, while graded and shared types allow for more flexible programming. We provide a framing theorem for our type system, generalise the weakening and strengthening theorems to include linear types, and prove subject reduction. Our formalisation is fully mechanised in about 1850 lines of Agda [37]

    Resourceful program synthesis from graded linear types

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    Linear types provide a way to constrain programs by specifying that some values must be used exactly once. Recent work on graded modal types augments and refines this notion, enabling fine-grained, quantitative specification of data use in programs. The information provided by graded modal types appears to be useful for type-directed program synthesis, where these additional constraints can be used to prune the search space of candidate programs. We explore one of the major implementation challenges of a synthesis algorithm in this setting: how does the synthesis algorithm efficiently ensure that resource constraints are satisfied throughout program generation? We provide two solutions to this resource management problem, adapting Hodas and Miller’s input-output model of linear context management to a graded modal linear type theory. We evaluate the performance of both approaches via their implementation as a program synthesis tool for the programming language Granule, which provides linear and graded modal typing

    Relating Functional and Imperative Session Types

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    Imperative session types provide an imperative interface to session-typed communication. In such an interface, channel references are first-class objects with operations that change the typestate of the channel. Compared to functional session type APIs, the program structure is simpler at the surface, but typestate is required to model the current state of communication throughout. Following an early work that explored the imperative approach, a significant body of work on session types has neglected the imperative approach and opts for a functional approach that uses linear types to manage channel references soundly. We demonstrate that the functional approach subsumes the early work on imperative session types by exhibiting a typing and semantics preserving translation into a system of linear functional session types. We further show that the untyped backwards translation from the functional to the imperative calculus is semantics preserving. We restrict the type system of the functional calculus such that the backwards translation becomes type preserving. Thus, we precisely capture the difference in expressiveness of the two calculi and conclude that the lack of expressiveness in the imperative calculus is largely due to restrictions imposed by its type system.Comment: 39 pages, insubmissio

    Wiring Circuits Is Easy as {0,1,ω}, or Is It...

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    Quantitative Type-Systems support fine-grained reasoning about term usage in our programming languages. Hardware Design Languages are another style of language in which quantitative typing would be beneficial. When wiring components together we must ensure that there are no unused ports, dangling wires, or accidental fan-ins and fan-outs. Although many wire usage checks are detectable using static analysis tools, such as Verilator, quantitative typing supports making these extrinsic checks an intrinsic aspect of the type-system. With quantitative typing of bound terms, we can provide design-time checks that all wires and ports have been used, and ensure that all wiring decisions are explicitly made, and are neither implicit nor accidental. We showcase the use of quantitative types in hardware design languages by detailing how we can retrofit quantitative types onto SystemVerilog netlists, and the impact that such a quantitative type-system has when creating designs. Netlists are gate-level descriptions of hardware that are produced as the result of synthesis, and it is from these netlists that hardware is generated (fabless or fabbed). First, we present a simple structural type-system for a featherweight version of SystemVerilog netlists that demonstrates how we can type netlists using standard structural techniques, and what it means for netlists to be type-safe but still lead to ill-wired designs. We then detail how to retrofit the language with quantitative types, make the type-system sub-structural, and detail how our new type-safety result ensures that wires and ports are used once. Our ideas have been proven both practically and formally by realising our work in Idris2, through which we can construct a verified language implementation that can type-check existing designs. From this work we can look to promote quantitative typing back up the synthesis chain to a more comprehensive hardware description language; and to help develop new and better hardware description languages with quantitative typing

    Graded Modal Dependent Type Theory

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    Graded type theories are an emerging paradigm for augmenting the reasoning power of types with parameterizable, fine-grained analyses of program properties. There have been many such theories in recent years which equip a type theory with quantitative dataflow tracking, usually via a semiring-like structure which provides analysis on variables (often called ‘quantitative’ or ‘coeffect’ theories). We present Graded Modal Dependent Type Theory (Grtt for short), which equips a dependent type theory with a general, parameterizable analysis of the flow of data, both in and between computational terms and types. In this theory, it is possible to study, restrict, and reason about data use in programs and types, enabling, for example, parametric quantifiers and linearity to be captured in a dependent setting. We propose Grtt, study its metatheory, and explore various case studies of its use in reasoning about programs and studying other type theories. We have implemented the theory and highlight the interesting details, including showing an application of grading to optimising the type checking procedure itself

    Programming Languages and Systems

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 30th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2021, which was held during March 27 until April 1, 2021, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2021. The conference was planned to take place in Luxembourg and changed to an online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 24 papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 79 submissions. They deal with fundamental issues in the specification, design, analysis, and implementation of programming languages and systems