4 research outputs found

    Concurrency Analysis in Javascript Programs Using Arrows

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    Concurrency errors are difficult to detect and correct in asynchronous programs such as those implemented in JavaScript. One reason is that it is often difficult to keep track of which parts of the program may execute in parallel and potentially share resources in unexpected, and perhaps unintended, ways. While programming constructs such as promises can help improve the readability of asynchronous JavaScript programs that were traditionally written using callbacks, there are no static tools to identify asynchronous functions that run in parallel, which may potentially cause concurrency errors. In this work, we present a solution for implementing JavaScript programs using a library based on the abstraction of arrows. We enhanced the previous implementation of the arrows library by enabling its use with Node.js and by adding parallel asynchronous path detection. Automated identification of which arrows may execute in parallel helps the programmer narrow down the possible sources of concurrency errors

    Avaliação de uma aplicação de recrutamento nas PME portuguesas

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    O e-Recruitment, termo que se refere ao recrutamento online, tem vindo a ser cada vez mais adotado pelas empresas mostrando que estas estão recetivas à mudança e à evolução da sociedade. Assim, este estudo tem como objetivo a avaliação do impacto de uma aplicação de recrutamento em Portugal. Aplicação essa desenvolvida para responder às necessidades de candidatos e empregadores, sendo que a sua avaliação é feita em termos de quality-inuse, por empresas de pequena e média dimensão em Portugal, e por potenciais candidatos a ofertas de trabalho. Quality-in-use é um termo que permite avaliar a qualidade atribuída a um software por parte do utilizador através da sua utilização, avaliando variados atributos do software, inclusivamente o impacto que o sistema tem no utilizador. Para atingir os resultados relativos ao objetivo definido foi realizado um estudo preliminar e um estudo que permite a avaliação da aplicação, nas duas vertentes, recrutador e candidato. No estudo preliminar foram obtidas 140 respostas para avaliação do estado do recrutamento online em Portugal. Validou-se que a Internet é o meio mais utlizado para procura de ofertas de trabalho. Seguidamente, foram realizadas entrevistas a gestores de seis empresas, que permitiram a avaliação da aplicação qualitativamente, acompanhadas de um questionário que permitiu a avaliação da aplicação quantitativamente (3,36 em 4 pontos). Simultaneamente, foi realizado um estudo quantitativo junto dos candidatos para avaliação da aplicação móvel, 3,67 pontos em 4 possíveis. Assim, foi verificado, que a aplicação desenvolvida é adequada para os candidatos. Contudo, apesar da avaliação positiva, os recrutadores apontam pontos a melhorar no módulo da empresa.E-Recruitment, a term that refers to online recruitment, has been increasingly adopted by companies, that are prone to changes and ready to the constant evolution of society. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the impact of a recruitment application in Portugal. This application was developed to meet the needs of candidates and employers, and its evaluation is made in terms of quality-in-use by both parties, small and medium-sized companies in Portugal and potential job offers applicants. Quality-in-use is a term that allows to evaluate the quality attributed to a software by the user through its use, evaluating various attributes of the software, including the impact that the system has on the user. To achieve the results related to the defined objective, a preliminary study and a study, regarding the developed application’s evaluation, were carried out, aiming for both strands, recruiter and candidate. In the preliminary study, 140 answers were obtained to assess the status of online recruitment in Portugal. It has been validated that the Internet is the most used method to search for job offers. Then, managers from six companies were interviewed, producing a qualitative evaluation of the application, accompanied by a survey to achieve its quantitative evaluation (3,36 in 4 points). Simultaneously, a quantitative study was carried out among the candidates for evaluation of the mobile application, 3,67 out of 4 possible. Thus, it was verified that the application developed is suitable for candidates. However, despite the positive evaluation, recruiters point to improvements in the company module

    Waddle - Always-canonical Intermediate Representation

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    Program transformations that are able to rely on the presence of canonical properties of the program undergoing optimization can be written to be more robust and efficient than an equivalent but generalized transformation that also handles non-canonical programs. If a canonical property is required but broken earlier in an earlier transformation, it must be rebuilt (often from scratch). This additional work can be a dominating factor in compilation time when many transformations are applied over large programs. This dissertation introduces a methodology for constructing program transformations so that the program remains in an always-canonical form as the program is mutated, making only local changes to restore broken properties