7 research outputs found

    Contesting control: journeys through surrender, self-awareness and looseness of control in embodied interaction

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    As Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) engages with technologies that sense and actuate the body, there is a need to reconsider the human bodily experience. We present three case studies that each involve different forms of bodily experience: a breath-controlled amusement ride, a brain-controlled film, and an interactive musical duet with a physically actuated piano. We introduce a conceptual framework to describe how control becomes contested between human and computer in such experiences, using the three dimensions of: surrender of control, self-awareness of control, and looseness of control. We reveal how our experiences took users on journeys through control that traversed the space of these dimensions. We propose that our framework is not only relevant to playful cultural experiences, such as those charted in our case studies, but can also inform the design of embodied interaction more widely by emphasising the human experience of control when engaging with autonomous and bodily-focused systems, from future robots and vehicles to today’s gaze, speech and gestural interfaces

    Human-Machine Interfaces for Service Robotics

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    Safety of Autonomous Cognitive-oriented Robots

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    Service robots shall very soon autonomously provide services in all spheres of life by executing demanding and complex tasks in dynamic, complex environments and by collaborating with human users. In order to push forward the understanding of the safety problem a novel classification of robot hazards is provided. The so-called object interaction hazards are derived which arise when environment objects interact with objects that are manipulated by a robot. Taking into account the current state-of-the-art, it can be stated that this denotes a novel problem area. However, it is already proposed the so-called dynamic risk assessment approach, which shall enable the robot to perceive the risk of current and upcoming situations. In order to realize such a risk-aware planning system for the first time, dynamic risk assessment is integrated within a cognitive architecture serving cognitive functions like anticipation, planning and learning. In this connection, action spaces (sets of possible upcoming situations) are dynamically anticipated assessed with regard to comprised risks. Though, (initial) knowledge about hazards is required in order to realize this. Therefore, a novel procedural model is developed for systematically generating a safety knowledge base. However, it can be assumed that the safety knowledge potentially lacks completeness. The application of AI-based approaches constitutes a noteworthy opportunity. For this reason, light is shed on strategically influential learning methods in safety-critical contexts. Finally, this work describes the generation, integration, utilization, and maintenance of a system-internal safety knowledge base for dynamic risk assessment. It denotes an overall concept toward solving the advanced safety problem and confirms in principle the realization of a safe behavior of autonomous and intelligent systems.Sicherheit autonomer kognitivorientierter Roboter Autonome mobile Serviceroboter sollen zukünftig selbstständig Dienstleistungen in allen Lebensbereichen erbringen, auch in direkter Nähe zum Menschen. Um das Verständnis für Sicherheit in der Robotik zu erwei-tern, wird zunächst eine neue Klassifizierung der möglichen Gefahren vorgenommen. Hiervon wird die Klasse der Objektinteraktionsgefahren abgeleitet. Diese Gefahren entstehen, wenn Objekte der Umgebung mit denen interagieren, die der Roboter greift und transportiert. In Anbetracht des aktuellen Standes der Sicherheits-technik in der Robotik wird klar, dass sich hier ein neues Problemfeld auftut. Grundsätzlich wurde bereits ein dynamischer Risikountersuchungsansatz vorgeschlagen, welcher den Roboter selbst befähigen soll, Situatio-nen hinsichtlich möglicher Gefahren zu untersuchen. Um dadurch eine risikobewusste Handlungsplanung erstmals zu realisieren, wird dieser in eine kognitive Architektur integriert, um kognitive Funktionen, wie Anti-zipation, Planen und Lernen zu nutzen. Hierbei werden mögliche Handlungsräume dynamisch antizipiert und mittels dynamischer Risikoanalyse auf mögliche Gefahren untersucht. Um (Objektinteraktions-) Gefahren mit Hilfe der dynamischer Risikountersuchung bestimmen zu können, bedarf es eines (initialen) Wissens über mögliche Gefahren. Aus diesem Grund wird ein Vorgehensmodell zur systematischen Erzeugung einer solchen Sicherheitswissensbasis entwickelt. Dieses Sicherheitswissen ist jedoch potentiell unvollständig. Daher stellt die Erweiterung und Verfeinerung desselben eine Notwendigkeit dar. Hierbei können die Ansätze aus dem Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz als nützliche Möglichkeit wahrgenommen werden. Daher werden strate-gisch wichtige Lernmethoden hinsichtlich der Anwendung in einem sicherheitskritischen Kontext untersucht. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Erzeugung, die Integration, die Verwendung und die Aufrechterhaltung einer systeminternen Sicherheitswissensbasis zum Zwecke der dynamischen Risikountersuchung. Sie stellt hierbei ein Gesamtkonzept dar, dass zur Lösung des erweiterten Sicherheitsproblems beiträgt und somit die prinzipielle Realisierung des sicheren Betriebs von autonomen und intelligenten bestätigt

    Autonomous Robot Navigation through a Crowded and Dynamic Environment: Using A Novel form of Path Planning to Demonstrate Consideration towards Pedestrians and other Robots

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    This thesis presents a novel path planning algorithm for robotic crowd navigation through a pedestrian environment. The robot is designed to negotiate its way through the crowd using considerate movements. Unlike many other path planning algorithms, which assume cooperation with other pedestrians, this algorithm is completely independent and requires only observation. A considerate navigation strategy has been developed in this thesis, which utilises consideration as an directs an autonomous mobile robot. Using simple methods of predicting pedestrian movements, as well as simple relative distance and trajectory measurements between the robot and pedestrians, the robot can navigate through a crowd without causing disruption to pedestrian trajectories. Dynamic pedestrian positions are predicted using uncertainty ellipses. A novel Voronoi diagram-visibility graph hybrid roadmap is implemented so that the path planner can exploit any available gaps in between pedestrians, and plan considerate paths. The aim of the considerate path planner is to have the robot behave in specific ways when moving through the crowd. By predicting pedestrian trajectories, the robot can avoid interfering with them. Following preferences to move behind pedestrians, when cutting across their trajectories; to move in the same direction of the crowd when possible; and to slow down in crowded areas, will prevent any interference to individual pedestrians, as well as preventing an increase in congestion to the crowd as a whole. The effectiveness of the considerate navigation strategy is evaluated using simulated pedestrians, multiple mobile robots loaded with the path planning algorithm, as well as a real-life pedestrian dataset. The algorithm will highlight its ability to move with the aforementioned consideration towards each individual dynamic agent

    Types and Limits of Agent Autonomy

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    This paper contends that to fully understand interactions between agents, one must understand the dependence and autonomy relations that hold between the interacting agents. Individual variations, interpersonal dependencies, and environmental factors are determinants of autonomy that will be discussed in this paper. The paper concludes with a discussion of situations when autonomy is harmful. 1