39 research outputs found

    Material acquisition using deep learning

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    International audienceTexture, highlights, and shading are some of many visual cues that allow humans to perceive material appearance in pictures. Designing algorithms able to leverage these cues to recover spatially-varying bi-directional reflectance distribution functions (SVBRDFs) from a few images has challenged computer graphics researchers for decades. I explore the use of deep learning to tackle lightweight appearance capture and make sense of these visual cues. Our networks are capable of recovering per-pixel normals, diffuse albedo, specular albedo and specular roughness from as little as one picture of a flat surface lit by a hand-held flash. We propose a method which improves its prediction with the number of input pictures, and reaches high quality reconstructions with up to 10 images -- a sweet spot between existing single-image and complex multi-image approaches. We introduce several innovations on training data acquisition and network design, bringing clear improvement over the state of the art for lightweight material capture

    Mejora de un modelo de representación de materiales para su uso en edición intuitiva de apariencia

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    Durante los últimos años se ha producido un gran avance en las técnicas de captura de materiales. Sin embargo, editar de forma intuitiva materiales sigue siendo un reto. Este trabajo se basa en un método existente y consigue ampliar el rango de apariencia que se puede obtener durante la edición

    Joint Material and Illumination Estimation from Photo Sets in the Wild

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    Faithful manipulation of shape, material, and illumination in 2D Internet images would greatly benefit from a reliable factorization of appearance into material (i.e., diffuse and specular) and illumination (i.e., environment maps). On the one hand, current methods that produce very high fidelity results, typically require controlled settings, expensive devices, or significant manual effort. To the other hand, methods that are automatic and work on 'in the wild' Internet images, often extract only low-frequency lighting or diffuse materials. In this work, we propose to make use of a set of photographs in order to jointly estimate the non-diffuse materials and sharp lighting in an uncontrolled setting. Our key observation is that seeing multiple instances of the same material under different illumination (i.e., environment), and different materials under the same illumination provide valuable constraints that can be exploited to yield a high-quality solution (i.e., specular materials and environment illumination) for all the observed materials and environments. Similar constraints also arise when observing multiple materials in a single environment, or a single material across multiple environments. The core of this approach is an optimization procedure that uses two neural networks that are trained on synthetic images to predict good gradients in parametric space given observation of reflected light. We evaluate our method on a range of synthetic and real examples to generate high-quality estimates, qualitatively compare our results against state-of-the-art alternatives via a user study, and demonstrate photo-consistent image manipulation that is otherwise very challenging to achieve

    Deep Thermal Imaging: Proximate Material Type Recognition in the Wild through Deep Learning of Spatial Surface Temperature Patterns

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    We introduce Deep Thermal Imaging, a new approach for close-range automatic recognition of materials to enhance the understanding of people and ubiquitous technologies of their proximal environment. Our approach uses a low-cost mobile thermal camera integrated into a smartphone to capture thermal textures. A deep neural network classifies these textures into material types. This approach works effectively without the need for ambient light sources or direct contact with materials. Furthermore, the use of a deep learning network removes the need to handcraft the set of features for different materials. We evaluated the performance of the system by training it to recognise 32 material types in both indoor and outdoor environments. Our approach produced recognition accuracies above 98% in 14,860 images of 15 indoor materials and above 89% in 26,584 images of 17 outdoor materials. We conclude by discussing its potentials for real-time use in HCI applications and future directions.Comment: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System

    MATLABER: Material-Aware Text-to-3D via LAtent BRDF auto-EncodeR

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    Based on powerful text-to-image diffusion models, text-to-3D generation has made significant progress in generating compelling geometry and appearance. However, existing methods still struggle to recover high-fidelity object materials, either only considering Lambertian reflectance, or failing to disentangle BRDF materials from the environment lights. In this work, we propose Material-Aware Text-to-3D via LAtent BRDF auto-EncodeR (\textbf{MATLABER}) that leverages a novel latent BRDF auto-encoder for material generation. We train this auto-encoder with large-scale real-world BRDF collections and ensure the smoothness of its latent space, which implicitly acts as a natural distribution of materials. During appearance modeling in text-to-3D generation, the latent BRDF embeddings, rather than BRDF parameters, are predicted via a material network. Through exhaustive experiments, our approach demonstrates the superiority over existing ones in generating realistic and coherent object materials. Moreover, high-quality materials naturally enable multiple downstream tasks such as relighting and material editing. Code and model will be publicly available at \url{https://sheldontsui.github.io/projects/Matlaber}

    Material acquisition using deep learning

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    International audienceTexture, highlights, and shading are some of many visual cues that allow humans to perceive material appearance in pictures. Designing algorithms able to leverage these cues to recover spatially-varying bi-directional reflectance distribution functions (SVBRDFs) from a few images has challenged computer graphics researchers for decades. I explore the use of deep learning to tackle lightweight appearance capture and make sense of these visual cues. Our networks are capable of recovering per-pixel normals, diffuse albedo, specular albedo and specular roughness from as little as one picture of a flat surface lit by a hand-held flash. We propose a method which improves its prediction with the number of input pictures, and reaches high quality reconstructions with up to 10 images -- a sweet spot between existing single-image and complex multi-image approaches. We introduce several innovations on training data acquisition and network design, bringing clear improvement over the state of the art for lightweight material capture

    An intuitive control space for material appearance

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    Many different techniques for measuring material appearance have been proposed in the last few years. These have produced large public datasets, which have been used for accurate, data-driven appearance modeling. However, although these datasets have allowed us to reach an unprecedented level of realism in visual appearance, editing the captured data remains a challenge. In this paper, we present an intuitive control space for predictable editing of captured BRDF data, which allows for artistic creation of plausible novel material appearances, bypassing the difficulty of acquiring novel samples. We first synthesize novel materials, extending the existing MERL dataset up to 400 mathematically valid BRDFs. We then design a large-scale experiment, gathering 56,000 subjective ratings on the high-level perceptual attributes that best describe our extended dataset of materials. Using these ratings, we build and train networks of radial basis functions to act as functionals mapping the perceptual attributes to an underlying PCA-based representation of BRDFs. We show that our functionals are excellent predictors of the perceived attributes of appearance. Our control space enables many applications, including intuitive material editing of a wide range of visual properties, guidance for gamut mapping, analysis of the correlation between perceptual attributes, or novel appearance similarity metrics. Moreover, our methodology can be used to derive functionals applicable to classic analytic BRDF representations. We release our code and dataset publicly, in order to support and encourage further research in this direction