4 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Optimization Approach for Cooperative Vehicle Networks

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    This research presents a control algorithm for the cooperative control of unmanned mobile robots. The algorithm relies on continuously solving an open loop mixed integer linear programming optimization problem. Since the model can become quite complex when the number of robots and the complexity of the environment increase, computational problems can arise. To overcome these problems an approach involving a hierarchical decentralized formulation of the optimization problem is proposed.School of Electrical & Computer Engineerin

    On-board Trajectory Computation for Mars Atmospheric Entry Based on Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Optimal Control Problems

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    This thesis develops a precision guidance algorithm for the entry of a small capsule into the atmosphere of Mars. The entry problem is treated as nonlinear optimal control problem and the thesis focuses on developing a suboptimal feedback law. Therefore parametric sensitivity analysis of optimal control problems is combined with dynamic programming. This approach enables a real-time capable, locally suboptimal feedback scheme. The optimal control problem is initially considered in open loop fashion. To synthesize the feedback law, the optimal control problem is embedded into a family of neighboring problems, which are described by a parameter vector. The optimal solution for a nominal set of parameters is determined using direct optimization methods. In addition the directional derivatives (sensitivities) of the optimal solution with respect to the parameters are computed. Knowledge of the nominal solution and the sensitivities allows, under certain conditions, to apply Taylor series expansion to approximate the optimal solution for disturbed parameters almost instantly. Additional correction steps can be applied to improve the optimality of the solution and to eliminate errors in the constraints. To transfer this strategy to the closed loop system, the computation of the sensitivities is performed with respect to different initial conditions. Determining the perturbation direction and interpolating between sensitivities of neighboring initial conditions allows the approximation of the extremal field in a neighborhood of the nominal trajectory. This constitutes a locally suboptimal feedback law. The proposed strategy is applied to the atmospheric entry problem. The developed algorithm is part of the main control loop, i.e. optimal controls and trajectories are computed at a fixed rate, taking into account the current state and parameters. This approach is combined with a trajectory tracking controller based on the aerodynamic drag. The performance and the strengthsa and weaknesses of this two degree of freedom guidance system are analyzed using Monte Carlo simulation. Finally the real-time capability of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated in a flight representative processor-in-the-loop environment