861 research outputs found

    Branch Prediction For Network Processors

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    Originally designed to favour flexibility over packet processing performance, the future of the programmable network processor is challenged by the need to meet both increasing line rate as well as providing additional processing capabilities. To meet these requirements, trends within networking research has tended to focus on techniques such as offloading computation intensive tasks to dedicated hardware logic or through increased parallelism. While parallelism retains flexibility, challenges such as load-balancing limit its scope. On the other hand, hardware offloading allows complex algorithms to be implemented at high speed but sacrifice flexibility. To this end, the work in this thesis is focused on a more fundamental aspect of a network processor, the data-plane processing engine. Performing both system modelling and analysis of packet processing functions; the goal of this thesis is to identify and extract salient information regarding the performance of multi-processor workloads. Following on from a traditional software based analysis of programme workloads, we develop a method of modelling and analysing hardware accelerators when applied to network processors. Using this quantitative information, this thesis proposes an architecture which allows deeply pipelined micro-architectures to be implemented on the data-plane while reducing the branch penalty associated with these architectures

    HeteroSketch: coordinating network-wide monitoring in heterogeneous and dynamic networks

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    CNS-2107086 - National Science Foundation; CNS-2106946 - National Science FoundationPublished versio

    Models, Algorithms, and Architectures for Scalable Packet Classification

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    The growth and diversification of the Internet imposes increasing demands on the performance and functionality of network infrastructure. Routers, the devices responsible for the switch-ing and directing of traffic in the Internet, are being called upon to not only handle increased volumes of traffic at higher speeds, but also impose tighter security policies and provide support for a richer set of network services. This dissertation addresses the searching tasks performed by Internet routers in order to forward packets and apply network services to packets belonging to defined traffic flows. As these searching tasks must be performed for each packet traversing the router, the speed and scalability of the solutions to the route lookup and packet classification problems largely determine the realizable performance of the router, and hence the Internet as a whole. Despite the energetic attention of the academic and corporate research communities, there remains a need for search engines that scale to support faster communication links, larger route tables and filter sets and increasingly complex filters. The major contributions of this work include the design and analysis of a scalable hardware implementation of a Longest Prefix Matching (LPM) search engine for route lookup, a survey and taxonomy of packet classification techniques, a thorough analysis of packet classification filter sets, the design and analysis of a suite of performance evaluation tools for packet classification algorithms and devices, and a new packet classification algorithm that scales to support high-speed links and large filter sets classifying on additional packet fields

    High-Performance Packet Processing Engines Using Set-Associative Memory Architectures

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    The emergence of new optical transmission technologies has led to ultra-high Giga bits per second (Gbps) link speeds. In addition, the switch from 32-bit long IPv4 addresses to the 128-bit long IPv6 addresses is currently progressing. Both factors make it hard for new Internet routers and firewalls to keep up with wire-speed packet-processing. By packet-processing we mean three applications: packet forwarding, packet classification and deep packet inspection. In packet forwarding (PF), the router has to match the incoming packet's IP address against the forwarding table. It then directs each packet to its next hop toward its final destination. A packet classification (PC) engine examines a packet header by matching it against a database of rules, or filters, to obtain the best matching rule. Rules are associated with either an ``action'' (e.g., firewall) or a ``flow ID'' (e.g., quality of service or QoS). The last application is deep packet inspection (DPI) where the firewall has to inspect the actual packet payload for malware or network attacks. In this case, the payload is scanned against a database of rules, where each rule is either a plain text string or a regular expression. In this thesis, we introduce a family of hardware solutions that combine the above requirements. These solutions rely on a set-associative memory architecture that is called CA-RAM (Content Addressable-Random Access Memory). CA-RAM is a hardware implementation of hash tables with the property that each bucket of a hash table can be searched in one memory cycle. However, the classic hashing downsides have to be dealt with, such as collisions that lead to overflow and worst-case memory access time. The two standard solutions to the overflow problem are either to use some predefined probing (e.g., linear or quadratic) or to use multiple hash functions. We present new hash schemes that extend both aforementioned solutions to tackle the overflow problem efficiently. We show by experimenting with real IP lookup tables, synthetic packet classification rule sets and real DPI databases that our schemes outperform other previously proposed schemes

    Design of a Scalable Path Service for the Internet

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    Despite the world-changing success of the Internet, shortcomings in its routing and forwarding system have become increasingly apparent. One symptom is an escalating tension between users and providers over the control of routing and forwarding of packets: providers understandably want to control use of their infrastructure, and users understandably want paths with sufficient quality-of-service (QoS) to improve the performance of their applications. As a result, users resort to various “hacks” such as sending traffic through intermediate end-systems, and the providers fight back with mechanisms to inspect and block such traffic. To enable users and providers to jointly control routing and forwarding policies, recent research has considered various architectural approaches in which provider- level route determination occurs separately from forwarding. With this separation, provider-level path computation and selection can be provided as a centralized service: users (or their applications) send path queries to a path service to obtain provider- level paths that meet their application-specific QoS requirements. At the same time, providers can control the use of their infrastructure by dictating how packets are forwarded across their network. The separation of routing and forwarding offers many advantages, but also brings a number of challenges such as scalability. In particular, the path service must respond to path queries in a timely manner and periodically collect topology information containing load-dependent (i.e., performance) routing information. We present a new design for a path service that makes use of expensive pre- computations, parallel on-demand computations on performance information, and caching of recently computed paths to achieve scalability. We demonstrate that, us- ing commodity hardware with a modest amount of resources, the path service can respond to path queries with acceptable latency under a realistic workload. The ser- vice can scale to arbitrarily large topologies through parallelism. Finally, we describe how to utilize the path service in the current Internet with existing Internet applica- tions