400 research outputs found

    Network design decisions in supply chain planning

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    Structuring global supply chain networks is a complex decision-making process. The typical inputs to such a process consist of a set of customer zones to serve, a set of products to be manufactured and distributed, demand projections for the different customer zones, and information about future conditions, costs (e.g. for production and transportation) and resources (e.g. capacities, available raw materials). Given the above inputs, companies have to decide where to locate new service facilities (e.g. plants, warehouses), how to allocate procurement and production activities to the variousmanufacturing facilities, and how to manage the transportation of products through the supply chain network in order to satisfy customer demands. We propose a mathematical modelling framework capturing many practical aspects of network design problems simultaneously. For problems of reasonable size we report on computational experience with standard mathematical programming software. The discussion is extended with other decisions required by many real-life applications in strategic supply chain planning. In particular, the multi-period nature of some decisions is addressed by a more comprehensivemodel, which is solved by a specially tailored heuristic approach. The numerical results suggest that the solution procedure can identify high quality solutions within reasonable computational time

    Analyzing the Interdiction of Sea-Borne Threats Using Simulation Optimization

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    Worldwide, maritime trade accounts for approximately 80% of all trade by volume and is expected to double in the next twenty years. Prior to September 11, 2001, Ports, Waterways and Coastal Security (PWCS) was afforded only 1 percent of United States Coast Guard (USCG) resources. Today, it accounts for nearly 22 percent of dedicated USCG resources. Tactical assessment of resource requirements and operational limitations on the PWCS mission is necessary for more effective management of USCG assets to meet the broader range of competing missions. This research effort involves the development and validation of a discrete-event simulation model of the at-sea vessel interdiction process utilizing USCG deepwater assets. A discrete-event simulation model of the interdiction, control and boarding, and inspection processes has been developed and validated. Through a simulation optimization approach, our research utilizes the efficiency of a localized search algorithm interfaced with the simulation model to allocate USCG resources in the interception, boarding, and inspection processes with the objective of minimizing overall process time requirements. The model is tested with actual USCG data to gain insight on the development of efficient and effective interdiction operations

    A Comprehensive Survey on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Its Applications

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a heuristic global optimization method, proposed originally by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995. It is now one of the most commonly used optimization techniques. This survey presented a comprehensive investigation of PSO. On one hand, we provided advances with PSO, including its modifications (including quantum-behaved PSO, bare-bones PSO, chaotic PSO, and fuzzy PSO), population topology (as fully connected, von Neumann, ring, star, random, etc.), hybridization (with genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, Tabu search, artificial immune system, ant colony algorithm, artificial bee colony, differential evolution, harmonic search, and biogeography-based optimization), extensions (to multiobjective, constrained, discrete, and binary optimization), theoretical analysis (parameter selection and tuning, and convergence analysis), and parallel implementation (in multicore, multiprocessor, GPU, and cloud computing forms). On the other hand, we offered a survey on applications of PSO to the following eight fields: electrical and electronic engineering, automation control systems, communication theory, operations research, mechanical engineering, fuel and energy, medicine, chemistry, and biology. It is hoped that this survey would be beneficial for the researchers studying PSO algorithms

    유전 알고리즘을 이용한 다중스케일/다목적 공간계획 최적화모델 구축

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 환경대학원 협동과정 조경학전공, 2019. 2. 이동근.공간계획 과정에서 다양한 이해관계자와 결부된 목표와 제약 요건을 만족시키는 것은 복잡한 비선형적 문제로서 해결하기 어려운 것으로 알려져 왔다. 그러나 최근 이러한 문제에 유전 알고리즘 (genetic algorithms), 담금질 기법 (simulated annealing), 개미 군집 최적화 (ant colony optimization) 등의 다목적 최적화 알고리즘이 응용되고 있으며, 관련 연구 역시 급증하고 있다. 이 중 유전 알고리즘은 공간 최적화 부문에 가장 빈도 높게 적용된 최적화 알고리즘으로 exploration과 exploitation의 균형으로 합리적인 시간 내에 충분히 좋은 계획안을 제시할 수 있다. 그러나 공간 최적화 연구가 보여준 좋은 성과에도 불구하고 대부분의 연구가 특정 용도 혹은 시설의 배치에 집중되어 있으며, 기후변화 적응, 재해 관리, 그린인프라 계획과 같은 최근의 환경 이슈를 다룬 사례는 매우 미흡하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 유전 알고리즘과 비지배 정렬 유전 알고리즘 (non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II)에 기초하여 기후변화 적응, 재해 관리, 도시의 녹지 계획 등과 같은 환경 이슈를 공간계획에 반영할 수 있는 일련의 공간 최적화 모델을 제시하였다. 개별 환경 이슈에 따라 공간 해상도, 목적, 제약요건이 다르게 구성하였으며, 공간적 범위가 좁아지고 공간해상도는 높아지는 순서대로 나열하였다. 논문의 첫번째 장에서는 행정구역 도 규모 (province scale, 해상도 1㎢)에서 미래의 기후변화에 적응하기 위한 토지이용 시나리오를 모의할 수 있는 공간 최적화 모델을 제안하였다. 기후변화가 먼 미래가 아닌, 현재 이미 진행되고 있으며 관련한 다수의 피해가 관찰되고 있기 때문에 공간적 관점에서 기후변화에 대한 적응의 필요성이 지적되어 왔다. 그러나 구체적으로 기후에 대한 회복 탄력성을 향상시키기 위하여 토지이용의 공간적 구성을 어떻게 변화시켜야 할지에 대한 방법론 제시는 미흡하다. 지역계획에서 기후변화 영향을 고려한 토지이용 배분은 매우 유용한, 기본적인 중장기 적응 전략에 해당한다. 본 연구에서는 다목적 유전 알고리즘 (MOGA, multi-objective genetic algorithm)에 기초하여 9,982㎢에 350만의 인구가 거주하는 한국의 충청남도 및 대전광역시 일대를 대상으로 기후변화 적응을 위한 토지이용 시나리오를 제시하였다. 지역적인 기후변화 영향과 경제적 여건을 고려하여 재해 피해 및 전환량의 최소화, 벼 생산량, 종 풍부도 보전, 경제적 가치의 최대화 등 다섯 가지의 목적을 선택하였다. 각 목적 별 가중치를 변화시키며 여섯 가지 가중치 조합에 대한 17개의 파레토 최적 토지이용 시나리오를 생성하였다. 대부분의 시나리오는 정도의 차이는 있으나 현재의 토지이용에 비해 기후변화 적응 부분에서 더 좋은 퍼포먼스를 보였으므로, 기후변화에 대한 회복탄력성이 개선할 수 있을 것으로 판단하였다. 또한 공간 최적화 모델의 유연한 구조를 고려하였을 때, 지역의 실무자 역시 가중치와 같은 모델의 파라미터, 기후변화 영향 평가와 같은 입력자료를 변경함으로써 효율적으로 새로운 시나리오를 생성 및 선택하는 것이 가능할 것으로 예상하였다. 논문의 두 번째 장에서는 행정구역 군 규모 (local scale, 해상도 100m)에서 기후변화에 따른 재해 피해를 관리하기 위한 토지이용 시나리오를 모의할 수 있는 공간 최적화 모델을 제안하였다. 산악지형에서 폭우로 인한 산사태는 인명과 재산에 심각한 피해를 초래할 수 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 더욱이 기후변화에 따른 강우의 변동성 증가로 이러한 산사태 빈도 및 강도 역시 증대될 것으로 예상된다. 일반적으로 산사태 리스크가 높은 지역을 피해 개발지역을 배치하는 것이 피해를 저감 혹은 회피할 수 있는 가장 효과적인 전략으로 알려져 있으나, 실제공간에서의 계획은 매우 복잡한 비선형의 문제로서 이것을 실현하는 데 어려움이 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 비지배 정렬 유전 알고리즘 II에 기초하여 산사태 리스크 및 전환량, 파편화의 최소화 등의 다양한 목적을 만족시키는 종합적인 토지이용 배분 계획을 제안하였다. 대상지는 2018년 동계올림픽 개최지인 한국의 평창군으로서 2006년에 산사태로 인한 대규모의 피해를 경험하였으나, 올림픽 특수 등의 개발압력으로 인한 난개발이 우려되는 지역이다. 최종적으로 한번의 모의를 통해 현재의 토지이용 보다 적어도 한가지 이상의 목적에서 좋은 퍼포먼스를 보이는 100개의 파레토 최적 계획안을 생성하였다. 또한 5개의 대표적인 계획안을 선정하여 산사태리스크 최소화와 전환량 최소화 간에 발생하는 상쇄 효과를 설명하였다. 본 연구결과는 기후변화와 관련된 공간 적응 전략의 수립, 보다 향상된 개발계획을 위한 의사결정을 효과적으로 지원할 수 있을 것으로 예상하였다. 논문의 세 번째 장에서는 블록 규모(neighborhood scale, 2m)에서 도시 내 녹지계획안을 모의할 수 있는 공간 최적화 모델을 제안하였다. 녹지 공간은 도시민의 삶의 질에 결정적인 영향을 미치기 때문에 다양한 도시 재생 및 개발계획에는 녹지와 직 간접적으로 관련된 전략이 포함된다. 녹지 공간은 도시지역 내에서 열섬 현상 완화, 유출량 저감, 생태 네트워크 증진 등 다양한 긍정적 효과가 있음이 알려져 있으나, 공간 계획의 관점에서 이러한 다양한 효과를 종합적, 정량적으로 고려된 사례는 매우 미흡하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 비지배 정렬 유전 알고리즘 II에 기초하여 녹지의 생태적 연결성 증진, 열섬 효과 완화와 같은 다양한 효과와 설치에 따르는 비용을 종합적으로 고려하여 적절한 녹지의 유형과 위치를 결정한 녹지계획안을 제시하였다. 블록 규모의 가상의 대상지에 본 최적화 모델을 적용함으로써 30개의 파레토 최적 녹지계획안을 생성하였으며, 각 목적 간 퍼포먼스를 비교하여 녹지의 열섬 완화 효과와 생태적 연결성 증진 효과 간의 상승 관계 (synergistic relationship), 이러한 긍정적 효과와 비용 절감 간의 상쇄 효과 (trade-off relationship)를 분석하였다. 또한 다양한 계획안 중 대표적인 특성을 지니는 계획안, 다수의 계획안에서 공통적으로 녹지 설치를 위해 선택된 주요 후보지역 역시 규명하였다. 본 연구에서 제시된 모델은 계획안의 수정에서부터 정량적 평가, 계획안 선택에 이르는 일련의 긍정적인 피드백 과정을 수없이 반복함으로써 기존의 녹지계획 과정을 개선하는 데 기여할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 모델의 결과 역시 다자간 협력적 디자인 (co-design)을 위한 초안으로서 활용될 수 있을 것으로 예상하였다.The meeting of heterogeneous goals while staying within the constraints of spatial planning is a nonlinear problem that cannot be solved by linear methodologies. Instead, this problem can be solved using multi-objective optimization algorithms such as genetic algorithms (GA), simulated annealing (SA), ant colony optimization (ACO), etc., and research related to this field has been increasing rapidly. GA, in particular, are the most frequently applied spatial optimization algorithms and are known to search for a good solution within a reasonable time period by maintaining a balance between exploration and exploitation. However, despite its good performance and applicability, it has not adequately addressed recent urgent issues such as climate change adaptation, disaster management, and green infrastructure planning. It is criticized for concentrating on only the allocation of specific land use such as urban and protected areas, or on the site selection of a specific facility. Therefore, in this study, a series of spatial optimizations are proposed to address recent urgent issues such as climate change, disaster management, and urban greening by supplementing quantitative assessment methodologies to the spatial planning process based on GA and Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA II). This optimization model needs to be understood as a tool for providing a draft plan that quantitatively meets the essential requirements so that the stakeholders can collaborate smoothly in the planning process. Three types of spatial planning optimization models are classified according to urgent issues. Spatial resolution, planning objectives, and constraints were also configured differently according to relevant issues. Each spatial planning optimization model was arranged in the order of increasing spatial resolution. In the first chapter, the optimization model was proposed to simulate land use scenarios to adapt to climate change on a provincial scale. As climate change is an ongoing phenomenon, many recent studies have focused on adaptation to climate change from a spatial perspective. However, little is known about how changing the spatial composition of land use could improve resilience to climate change. Consideration of climate change impacts when spatially allocating land use could be a useful and fundamental long-term adaptation strategy, particularly for regional planning. Here climate adaptation scenarios were identified on the basis of existing extents of three land use classes using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms (MOGA) for a 9,982 km2 region with 3.5 million inhabitants in South Korea. Five objectives were selected for adaptation based on predicted climate change impacts and regional economic conditions: minimization of disaster damageand existing land use conversionmaximization of rice yieldprotection of high-species-richness areasand economic value. The 17 Pareto land use scenarios were generated by six weighted combinations of the adaptation objectives. Most scenarios, although varying in magnitude, showed better performance than the current spatial land use composition for all adaptation objectives, suggesting that some alteration of current land use patterns could increase overall climate resilience. Given the flexible structure of the optimization model, it is expected that regional stakeholders would efficiently generate other scenarios by adjusting the model parameters (weighting combinations) or replacing the input data (impact maps) and selecting a scenario depending on their preference or a number of problem-related factors. In the second chapter, the optimization model was proposed to simulate land use scenarios for managing disaster damage due to climate change on local scale. Extreme landslides triggered by rainfall in hilly regions frequently lead to serious damage, including casualties and property loss. The frequency of landslides may increase under climate change, because of the increased variability of precipitation. Developing urban areas outside landslide risk zones is the most effective method of reducing or preventing damageplanning in real life is, however, a complex and nonlinear problem. For such multi-objective problems, GA may be the most appropriate optimization tool. Therefore, comprehensive land use allocation plans were suggested using the NSGA II to overcome multi-objective problems, including the minimization of landslide risk, minimization of change, and maximization of compactness. The study area is Pyeongchang-gun, the host city of the 2018 Winter Olympics in Korea, where high development pressure has resulted in an urban sprawl into the hazard zone that experienced a large-scale landslide in 2006. We obtained 100 Pareto plans that are better than the actual land use data for at least one objective, with five plans that explain the trade-offs between meeting the first and the second objectives mentioned above. The results can be used by decision makers for better urban planning and for climate change-related spatial adaptation. In the third chapter, the optimization model was proposed to simulate urban greening plans on a neighborhood scale. Green space is fundamental to the good quality of life of residents, and therefore urban planning or improvement projects often include strategies directly or indirectly related to greening. Although green spaces generate positive effects such as cooling and reduction of rainwater runoff, and are an ecological corridor, few studies have examined the comprehensive multiple effects of greening in the urban planning context. To fill this gap in this fields literature, this study seeks to identify a planning model that determines the location and type of green cover based on its multiple effects (e.g., cooling and enhancement of ecological connectivity) and the implementation cost using NSGA II. The 30 Pareto-optimal plans were obtained by applying our model to a hypothetical landscape on a neighborhood scale. The results showed a synergistic relationship between cooling and enhancement of connectivity, as well as a trade-off relationship between greenery effects and implementation cost. It also defined critical lots for urban greening that are commonly selected in various plans. This model is expected to contribute to the improvement of existing planning processes by repeating the positive feedback loop: from plan modification to quantitative evaluation and selection of better plans. These optimal plans can also be considered as options for co-design by related stakeholders.1. INTRODUCTION 2. CHAPTER 1: Modelling Spatial Climate Change Land use Adaptation with Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms to Improve Resilience for Rice Yield and Species Richness and to Mitigate Disaster Risk 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Study area 2.3. Methods 2.4. Results 2.5. Discussion 2.6. References 2.7. Supplemental material 3. CHAPTER 2: Multi-Objective Land-Use Allocation Considering Landslide Risk under Climate Change: Case Study in Pyeongchang-gun, Korea 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Material and Methods 3.3. Results 3.4. Discussion 3.5. Conclusion 3.6. References 4. CHAPTER 3: Multi-Objective Planning Model for Urban Greening based on Optimization Algorithms 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Methods 3.3. Results 3.4. Discussion 3.5. Conclusion 3.6. References 3.7. Appendix 5. CONCLUSION REFERENCESDocto

    A Hybrid Tabu/Scatter Search Algorithm for Simulation-Based Optimization of Multi-Objective Runway Operations Scheduling

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    As air traffic continues to increase, air traffic flow management is becoming more challenging to effectively and efficiently utilize airport capacity without compromising safety, environmental and economic requirements. Since runways are often the primary limiting factor in airport capacity, runway operations scheduling emerge as an important problem to be solved to alleviate flight delays and air traffic congestion while reducing unnecessary fuel consumption and negative environmental impacts. However, even a moderately sized real-life runway operations scheduling problem tends to be too complex to be solved by analytical methods, where all mathematical models for this problem belong to the complexity class of NP-Hard in a strong sense due to combinatorial nature of the problem. Therefore, it is only possible to solve practical runway operations scheduling problem by making a large number of simplifications and assumptions in a deterministic context. As a result, most analytical models proposed in the literature suffer from too much abstraction, avoid uncertainties and, in turn, have little applicability in practice. On the other hand, simulation-based methods have the capability to characterize complex and stochastic real-life runway operations in detail, and to cope with several constraints and stakeholders’ preferences, which are commonly considered as important factors in practice. This dissertation proposes a simulation-based optimization (SbO) approach for multi-objective runway operations scheduling problem. The SbO approach utilizes a discrete-event simulation model for accounting for uncertain conditions, and an optimization component for finding the best known Pareto set of solutions. This approach explicitly considers uncertainty to decrease the real operational cost of the runway operations as well as fairness among aircraft as part of the optimization process. Due to the problem’s large, complex and unstructured search space, a hybrid Tabu/Scatter Search algorithm is developed to find solutions by using an elitist strategy to preserve non-dominated solutions, a dynamic update mechanism to produce high-quality solutions and a rebuilding strategy to promote solution diversity. The proposed algorithm is applied to bi-objective (i.e., maximizing runway utilization and fairness) runway operations schedule optimization as the optimization component of the SbO framework, where the developed simulation model acts as an external function evaluator. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first SbO approach that explicitly considers uncertainties in the development of schedules for runway operations as well as considers fairness as a secondary objective. In addition, computational experiments are conducted using real-life datasets for a major US airport to demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective and computationally tractable in a practical sense. In the experimental design, statistical design of experiments method is employed to analyze the impacts of parameters on the simulation as well as on the optimization component’s performance, and to identify the appropriate parameter levels. The results show that the implementation of the proposed SbO approach provides operational benefits when compared to First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) and deterministic approaches without compromising schedule fairness. It is also shown that proposed algorithm is capable of generating a set of solutions that represent the inherent trade-offs between the objectives that are considered. The proposed decision-making algorithm might be used as part of decision support tools to aid air traffic controllers in solving the real-life runway operations scheduling problem

    Optimización metaheurística para la planificación de redes WDM

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    Las implementaciones actuales de las redes de telecomunicaciones no permiten soportar el incremento en la demanda de ancho de banda producido por el crecimiento del tráfico de datos en las últimas décadas. La aparición de la fibra óptica y el desarrollo de la tecnología de multiplexación por división de longitudes de onda (WDM) permite incrementar la capacidad de redes de telecomunicaciones existentes mientras se minimizan costes. En este trabajo se planifican redes ópticas WDM mediante la resolución de los problemas de Provisión y Conducción en redes WDM (Provisioning and Routing Problem) y de Supervivencia (Survivability Problem). El Problema de Conducción y Provisión consiste en incrementar a mínimo coste la capacidad de una red existente de tal forma que se satisfaga un conjunto de requerimientos de demanda. El problema de supervivencia consiste en garantizar el flujo del tráfico a través de una red en caso de fallo de alguno de los elementos de la misma. Además se resuelve el Problema de Provisión y Conducción en redes WDM con incertidumbre en las demandas. Para estos problemas se proponen modelos de programación lineal entera. Las metaheurísticas proporcionan un medio para resolver problemas de optimización complejos, como los que surgen al planificar redes de telecomunicaciones, obteniendo soluciones de alta calidad en un tiempo computacional razonable. Las metaheurísticas son estrategias que guían y modifican otras heurísticas para obtener soluciones más allá de las generadas usualmente en la búsqueda de optimalidad local. No garantizan que la mejor solución encontrada, cuando se satisfacen los criterios de parada, sea una solución óptima global del problema. Sin embargo, la experimentación de implementaciones metaheurísticas muestra que las estrategias de búsqueda embebidas en tales procedimientos son capaces de encontrar soluciones de alta calidad a problemas difíciles en industria, negocios y ciencia. Para la solución del problema de Provisión y Conducción en Redes WDM, se desarrolla un algoritmo metaheurístico híbrido que combina principalmente ideas de las metaheurísticas Búsqueda Dispersa (Scatter Search) y Búsqueda Mutiarranque (Multistart). Además añade una componente tabú en uno de los procedimiento del algoritmo. Se utiliza el modelo de programación lineal entera propuesto por otros autores y se propone un modelo de programación lineal entera alternativo que proporciona cotas superiores al problema, pero incluye un menor número de variables y restricciones, pudiendo ser resuelto de forma óptima para tamaños de red mayores. Los resultados obtenidos por el algoritmo metaheurístico diseñado se comparan con los obtenidos por un procedimiento basado en permutaciones de las demandas propuesto anteriormente por otros autores, y con los dos modelos de programación lineal entera usados. Se propone modelos de programación lineal entera para sobrevivir la red en caso de fallos en un único enlace. Se proponen modelos para los esquemas de protección de enlace compartido, de camino compartido con enlaces disjuntos, y de camino compartido sin enlaces disjuntos. Se propone un método de resolución metaheurístico que obtiene mejores costes globales que al resolver el problema en dos fases, es decir, al resolver el problema de servicio y a continuación el de supervivencia. Se proponen además modelos de programación entera para resolver el problema de provisión en redes WDM con incertidumbres en las demandas

    An Artificial Immune System-Inspired Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm with Application to the Detection of Distributed Computer Network Intrusions

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    Today\u27s predominantly-employed signature-based intrusion detection systems are reactive in nature and storage-limited. Their operation depends upon catching an instance of an intrusion or virus after a potentially successful attack, performing post-mortem analysis on that instance and encoding it into a signature that is stored in its anomaly database. The time required to perform these tasks provides a window of vulnerability to DoD computer systems. Further, because of the current maximum size of an Internet Protocol-based message, the database would have to be able to maintain 25665535 possible signature combinations. In order to tighten this response cycle within storage constraints, this thesis presents an Artificial Immune System-inspired Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm intended to measure the vector of trade-off solutions among detectors with regard to two independent objectives: best classification fitness and optimal hypervolume size. Modeled in the spirit of the human biological immune system and intended to augment DoD network defense systems, our algorithm generates network traffic detectors that are dispersed throughout the network. These detectors promiscuously monitor network traffic for exact and variant abnormal system events, based on only the detector\u27s own data structure and the ID domain truth set, and respond heuristically. The application domain employed for testing was the MIT-DARPA 1999 intrusion detection data set, composed of 7.2 million packets of notional Air Force Base network traffic. Results show our proof-of-concept algorithm correctly classifies at best 86.48% of the normal and 99.9% of the abnormal events, attributed to a detector affinity threshold typically between 39-44%. Further, four of the 16 intrusion sequences were classified with a 0% false positive rate

    Lagrangian-based methods for single and multi-layer multicommodity capacitated network design

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    Le problème de conception de réseau avec coûts fixes et capacités (MCFND) et le problème de conception de réseau multicouches (MLND) sont parmi les problèmes de conception de réseau les plus importants. Dans le problème MCFND monocouche, plusieurs produits doivent être acheminés entre des paires origine-destination différentes d’un réseau potentiel donné. Des liaisons doivent être ouvertes pour acheminer les produits, chaque liaison ayant une capacité donnée. Le problème est de trouver la conception du réseau à coût minimum de sorte que les demandes soient satisfaites et que les capacités soient respectées. Dans le problème MLND, il existe plusieurs réseaux potentiels, chacun correspondant à une couche donnée. Dans chaque couche, les demandes pour un ensemble de produits doivent être satisfaites. Pour ouvrir un lien dans une couche particulière, une chaîne de liens de support dans une autre couche doit être ouverte. Nous abordons le problème de conception de réseau multiproduits multicouches à flot unique avec coûts fixes et capacités (MSMCFND), où les produits doivent être acheminés uniquement dans l’une des couches. Les algorithmes basés sur la relaxation lagrangienne sont l’une des méthodes de résolution les plus efficaces pour résoudre les problèmes de conception de réseau. Nous présentons de nouvelles relaxations à base de noeuds, où le sous-problème résultant se décompose par noeud. Nous montrons que la décomposition lagrangienne améliore significativement les limites des relaxations traditionnelles. Les problèmes de conception du réseau ont été étudiés dans la littérature. Cependant, ces dernières années, des applications intéressantes des problèmes MLND sont apparues, qui ne sont pas couvertes dans ces études. Nous présentons un examen des problèmes de MLND et proposons une formulation générale pour le MLND. Nous proposons également une formulation générale et une méthodologie de relaxation lagrangienne efficace pour le problème MMCFND. La méthode est compétitive avec un logiciel commercial de programmation en nombres entiers, et donne généralement de meilleurs résultats.The multicommodity capacitated fixed-charge network design problem (MCFND) and the multilayer network design problem (MLND) are among the most important network design problems. In the single-layer MCFND problem, several commodities have to be routed between different origin-destination pairs of a given potential network. Appropriate capacitated links have to be opened to route the commodities. The problem is to find the minimum cost design and routing such that the demands are satisfied and the capacities are respected. In the MLND, there are several potential networks, each at a given layer. In each network, the flow requirements for a set of commodities must be satisfied. However, the selection of the links is interdependent. To open a link in a particular layer, a chain of supporting links in another layer has to be opened. We address the multilayer single flow-type multicommodity capacitated fixed-charge network design problem (MSMCFND), where commodities are routed only in one of the layers. Lagrangian-based algorithms are one of the most effective solution methods to solve network design problems. The traditional Lagrangian relaxations for the MCFND problem are the flow and knapsack relaxations, where the resulting Lagrangian subproblems decompose by commodity and by arc, respectively. We present new node-based relaxations, where the resulting subproblem decomposes by node. We show that the Lagrangian dual bound improves significantly upon the bounds of the traditional relaxations. We also propose a Lagrangian-based algorithm to obtain upper bounds. Network design problems have been the object of extensive literature reviews. However, in recent years, interesting applications of multilayer problems have appeared that are not covered in these surveys. We present a review of multilayer problems and propose a general formulation for the MLND. We also propose a general formulation and an efficient Lagrangian-based solution methodology for the MMCFND problem. The method is competitive with (and often significantly better than) a state-of-the-art mixedinteger programming solver on a large set of randomly generated instances