6 research outputs found

    Data parallel algorithm in finding 2-D site percolation backbones

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    Proceedings of: First International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2014). Porto (Portugal), August 27-28, 2014.A data parallel solution approach formulated with cellular automata is proposed with a potential to become a part of future sustainable computers. It offers extreme parallelism on data-flow principles. If a problem can be formulated with a local and iterative methodology, so that data cell results always depend on neighbouring data items only, the cellular automata could be an efficient solution framework. We have demonstrated experimentally, on a graph-theoretical problem, that the performance of the proposed methodology has a potential to be for two orders of magnitude faster from known solutions

    Automatsko proširenje i primjena računalnog grozda korištenjem dual-boot principa

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    The paper presents an innovative and simple way of creating computer clustering and obtaining HPC clusters using computers in the classroom, Ethernet facilities and open source software. Automatic enlarge of a computer cluster is a cost-effective way to increase available computing power. This is achieved by forming a computer cluster from the computers in the classroom. The main aim of this paper is to present a solution that will use existing resources in the computer classroom, for applying complex computer services/jobs under the Linux operating system. The execution of these services/jobs programs is performed at the time when the computing resources are not in used in learning under the Windows operating system. A real-life example of applying computers in dual-boot Windows/Linux work mode along with the developed software application support is presented in a teaching environment. The implementation also includes logistics and support for automatic computer clustering and for service/job programs execution. The primary goal is to use existing resources for useful applications in education in the image programming, simulations and volume rendering.U radu je prikazan inovativan i jednostavan način stvaranja računalnih klastera i dobivanja HPC klastera korištenjem postojećih računala u učionici, Ethernet objekata, i open source softvera. Automatsko oblikovanje računalnog klastera je ekonomičan način da se poveća raspoloživa računalna snaga. To se postiže formiranjem računalnog klastera od postojećih računala u učionici. Glavni cilj ovog rada je prikazati rješenje koja će koristiti postojeće resurse u okruženju računalne učionice za izvođenje složenih računalnih poslova koji zahtjevaju vec´u računalnu snagu pod Linux operativnim sustavom. Izvršenje tih poslova se obavlja u vrijeme kada se računalni resursi ne koriste za obrazovanje pod Windows operativnim sustavom. Prikazan je primjer primjene računala u dual-boot Windows/Linux modu rada uz razvijene originalne programske podrške za aplikacije u obrazovnom okruženju. Provedba također uključuje logistiku i podršku za automatsko klasteriranje računala i izvršavanje poslova. Primarni cilj je iskorištavanje postojećih resursa za korisne aplikacije u obrazovanju primarno u području programiranja slike, simulacije i renderiranja. Rezultati provedenog principa su prikazani

    (,k)(\ell,k)-Routing on Plane Grids

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    The packet routing problem plays an essential role in communication networks. It involves how to transfer data from some origins to some destinations within a reasonable amount of time. In the (,k)(\ell,k)-routing problem, each node can send at most \ell packets and receive at most kk packets. Permutation routing is the particular case =k=1\ell=k=1. In the rr-central routing problem, all nodes at distance at most rr from a fixed node vv want to send a packet to vv. In this article we study the permutation routing, the rr-central routing and the general (,k)(\ell,k)-routing problems on plane grids, that is square grids, triangular grids and hexagonal grids. We use the \emph{store-and-forward} Δ\Delta-port model, and we consider both full and half-duplex networks. The main contributions are the following: \begin{itemize} \item[1.] Tight permutation routing algorithms on full-duplex hexagonal grids, and half duplex triangular and hexagonal grids. \item[2.] Tight rr-central routing algorithms on triangular and hexagonal grids. \item[3.] Tight (k,k)(k,k)-routing algorithms on square, triangular and hexagonal grids. \item[4.] Good approximation algorithms (in terms of running time) for (,k)(\ell,k)-routing on square, triangular and hexagonal grids, together with new lower bounds on the running time of any algorithm using shortest path routing. \end{itemize} \noindent All these algorithms are completely distributed, i.e. can be implemented independently at each node. Finally, we also formulate the (,k)(\ell,k)-routing problem as a \textsc{Weighted Edge Coloring} problem on bipartite graphs