8 research outputs found

    TEN-GUARD: Tensor Decomposition for Backdoor Attack Detection in Deep Neural Networks

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    As deep neural networks and the datasets used to train them get larger, the default approach to integrating them into research and commercial projects is to download a pre-trained model and fine tune it. But these models can have uncertain provenance, opening up the possibility that they embed hidden malicious behavior such as trojans or backdoors, where small changes to an input (triggers) can cause the model to produce incorrect outputs (e.g., to misclassify). This paper introduces a novel approach to backdoor detection that uses two tensor decomposition methods applied to network activations. This has a number of advantages relative to existing detection methods, including the ability to analyze multiple models at the same time, working across a wide variety of network architectures, making no assumptions about the nature of triggers used to alter network behavior, and being computationally efficient. We provide a detailed description of the detection pipeline along with results on models trained on the MNIST digit dataset, CIFAR-10 dataset, and two difficult datasets from NIST's TrojAI competition. These results show that our method detects backdoored networks more accurately and efficiently than current state-of-the-art methods

    Hierarchical visual perception and two-dimensional compressive sensing for effective content-based color image retrieval

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    Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) has been an active research theme in the computer vision community for over two decades. While the field is relatively mature, significant research is still required in this area to develop solutions for practical applications. One reason that practical solutions have not yet been realized could be due to a limited understanding of the cognitive aspects of the human vision system. Inspired by three cognitive properties of human vision, namely, hierarchical structuring, color perception and embedded compressive sensing, a new CBIR approach is proposed. In the proposed approach, the Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color model and the Similar Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (SGLCM) texture descriptors are used to generate elementary features. These features then form a hierarchical representation of the data to which a two-dimensional compressive sensing (2D CS) feature mining algorithm is applied. Finally, a weighted feature matching method is used to perform image retrieval. We present a comprehensive set of results of applying our proposed Hierarchical Visual Perception Enabled 2D CS approach using publicly available datasets and demonstrate the efficacy of our techniques when compared with other recently published, state-of-the-art approaches

    Fusion of Unobtrusive Sensing Solutions for Sprained Ankle Rehabilitation Exercises Monitoring in Home Environments

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    The ability to monitor Sprained Ankle Rehabilitation Exercises (SPAREs) in home environments can help therapists ascertain if exercises have been performed as prescribed. Whilst wearable devices have been shown to provide advantages such as high accuracy and precision during monitoring activities, disadvantages such as limited battery life and users’ inability to remember to charge and wear the devices are often the challenges for their usage. In addition, video cameras, which are notable for high frame rates and granularity, are not privacy-friendly. Therefore, this paper proposes the use and fusion of privacy-friendly and Unobtrusive Sensing Solutions (USSs) for data collection and processing during SPAREs in home environments. The present work aims to monitor SPAREs such as dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, inversion, and eversion using radar and thermal sensors. The main contributions of this paper include (i) privacy-friendly monitoring of SPAREs in a home environment, (ii) fusion of SPAREs data from homogeneous and heterogeneous USSs, and (iii) analysis and comparison of results from single, homogeneous, and heterogeneous USSs. Experimental results indicated the advantages of using heterogeneous USSs and data fusion. Cluster-based analysis of data gleaned from the sensors indicated an average classification accuracy of 96.9% with Neural Network, AdaBoost, and Support Vector Machine, amongst others

    Biometrics based privacy-preserving authentication and mobile template protection

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    Smart mobile devices are playing a more and more important role in our daily life. Cancelable biometrics is a promising mechanism to provide authentication to mobile devices and protect biometric templates by applying a noninvertible transformation to raw biometric data. However, the negative effect of nonlinear distortion will usually degrade the matching performance significantly, which is a nontrivial factor when designing a cancelable template. Moreover, the attacks via record multiplicity (ARM) present a threat to the existing cancelable biometrics, which is still a challenging open issue. To address these problems, in this paper, we propose a new cancelable fingerprint template which can not only mitigate the negative effect of nonlinear distortion by combining multiple feature sets, but also defeat the ARM attack through a proposed feature decorrelation algorithm. Our work is a new contribution to the design of cancelable biometrics with a concrete method against the ARM attack. Experimental results on public databases and security analysis show the validity of the proposed cancelable template

    Cluster analysis of high-dimensional customer data from a subscription-based business

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    Cluster analyses are an established method for identifying natural groupings of customers for customer segmentation. However, the unsupervised nature of clustering algorithms and the high-dimensionality of customer data complicate the analysis at all stages. This project presents the results from a cluster analysis of high-dimensional customer data from a subscription-based software company. The analysis tested multiple dimensionality reduction methods, outlier and noise detection methods, and clustering algorithms (including deep neural networks). The results and models from the analysis can be used to inform strategy around customer support and feedback, and can serve as the basis from which additional analyses can be conducted.Master of Science in Information Scienc

    A study of deep learning-based face recognition models for sibling identification

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    YesAccurate identification of siblings through face recognition is a challenging task. This is predominantly because of the high degree of similarities among the faces of siblings. In this study, we investigate the use of state-of-the-art deep learning face recognition models to evaluate their capacity for discrimination between sibling faces using various similarity indices. The specific models examined for this purpose are FaceNet, VGGFace, VGG16, and VGG19. For each pair of images provided, the embeddings have been calculated using the chosen deep learning model. Five standard similarity measures, namely, cosine similarity, Euclidean distance, structured similarity, Manhattan distance, and Minkowski distance, are used to classify images looking for their identity on the threshold defined for each of the similarity measures. The accuracy, precision, and misclassification rate of each model are calculated using standard confusion matrices. Four different experimental datasets for full-frontal-face, eyes, nose, and forehead of sibling pairs are constructed using publicly available HQf subset of the SiblingDB database. The experimental results show that the accuracy of the chosen deep learning models to distinguish siblings based on the full-frontal-face and cropped face areas vary based on the face area compared. It is observed that VGGFace is best while comparing the full-frontal-face and eyes—the accuracy of classification being with more than 95% in this case. However, its accuracy degrades significantly when the noses are compared, while FaceNet provides the best result for classification based on the nose. Similarly, VGG16 and VGG19 are not the best models for classification using the eyes, but these models provide favorable results when foreheads are compared

    Slow dynamics in structured neural network models

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    Humans and some other animals are able to perform tasks that require coordination of movements across multiple temporal scales, ranging from hundreds of milliseconds to several seconds. The fast timescale at which neurons naturally operate, on the order of tens of milliseconds, is well-suited to support motor control of rapid movements. In contrast, to coordinate movements on the order of seconds, a neural network should produce reliable dynamics on a similarly âslowâ timescale. Neurons and synapses exhibit biophysical mechanisms whose timescales range from tens of milliseconds to hours, which suggests a possible role of these mechanisms in producing slow reliable dynamics. However, how such mechanisms influence network dynamics is not yet understood. An alternative approach to achieve slow dynamics in a neural network consists in modifying its connectivity structure. Still, the limitations of this approach and in particular to what degree the weights require fine-tuning, remain unclear. Understanding how both the single neuron mechanisms and the connectivity structure might influence the network dynamics to produce slow timescales is the main goal of this thesis. We first consider the possibility of obtaining slow dynamics in binary networks by tuning their connectivity. It is known that binary networks can produce sequential dynamics. However, if the sequences consist of random patterns, the typical length of the longest sequence that can be produced grows linearly with the number of units. Here, we show that we can overcome this limitation by carefully designing the sequence structure. More precisely, we obtain a constructive proof that allows to obtain sequences whose length scales exponentially with the number of units. To achieve this however, one needs to exponentially fine-tune the connectivity matrix. Next, we focus on the interaction between single neuron mechanisms and recurrent dynamics. Particular attention is dedicated to adaptation, which is known to have a broad range of timescales and is therefore particularly interesting for the subject of this thesis. We study the dynamics of a random network with adaptation using mean-field techniques, and we show that the network can enter a state of resonant chaos. Interestingly, the resonance frequency of this state is independent of the connectivity strength and depends only on the properties of the single neuron model. The approach used to study networks with adaptation can also be applied when considering linear rate units with an arbitrary number of auxiliary variables. Based on a qualitative analysis of the mean-field theory for a random network whose neurons are described by a D -dimensional rate model, we conclude that the statistics of the chaotic dynamics are strongly influenced by the single neuron model under investigation. Using a reservoir computing approach, we show preliminary evidence that slow adaptation can be beneficial when performing tasks that require slow timescales. The positive impact of adaptation on the network performance is particularly strong in the presence of noise. Finally, we propose a network architecture in which the slowing-down effect due to adaptation is combined with a hierarchical structure, with the purpose of efficiently generate sequences that require multiple, hierarchically organized timescales

    Image recognition via two-dimensional random projection and nearest constrained subspace

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    We consider the problem of image recognition via two-dimensional random projection and nearest constrained subspace. First, image features are extracted by a two-dimensional random projection. The two-dimensional random projection for feature extraction is an extension of the 1D compressive sampling technique to 2D and is computationally more efficient than its 1D counterpart and 2D reconstruction is guaranteed. Second, we design a new classifier called NCSC (Nearest Constrained Subspace Classifier) and apply it to image recognition with the 2D features. The proposed classifier is a generalized version of NN (Nearest Neighbor) and NFL (Nearest Feature Line), and it has a close relationship to NS (Nearest Subspace). For large datasets, a fast NCSC, called NCSC-II, is proposed. Experiments on several publicly available image sets show that when well-tuned, NCSC/NCSC-II outperforms its rivals including NN, NFL, NS and the orthonormal â„“2â„“2-norm classifier. NCSC/NCSC-II with the 2D random features also shows good classification performance in noisy environment