7,646 research outputs found

    Seven properties of self-organization in the human brain

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    The principle of self-organization has acquired a fundamental significance in the newly emerging field of computational philosophy. Self-organizing systems have been described in various domains in science and philosophy including physics, neuroscience, biology and medicine, ecology, and sociology. While system architecture and their general purpose may depend on domain-specific concepts and definitions, there are (at least) seven key properties of self-organization clearly identified in brain systems: 1) modular connectivity, 2) unsupervised learning, 3) adaptive ability, 4) functional resiliency, 5) functional plasticity, 6) from-local-to-global functional organization, and 7) dynamic system growth. These are defined here in the light of insight from neurobiology, cognitive neuroscience and Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART), and physics to show that self-organization achieves stability and functional plasticity while minimizing structural system complexity. A specific example informed by empirical research is discussed to illustrate how modularity, adaptive learning, and dynamic network growth enable stable yet plastic somatosensory representation for human grip force control. Implications for the design of “strong” artificial intelligence in robotics are brought forward

    Studying the capacity of cellular encoding to generate feedforward neural network topologies

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    Proceeding of: IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2004, Budapest, 25-29 July 2004Many methods to codify artificial neural networks have been developed to avoid the disadvantages of direct encoding schema, improving the search into the solution's space. A method to analyse how the search space is covered and how are the movements along search process applying genetic operators is needed in order to evaluate the different encoding strategies for multilayer perceptrons (MLP). In this paper, the generative capacity, this is how the search space is covered for a indirect scheme based on cellular systems, is studied. The capacity of the methods to cover the search space (topologies of MLP space) is compared with the direct encoding scheme.Publicad

    Computational Astrocyence: Astrocytes encode inhibitory activity into the frequency and spatial extent of their calcium elevations

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    Deciphering the complex interactions between neurotransmission and astrocytic Ca2+Ca^{2+} elevations is a target promising a comprehensive understanding of brain function. While the astrocytic response to excitatory synaptic activity has been extensively studied, how inhibitory activity results to intracellular Ca2+Ca^{2+} waves remains elusive. In this study, we developed a compartmental astrocytic model that exhibits distinct levels of responsiveness to inhibitory activity. Our model suggested that the astrocytic coverage of inhibitory terminals defines the spatial and temporal scale of their Ca2+Ca^{2+} elevations. Understanding the interplay between the synaptic pathways and the astrocytic responses will help us identify how astrocytes work independently and cooperatively with neurons, in health and disease.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI '19

    A Neural Network Model for the Development of Simple and Complex Cell Receptive Fields Within Cortical Maps of Orientation and Ocular Dominance

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    Prenatal development of the primary visual cortex leads to simple cells with spatially distinct and oriented ON and OFF subregions. These simple cells are organized into spatial maps of orientation and ocular dominance that exhibit singularities, fractures, and linear zones. On a finer spatial scale, simple cells occur that are sensitive to similar orientations but opposite contrast polarities, and exhibit both even-symmetric and odd-symmetric receptive fields. Pooling of outputs from oppositely polarized simple cells leads to complex cells that respond to both contrast polarities. A neural network model is described which simulates how simple and complex cells self-organize starting from unsegregated and unoriented geniculocortical inputs during prenatal development. Neighboring simple cells that are sensitive to opposite contrast polarities develop from a combination of spatially short-range inhibition and high-gain recurrent habituative excitation between cells that obey membrane equations. Habituation, or depression, of synapses controls reset of cell activations both through enhanced ON responses and OFF antagonistic rebounds. Orientation and ocular dominance maps form when high-gain medium-range recurrent excitation and long-range inhibition interact with the short-range mechanisms. The resulting structure clarifies how simple and complex cells contribute to perceptual processes such as texture segregation and perceptual grouping.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0334); British Petroleum (BP 89A-1204); National Science Foundation (IRI-90-24877); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409

    Cortex, countercurrent context, and dimensional integration of lifetime memory

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    The correlation between relative neocortex size and longevity in mammals encourages a search for a cortical function specifically related to the life-span. A candidate in the domain of permanent and cumulative memory storage is proposed and explored in relation to basic aspects of cortical organization. The pattern of cortico-cortical connectivity between functionally specialized areas and the laminar organization of that connectivity converges on a globally coherent representational space in which contextual embedding of information emerges as an obligatory feature of cortical function. This brings a powerful mode of inductive knowledge within reach of mammalian adaptations, a mode which combines item specificity with classificatory generality. Its neural implementation is proposed to depend on an obligatory interaction between the oppositely directed feedforward and feedback currents of cortical activity, in countercurrent fashion. Direct interaction of the two streams along their cortex-wide local interface supports a scheme of "contextual capture" for information storage responsible for the lifelong cumulative growth of a uniquely cortical form of memory termed "personal history." This approach to cortical function helps elucidate key features of cortical organization as well as cognitive aspects of mammalian life history strategies

    How lateral inhibition and fast retinogeniculo-cortical oscillations create vision: A new hypothesis

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    The role of the physiological processes involved in human vision escapes clarification in current literature. Many unanswered questions about vision include: 1) whether there is more to lateral inhibition than previously proposed, 2) the role of the discs in rods and cones, 3) how inverted images on the retina are converted to erect images for visual perception, 4) what portion of the image formed on the retina is actually processed in the brain, 5) the reason we have an after-image with antagonistic colors, and 6) how we remember space. This theoretical article attempts to clarify some of the physiological processes involved with human vision. The global integration of visual information is conceptual; therefore, we include illustrations to present our theory. Universally, the eyeball is 2.4 cm and works together with membrane potential, correspondingly representing the retinal layers,photoreceptors, and cortex. Images formed within the photoreceptors must first be converted into chemical signals on the photoreceptors’ individual discs and the signals at each disc are transduced from light photons into electrical signals. We contend that the discs code the electrical signals into accurate distances and are shown in our figures. The pre-existing oscillations among the various cortices including the striate and parietal cortex,and the retina work in unison to create an infrastructure of visual space that functionally ‘‘places” the objects within this ‘‘neural” space. The horizontal layers integrate all discs accurately to create a retina that is pre-coded for distance. Our theory suggests image inversion never takes place on the retina,but rather images fall onto the retina as compressed and coiled, then amplified through lateral inhibition through intensification and amplification on the OFF-center cones. The intensified and amplified images are decompressed and expanded in the brain, which become the images we perceive as external vision

    Feed-Forward Propagation of Temporal and Rate Information between Cortical Populations during Coherent Activation in Engineered In Vitro Networks.

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    Transient propagation of information across neuronal assembles is thought to underlie many cognitive processes. However, the nature of the neural code that is embedded within these transmissions remains uncertain. Much of our understanding of how information is transmitted among these assemblies has been derived from computational models. While these models have been instrumental in understanding these processes they often make simplifying assumptions about the biophysical properties of neurons that may influence the nature and properties expressed. To address this issue we created an in vitro analog of a feed-forward network composed of two small populations (also referred to as assemblies or layers) of living dissociated rat cortical neurons. The populations were separated by, and communicated through, a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) device containing a strip of microscale tunnels. Delayed culturing of one population in the first layer followed by the second a few days later induced the unidirectional growth of axons through the microtunnels resulting in a primarily feed-forward communication between these two small neural populations. In this study we systematically manipulated the number of tunnels that connected each layer and hence, the number of axons providing communication between those populations. We then assess the effect of reducing the number of tunnels has upon the properties of between-layer communication capacity and fidelity of neural transmission among spike trains transmitted across and within layers. We show evidence based on Victor-Purpura's and van Rossum's spike train similarity metrics supporting the presence of both rate and temporal information embedded within these transmissions whose fidelity increased during communication both between and within layers when the number of tunnels are increased. We also provide evidence reinforcing the role of synchronized activity upon transmission fidelity during the spontaneous synchronized network burst events that propagated between layers and highlight the potential applications of these MEMs devices as a tool for further investigation of structure and functional dynamics among neural populations

    Divide and Conquer in Neural Style Transfer for Video

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    Neural Style Transfer is a class of neural algorithms designed to redraw a given image in the style of another image, traditionally a famous painting, while preserving the underlying details. Applying this process to a video requires stylizing each of its component frames, and the stylized frames must have temporal consistency between them to prevent flickering and other undesirable features. Current algorithms accommodate these constraints at the expense of speed. We propose an algorithm called Distributed Artistic Videos and demonstrate its capacity to produce stylized videos over ten times faster than the current state-of-the-art with no reduction in output quality. Through the use of an 8-node computing cluster, we reduce the average time required to stylize a video by 92%—from hours to minutes---compared to the most recent algorithm of this kind on the same equipment and input. This allows the stylization of videos that are longer and higher-resolution than previously feasible