3 research outputs found

    Two-way metalinear PC grammar systems and their descriptional complexity

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    Besides a derivation step and a communication step, a two-way PC grammar system can make a reduction step during which it reduces the right-hand side of a context-free production to its left-hand side. This paper proves that every non-unary recursively enumerable language is defined by a centralized two-way grammar system, ┌, with two metalinear components in a very economical way. Indeed, ┌'s master has only three nonterminals and one communication production; furthermore, it produces all sentential forms with no more than two occurrences of nonterminals. In addition, during every computation, ┌ makes a single communication step. Some variants of two-way PC grammar systems are discussed in the conclusion of this paper

    Syntactic Analysis Based on Special Models

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    Bakalářká práce se zabývá syntaktickou analýzou pomocí párových automatů. Konečný párový automat obsahuje vstupní a výstupní automat. Vstupní automat provádí syntaktickou analýzu se vstupním řetězcem. Použitá pravidla vstupního automatu řídí výstupní automat, který generuje výstupní řetězec. Hlavním tématem této práce je determinizace vstupního automatu bez ztráty informací o pravidlech použitých v původním automatu.This bachelor thesis is dealing with translation based on coupled finite automaton. Coupled finite automaton contains input and output automaton. The input automaton makes syntactic analysis with an input string. Used rules from the input automaton control the output automaton, which generates an output string. Basic topic of this thesis is determinisation of the input automaton without loss of information about rules used in original automaton.

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 16. Number 3.

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