41,648 research outputs found

    Extending Two-Variable Logic on Trees

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    The finite satisfiability problem for the two-variable fragment of first-order logic interpreted over trees was recently shown to be ExpSpace-complete. We consider two extensions of this logic. We show that adding either additional binary symbols or counting quantifiers to the logic does not affect the complexity of the finite satisfiability problem. However, combining the two extensions and adding both binary symbols and counting quantifiers leads to an explosion of this complexity. We also compare the expressive power of the two-variable fragment over trees with its extension with counting quantifiers. It turns out that the two logics are equally expressive, although counting quantifiers do add expressive power in the restricted case of unordered trees

    One-Dimensional Logic over Trees

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    A one-dimensional fragment of first-order logic is obtained by restricting quantification to blocks of existential quantifiers that leave at most one variable free. This fragment contains two-variable logic, and it is known that over words both formalisms have the same complexity and expressive power. Here we investigate the one-dimensional fragment over trees. We consider unranked unordered trees accessible by one or both of the descendant and child relations, as well as ordered trees equipped additionally with sibling relations. We show that over unordered trees the satisfiability problem is ExpSpace-complete when only the descendant relation is available and 2ExpTime-complete with both the descendant and child or with only the child relation. Over ordered trees the problem remains 2ExpTime-complete. Regarding expressivity, we show that over ordered trees and over unordered trees accessible by both the descendant and child the one-dimensional fragment is equivalent to the two-variable fragment with counting quantifiers

    One-Dimensional Fragment Over Words and Trees

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    One-dimensional fragment of first-order logic is obtained by restricting quantification to blocks of existential (universal) quantifiers that leave at most one variable free. We investigate this fragment over words and trees, presenting a complete classification of the complexity of its satisfiability problem for various navigational signatures and comparing its expressive power with other important formalisms. These include the two-variable fragment with counting and the unary negation fragment.Peer reviewe

    Modulo Counting on Words and Trees

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    We consider the satisfiability problem for the two-variable fragment of the first-order logic extended with modulo counting quantifiers and interpreted over finite words or trees. We prove a small-model property of this logic, which gives a technique for deciding the satisfiability problem. In the case of words this gives a new proof of EXPSPACE upper bound, and in the case of trees it gives a 2EXPTIME algorithm. This algorithm is optimal: we prove a matching lower bound by a generic reduction from alternating Turing machines working in exponential space; the reduction involves a development of a new version of tiling games

    Efficient reasoning about data trees via integer linear programming

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    Data trees provide a standard abstraction of XML documents with data values: they are trees whose nodes, in addition to the usual labels, can carry labels from an infinite alphabet (data). Therefore, one is interested in decidable formalisms for reasoning about data trees. While some are known – such as the two-variable logic – they tend to be of very high complexity, and most decidability proofs are highly nontrivial. We are therefore interested in reasonable complexity formalisms as well as better techniques for proving decidability. Here we show that many decidable formalisms for data trees are subsumed – fully or partially – by the power of tree automata together with set constraints and linear constraints on cardinalities of various sets of data values. All these constraints can be translated into instances of integer linear programming, giving us an NP bound on the complexity of the reasoning tasks. We prove that this bound, as well as the key encoding technique, remain very robust, and allow the addition of features such as counting of paths and patterns, and even a concise encoding of constraints, without increasing the complexity. We also relate our results to several reasoning tasks over XML documents, such as satisfiability of schemas and data dependencies and satisfiability of the two-variable logic

    On Spatial Conjunction as Second-Order Logic

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    Spatial conjunction is a powerful construct for reasoning about dynamically allocated data structures, as well as concurrent, distributed and mobile computation. While researchers have identified many uses of spatial conjunction, its precise expressive power compared to traditional logical constructs was not previously known. In this paper we establish the expressive power of spatial conjunction. We construct an embedding from first-order logic with spatial conjunction into second-order logic, and more surprisingly, an embedding from full second order logic into first-order logic with spatial conjunction. These embeddings show that the satisfiability of formulas in first-order logic with spatial conjunction is equivalent to the satisfiability of formulas in second-order logic. These results explain the great expressive power of spatial conjunction and can be used to show that adding unrestricted spatial conjunction to a decidable logic leads to an undecidable logic. As one example, we show that adding unrestricted spatial conjunction to two-variable logic leads to undecidability. On the side of decidability, the embedding into second-order logic immediately implies the decidability of first-order logic with a form of spatial conjunction over trees. The embedding into spatial conjunction also has useful consequences: because a restricted form of spatial conjunction in two-variable logic preserves decidability, we obtain that a correspondingly restricted form of second-order quantification in two-variable logic is decidable. The resulting language generalizes the first-order theory of boolean algebra over sets and is useful in reasoning about the contents of data structures in object-oriented languages.Comment: 16 page

    Logics for Unranked Trees: An Overview

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    Labeled unranked trees are used as a model of XML documents, and logical languages for them have been studied actively over the past several years. Such logics have different purposes: some are better suited for extracting data, some for expressing navigational properties, and some make it easy to relate complex properties of trees to the existence of tree automata for those properties. Furthermore, logics differ significantly in their model-checking properties, their automata models, and their behavior on ordered and unordered trees. In this paper we present a survey of logics for unranked trees
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