5 research outputs found

    An improved generalization of mesh-connected computers with multiple buses

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    ©2001 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.Mesh-connected computers (MCCs) are a class of important parallel architectures due to their simple and regular interconnections. However, their performances are restricted by their large diameters. Various augmenting mechanisms have been proposed to enhance the communication efficiency of MCCs. One major approach is to add nonconfigurable buses for improved broadcasting. A typical example is the mesh-connected computer with multiple buses (MMB). We propose a new class of generalized MMBs, the improved generalized MMBs (IMMBs). We compare IMMBs with MMBs and a class of previously proposed generalized MMBs (GMMBs). We show the power of IMMBs by considering semigroup and prefix computations. Specifically, as our main result we show that for any constant 0<&epsiv;<1, one can construct an N½×N½ square IMMB using which semigroup and prefix computations on N operands can be carried out in O(N&epsiv;) time, while maintaining O(1) broadcasting time. Compared with the previous best complexities O(N&frac18;) and O(N&frac116;) achieved on a rectangular MMB and GMMB, respectively, for the same computations, our results show that IMMBs are more powerful than MMBs and GMMBsYi Pen; Zheng, S.Q.; Keqin Li; Hong She

    Mesh Connected Computers With Multiple Fixed Buses: Packet Routing, Sorting and Selection

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    Mesh connected computers have become attractive models of computing because of their varied special features. In this paper we consider two variations of the mesh model: 1) a mesh with fixed buses, and 2) a mesh with reconfigurable buses. Both these models have been the subject matter of extensive previous research. We solve numerous important problems related to packet routing, sorting, and selection on these models. In particular, we provide lower bounds and very nearly matching upper bounds for the following problems on both these models: 1) Routing on a linear array; and 2) k-k routing, k-k sorting, and cut through routing on a 2D mesh for any k ≥ 12. We provide an improved algorithm for 1-1 routing and a matching sorting algorithm. In addition we present greedy algorithms for 1-1 routing, k-k routing, cut through routing, and k-k sorting that are better on average and supply matching lower bounds. We also show that sorting can be performed in logarithmic time on a mesh with fixed buses. As a consequence we present an optimal randomized selection algorithm. In addition we provide a selection algorithm for the mesh with reconfigurable buses whose time bound is significantly better than the existing ones. Our algorithms have considerably better time bounds than many existing best known algorithms

    A Computational Paradigm on Network-Based Models of Computation

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    The maturation of computer science has strengthened the need to consolidate isolated algorithms and techniques into general computational paradigms. The main goal of this dissertation is to provide a unifying framework which captures the essence of a number of problems in seemingly unrelated contexts in database design, pattern recognition, image processing, VLSI design, computer vision, and robot navigation. The main contribution of this work is to provide a computational paradigm which involves the unifying framework, referred to as the multiple Query problem, along with a generic solution to the Multiple Query problem. To demonstrate the applicability of the paradigm, a number of problems from different areas of computer science are solved by formulating them in this framework. Also, to show practical relevance, two fundamental problems were implemented in the C language using MPI. The code can be ported onto many commercially available parallel computers; in particular, the code was tested on an IBM-SP2 and on a network of workstations

    Efficient median finding and its application to two-variable linear programming on mesh-connected computers with multiple broadcasting

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    [[abstract]]©1992 Elsevier-The paper considers 2-dimensional mesh-connected computers with multiple broadcasting (2-MCCMBs). A 2-MCCMB is constructed by augmenting a 2-dimensional mesh-connected computer with broadcasting features in each row and each column. One property of the modified mesh is that rectangular 2-MCCMBs, instead of square ones, are the best form for several algorithms. For the median problem of N numbers, a previous algorithm with time complexity O(N1/6(log N)2/3) was developed on an N1/2×N1/2 2-MCCMB. The paper shows that the time complexity can be reduced to O(N1/8 log N) if an N5/8×N3/8 rectangular 2-MCCMB is used. Using the above result, it further develops algorithms for two-variable linear programming on an N5/8×N3/8 2-MCCMB, where N is the number of constraints. In addition, to achieve better performance on the N5/8×N3/8 2-MCCMB, it further modifies a previous prune-and-search strategy for solving the problem and eventually obtains a parallel algorithm with O(N1/8 log N) time on an N5/8×N3/8 2-MCCMB.[[department]]資訊工程學