976 research outputs found

    Cross-Layer Optimization of Fast Video Delivery in Cache-Enabled Relaying Networks

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    This paper investigates the cross-layer optimization of fast video delivery and caching for minimization of the overall video delivery time in a two-hop relaying network. The half-duplex relay nodes are equipped with both a cache and a buffer which facilitate joint scheduling of fetching and delivery to exploit the channel diversity for improving the overall delivery performance. The fast delivery control is formulated as a two-stage functional non-convex optimization problem. By exploiting the underlying convex and quasi-convex structures, the problem can be solved exactly and efficiently by the developed algorithm. Simulation results show that significant caching and buffering gains can be achieved with the proposed framework, which translates into a reduction of the overall video delivery time. Besides, a trade-off between caching and buffering gains is unveiled.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; accepted for presentation at IEEE Globecom, San Diego, CA, Dec. 201

    Performance enhancement solutions in wireless communication networks

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    In this dissertation thesis, we study the new relaying protocols for different wireless network systems. We analyze and evaluate an efficiency of the transmission in terms of the outage probability over Rayleigh fading channels by mathematical analyses. The theoretical analyses are verified by performing Monte Carlo simulations. First, we study the cooperative relaying in the Two-Way Decode-and-Forward (DF) and multi-relay DF scheme for a secondary system to obtain spectrum access along with a primary system. In particular, we proposed the Two-Way DF scheme with Energy Harvesting, and the Two-Way DF Non-orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) scheme with digital network coding. Besides, we also investigate the wireless systems with multi-relay; the best relay selection is presented to optimize the effect of the proposed scheme. The transmission protocols of the proposed schemes EHAF (Energy Harvesting Amplify and Forward) and EHDF (Energy Harvesting Decode and Forward) are compared together in the same environment and in term of outage probability. Hence, with the obtained results, we conclude that the proposed schemes improve the performance of the wireless cooperative relaying systems, particularly their throughput. Second, we focus on investigating the NOMA technology and proposing the optimal solutions (protocols) to advance the data rate and to ensure the Quality of Service (QoS) for the users in the next generation of wireless communications. In this thesis, we propose a Two-Way DF NOMA scheme (called a TWNOMA protocol) in which an intermediate relay helps two source nodes to communicate with each other. Simulation and analysis results show that the proposed protocol TWNOMA is improving the data rate when comparing with a conventional Two-Way scheme using digital network coding (DNC) (called a TWDNC protocol), Two-Way scheme without using DNC (called a TWNDNC protocol) and Two-Way scheme in amplify-and-forward(AF) relay systems (called a TWANC protocol). Finally, we considered the combination of the NOMA and physical layer security (PLS) in the Underlay Cooperative Cognitive Network (UCCN). The best relay selection strategy is investigated, which uses the NOMA and considers the PLS to enhance the transmission efficiency and secrecy of the new generation wireless networks.V této dizertační práci je provedena studie nových přenosových protokolů pro různé bezdrátové síťové systémy. S využitím matematické analýzy jsme analyzovali a vyhodnotili efektivitu přenosu z hlediska pravděpodobnosti výpadku přes Rayleighův kanál. Teoretické analýzy jsou ověřeny provedenými simulacemi metodou Monte Carlo. Nejprve došlo ke studii kooperativního přenosu ve dvoucestném dekóduj-a-předej (Two-Way Decode-and-Forward–TWDF) a vícecestném DF schématu s větším počtem přenosových uzlů pro sekundární systém, kdy takto byl získán přístup ke spektru spolu s primárním systémem. Konkrétně jsme navrhli dvoucestné DF schéma se získáváním energie a dvoucestné DF neortogonální schéma s mnohonásobným přístupem (Non-orthogonal Multiple Access–NOMA) s digitálním síťovým kódováním. Kromě toho rovněž zkoumáme bezdrátové systémy s větším počtem přenosových uzlů, kde je přítomen výběr nejlepšího přenosového uzlu pro optimalizaci efektivnosti navrženého schématu. Přenosové protokoly navržených schémat EHAF (Energy Harvesting Amplify and Forward) a EHDF(Energy Harvesting Decode and Forward) jsou společně porovnány v identickém prostředí z pohledu pravděpodobnosti výpadku. Následně, na základě získaných výsledků, jsme dospěli k závěru, že navržená schémata vylepšují výkonnost bezdrátových kooperativních systémů, konkrétně jejich propustnost. Dále jsme se zaměřili na zkoumání NOMA technologie a navrhli optimální řešení (protokoly) pro urychlení datového přenosu a zajištění QoS v další generaci bezdrátových komunikací. V této práci jsme navrhli dvoucestné DF NOMA schéma (nazýváno jako TWNOMA protokol), ve kterém mezilehlý přenosový uzel napomáhá dvěma zdrojovým uzlům komunikovat mezi sebou. Výsledky simulace a analýzy ukazují, že navržený protokol TWNOMA vylepšuje dosaženou přenosovou rychlost v porovnání s konvenčním dvoucestným schématem používajícím DNC (TWDNC protokol), dvoucestným schématem bez použití DNC (TWNDNC protokol) a dvoucestným schématem v zesil-a-předej (amplify-and-forward) přenosových systémech (TWANC protokol). Nakonec jsme zvážili využití kombinace NOMA a zabezpečení fyzické vrstvy (Physical Layer Security–PLS) v podpůrné kooperativní kognitivní síti (Underlay Cooperative Cognitive Network–UCCN). Zde je zde zkoumán výběr nejlepšího přenosového uzlu, který užívá NOMA a bere v úvahu PLS pro efektivnější přenos a zabezpečení nové generace bezdrátových sítí.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvyhově

    Multi-points cooperative relay in NOMA system with N-1 DF relaying nodes in HD/FD mode for N user equipments with energy harvesting

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    Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) is the key technology promised to be applied in next-generation networks in the near future. In this study, we propose a multi-points cooperative relay (MPCR) NOMA model instead of just using a relay as in previous studies. Based on the channel state information (CSI), the base station (BS) selects a closest user equipment (UE) and sends a superposed signal to this UE as a first relay node. We have assumed that there are N UEs in the network and the N-th UE, which is farthest from BS, has the poorest quality signal transmitted from the BS compared the other UEs. The N-th UE received a forwarded signal from N - 1 relaying nodes that are the UEs with better signal quality. At the i-th relaying node, it detects its own symbol by using successive interference cancellation (SIC) and will forward the superimposed signal to the next closest user, namely the (i + 1)-th UE, and include an excess power which will use for energy harvesting (EH) intention at the next UE. By these, the farthest UE in network can be significantly improved. In addition, closed-form expressions of outage probability for users over both the Rayleigh and Nakagami-m fading channels are also presented. Analysis and simulation results performed by Matlab software, which are presented accurately and clearly, show that the effectiveness of our proposed model and this model will be consistent with the multi-access wireless network in the future.Web of Science82art. no. 16

    Resource allocation for two source-destination pairs sharing a single relay with a buffer

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    In this paper, we obtain the optimal resource allocation scheme in order to maximize the achievable rate region in a dual-hop system that consists of two independent source-destination pairs sharing a single half-duplex relay. The relay decodes the received information and possesses buffers to enable storing the information temporarily before forwarding it to the respective destination. We consider both non-orthogonal transmission with successive interference cancellation at the receivers and orthogonal transmission. Also, we consider Gaussian block-fading channels and we assume that the channel state information is known and that no delay constraints are required. We show that, with the aid of buffering at the relay, joint user-and-hop scheduling is optimal and can enhance the achievable rate significantly. This is due to the joint exploitation of multiuser diversity and multihop diversity in the system. We provide closed-form expressions to characterize the average achievable rates in a generic form as functions of the statistical model of the channels. Furthermore, we consider sub-optimal schemes that exploit the diversity in the system partially and we provide numerical results to compare the different schemes and demonstrate the gains of the optimal one. © 2014 IEEE

    Power allocation in multi-hop OFDM transmission systems with amplify-and-forward relaying: A unified approach

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    In this paper, a unified approach for power allocation (PA) in multi-hop orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying systems is presented. In the proposed approach, we consider short and long term individual and total power constraints at the source and relays, and devise low complexity PA algorithms when wireless links are subject to channel path-loss and small-scale Rayleigh fading. To manage the complexity, in the proposed formulations, we adopt a two-stage iterative approach consisting of a power distribution phase among distinct subcarriers, and a power allocation phase among different relays. In particular, aiming at improving the instantaneous rate of multi-hop transmission systems with AF relaying, we develop (i) a near-optimal iterative PA algorithm based on the exact analysis of the received SNR at the destination; (ii) a low complexity suboptimal iterative PA algorithm based on an approximate expression of the received SNR at high-SNR regime; and (iii) a low complexity non-iterative PA scheme with limited performance loss. Simulation results show the superior performance of the proposed power allocation algorithms

    Outage analysis of superposition modulation aided network coded cooperation in the presence of network coding noise

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    We consider a network, where multiple sourcedestination pairs communicate with the aid of a half-duplex relay node (RN), which adopts decode-forward (DF) relaying and superposition-modulation (SPM) for combining the signals transmitted by the source nodes (SNs) and then forwards the composite signal to all the destination nodes (DNs). Each DN extracts the signals transmitted by its own SN from the composite signal by subtracting the signals overheard from the unwanted SNs. We derive tight lower-bounds for the outage probability for transmission over Rayleigh fading channels and invoke diversity combining at the DNs, which is validated by simulation for both the symmetric and the asymmetric network configurations. For the high signal-to-noise ratio regime, we derive both an upperbound as well as a lower-bound for the outage performance and analyse the achievable diversity gain. It is revealed that a diversity order of 2 is achieved, regardless of the number of SN-DN pairs in the network. We also highlight the fact that the outage performance is dominated by the quality of the worst overheated link, because it contributes most substantially to the network coding noise. Finally, we use the lower bound for designing a relay selection scheme for the proposed SPM based network coded cooperative communication (SPM-NC-CC) system.<br/