6 research outputs found

    Finite planar emulators for K_{4,5} - 4K_2 and K_{1,2,2,2} and Fellows' Conjecture

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    In 1988 Fellows conjectured that if a finite, connected graph admits a finite planar emulator, then it admits a finite planar cover. We construct a finite planar emulator for K_{4,5} - 4K_2. Archdeacon showed that K_{4,5} - 4K_2 does not admit a finite planar cover; thus K_{4,5} - 4K_2 provides a counterexample to Fellows' Conjecture. It is known that Negami's Planar Cover Conjecture is true if and only if K_{1,2,2,2} admits no finite planar cover. We construct a finite planar emulator for K_{1,2,2,2}. The existence of a finite planar cover for K_{1,2,2,2} is still open.Comment: Final version. To appear in European Journal of Combinatoric

    Composite planar coverings of graphs

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    AbstractWe shall prove that a connected graph G is projective-planar if and only if it has a 2n-fold planar connected covering obtained as a composition of an n-fold covering and a double covering for some n⩾1 and show that every planar regular covering of a nonplanar graph is such a composite covering

    Computational Complexity of Covering Multigraphs with Semi-Edges: Small Cases

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    We initiate the study of computational complexity of graph coverings, aka locally bijective graph homomorphisms, for graphs with semi-edges. The notion of graph covering is a discretization of coverings between surfaces or topological spaces, a notion well known and deeply studied in classical topology. Graph covers have found applications in discrete mathematics for constructing highly symmetric graphs, and in computer science in the theory of local computations. In 1991, Abello et al. asked for a classification of the computational complexity of deciding if an input graph covers a fixed target graph, in the ordinary setting (of graphs with only edges). Although many general results are known, the full classification is still open. In spite of that, we propose to study the more general case of covering graphs composed of normal edges (including multiedges and loops) and so-called semi-edges. Semi-edges are becoming increasingly popular in modern topological graph theory, as well as in mathematical physics. They also naturally occur in the local computation setting, since they are lifted to matchings in the covering graph. We show that the presence of semi-edges makes the covering problem considerably harder; e.g., it is no longer sufficient to specify the vertex mapping induced by the covering, but one necessarily has to deal with the edge mapping as well. We show some solvable cases and, in particular, completely characterize the complexity of the already very nontrivial problem of covering one- and two-vertex (multi)graphs with semi-edges. Our NP-hardness results are proven for simple input graphs, and in the case of regular two-vertex target graphs, even for bipartite ones. We remark that our new characterization results also strengthen previously known results for covering graphs without semi-edges, and they in turn apply to an infinite class of simple target graphs with at most two vertices of degree more than two. Some of the results are moreover proven in a more general setting (e.g., finding k-tuples of pairwise disjoint perfect matchings in regular graphs, or finding equitable partitions of regular bipartite graphs)

    Two Graphs Without Planar Covers

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    In this note we prove that two speci c graphs do not have nite planar covers. The graphs are K 7 C 4 and K 4;5 4K 2 . This research is related to Negami's 1-2-1 Conjecture which states \A graph G has a nite planar cover if and only if it embeds in the projective plane". In particular