504,590 research outputs found

    Chaotic fractal search algorithm for global optimization with application to control design

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    This paper presents chaos-embedded optimization algorithms named as Chaotic Fractal Search (CFS). These algorithms are improved variance to original Stochastic Fractal Search (SFS) algorithm. The influence of two chaos maps which are Chebyshev map and Gauss/Mouse map on the convergence speed and fitness accuracy of the SFS are investigated in this study. Two well-known benchmark test functions with different dimension levels and landscapes were employed in order to evaluate the performance of proposed CFS algorithms in comparison to their predecessor algorithm. Furthermore, the proposed approach is implemented in the optimal tuning of conventional PID and PD-type fuzzy logic controllers for a twin rotor system (TRS) in hovering mode. The simulation study indicates that CFS algorithm with Gauss/Mouse chaotic map in both Diffusion and First Updating process outperforms other CFS algorithms and original SFS algorithm. In addition, PD-type fuzzy logic controller shows superiority over PID controller in twin rotor system control design

    Hardware-in-the-loop control using the particle swarm optimisation

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    In the last two decades, evolutionary based algorithms have proved to be an important tool in solving optimisation problems in many disciplinary areas namely in control system design. However one of its limitations, for some type of applications, is the usually high computational load required, which restricts its use for on-line control. This paper proposes the use of a stochastic search algorithm, known as particle swarm, as an optimisation tool for an on-line predictive control of a custom made thermodynamic system. Preliminary results are presented

    On-line control using the particle swarm optimisation algorithm

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    In the last two decades, evolutionary based algorithms have proved to be an important tool in solving optimisation problems in many disciplinary areas, namely in control system design. However one of its limitations for some type of applications is the usually high computational load required, which restricts its use for on-line control. This paper proposes the use of a stochastic search algorithm, known as particle swarm, as an optimisation tool for an on-line model predictive control of a custom made laboratory thermodynamic system. Preliminary results are presented

    Refined repetitive sequence searches utilizing a fast hash function and cross species information retrievals

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    BACKGROUND: Searching for small tandem/disperse repetitive DNA sequences streamlines many biomedical research processes. For instance, whole genomic array analysis in yeast has revealed 22 PHO-regulated genes. The promoter regions of all but one of them contain at least one of the two core Pho4p binding sites, CACGTG and CACGTT. In humans, microsatellites play a role in a number of rare neurodegenerative diseases such as spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1). SCA1 is a hereditary neurodegenerative disease caused by an expanded CAG repeat in the coding sequence of the gene. In bacterial pathogens, microsatellites are proposed to regulate expression of some virulence factors. For example, bacteria commonly generate intra-strain diversity through phase variation which is strongly associated with virulence determinants. A recent analysis of the complete sequences of the Helicobacter pylori strains 26695 and J99 has identified 46 putative phase-variable genes among the two genomes through their association with homopolymeric tracts and dinucleotide repeats. Life scientists are increasingly interested in studying the function of small sequences of DNA. However, current search algorithms often generate thousands of matches – most of which are irrelevant to the researcher. RESULTS: We present our hash function as well as our search algorithm to locate small sequences of DNA within multiple genomes. Our system applies information retrieval algorithms to discover knowledge of cross-species conservation of repeat sequences. We discuss our incorporation of the Gene Ontology (GO) database into these algorithms. We conduct an exhaustive time analysis of our system for various repetitive sequence lengths. For instance, a search for eight bases of sequence within 3.224 GBases on 49 different chromosomes takes 1.147 seconds on average. To illustrate the relevance of the search results, we conduct a search with and without added annotation terms for the yeast Pho4p binding sites, CACGTG and CACGTT. Also, a cross-species search is presented to illustrate how potential hidden correlations in genomic data can be quickly discerned. The findings in one species are used as a catalyst to discover something new in another species. These experiments also demonstrate that our system performs well while searching multiple genomes – without the main memory constraints present in other systems. CONCLUSION: We present a time-efficient algorithm to locate small segments of DNA and concurrently to search the annotation data accompanying the sequence. Genome-wide searches for short sequences often return hundreds of hits. Our experiments show that subsequently searching the annotation data can refine and focus the results for the user. Our algorithms are also space-efficient in terms of main memory requirements. Source code is available upon request

    Constructing Parsimonious Analytic Models for Dynamic Systems via Symbolic Regression

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    Developing mathematical models of dynamic systems is central to many disciplines of engineering and science. Models facilitate simulations, analysis of the system's behavior, decision making and design of automatic control algorithms. Even inherently model-free control techniques such as reinforcement learning (RL) have been shown to benefit from the use of models, typically learned online. Any model construction method must address the tradeoff between the accuracy of the model and its complexity, which is difficult to strike. In this paper, we propose to employ symbolic regression (SR) to construct parsimonious process models described by analytic equations. We have equipped our method with two different state-of-the-art SR algorithms which automatically search for equations that fit the measured data: Single Node Genetic Programming (SNGP) and Multi-Gene Genetic Programming (MGGP). In addition to the standard problem formulation in the state-space domain, we show how the method can also be applied to input-output models of the NARX (nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input) type. We present the approach on three simulated examples with up to 14-dimensional state space: an inverted pendulum, a mobile robot, and a bipedal walking robot. A comparison with deep neural networks and local linear regression shows that SR in most cases outperforms these commonly used alternative methods. We demonstrate on a real pendulum system that the analytic model found enables a RL controller to successfully perform the swing-up task, based on a model constructed from only 100 data samples

    Tracking and Mitigation of Chirp-Type Interference in GPS Receivers Using Adaptive Notch Filters

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    A Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver is extremely prone to intentional and unintentional interference due to weak signal power experienced on the surface of the earth, which severely affects the navigation functionality and occasionally avoids the receivers from acquiring the GPS signal. This work presents a comparative performance analysis of two different types of Adaptive Notch Filtering (ANF) algorithms for GPS specific applications that are (1) Direct form 2nd Order ANF and (2) Lattice-based ANF for tracking and mitigation of Chirp-type Interference. Three classes of chirp-type interference signals, studied in this paper, are linear chirp, quadratic chirp and cubic chirp. Performance of each ANF algorithm is evaluated at the output of the acquisition module in terms of search-grid SNR and Peak metric

    Multi-level Systems Modeling and Optimization

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    This research combines the disciplines of system-of-systems (SoS) modeling, platform-based design, optimization and evolving design spaces to achieve a novel capability for designing solutions to key aeronautical mission challenges. A central innovation in this approach is the confluence of multi-level modeling (from sub-systems to the aircraft system to aeronautical system-of-systems) in a way that coordinates the appropriate problem formulations at each level and enables parametric search in design libraries for solutions that satisfy level-specific objectives. The work here addresses the topic of SoS optimization and discusses problem formulation, solution strategy, the need for new algorithms that address special features of this problem type, and also demonstrates these concepts using two example application problems - a surveillance UAV swarm problem, and the design of noise optimal aircraft and approach procedures

    Conflict-free star-access in parallel memory systems

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    We study conflict-free data distribution schemes in parallel memories in multiprocessor system architectures. Given a host graph G, the problem is to map the nodes of G into memory modules such that any instance of a template type T in G can be accessed without memory conflicts. A conflict occurs if two or more nodes of T are mapped to the same memory module. The mapping algorithm should: (i) be fast in terms of data access (possibly mapping each node in constant time); (ii) minimize the required number of memory modules for accessing any instance in G of the given template type; and (iii) guarantee load balancing on the modules. In this paper, we consider conflict-free access to star templates. i.e., to any node of G along with all of its neighbors. Such a template type arises in many classical algorithms like breadth-first search in a graph, message broadcasting in networks, and nearest neighbor based approximation in numerical computation. We consider the star-template access problem on two specific host graphs-tori and hypercubes-that are also popular interconnection network topologies. The proposed conflict-free mappings on these graphs are fast, use an optimal or provably good number of memory modules, and guarantee load balancing. (C) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved