5 research outputs found

    Jazz Standards: From the Manuscript to Multiple Possibilities through Computation

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    Over the last few years, OMR has been developed and studied. New perspectives have been provided that include handwritten music. Nonetheless, most of the research produced focuses on neumatic, mensural and cultured music. Barely any examples of non-canonical and modern music can be found. This paper is a statement of intention of a larger research project, which will end in the presentation of a thesis. This thesis project provides an idea of how to include a musical genre such as Jazz in OMR studies, until now rejected, by adapting existing tools and procedures, and by examining the ways to carry it out and what the best approaches are. It will result in not only plain transcription but also in the analysis offered by a music that has not been studied in this way and so intensively

    Towards a Graphical User Interface for Quantitative Analysis in Digital Musicology

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    We introduce the first prototype of a web application for digital musicology: BeyondTheNotes (working title). The goal of the tool is to support the in-depth analysis of individual pieces of music as well as the large scale analysis and comparison of summative features of multiple pieces of music. In contrast to existing tools, BeyondTheNotes is ready to use without installation, enables the upload and analysis of own material and offers different visualizations of musical metrics like chords, pitches, durations and key. We design the tool according to the User Centered Design Approach to improve the usability and address the specific needs of musicologists. We describe the results of the requirement analysis and discuss future steps

    En busca de una perspectiva transdisciplinar, el reconocimiento óptico musical; los manuscritos en el proceso creativo del Jazz y las posibilidades de análisis de la edición digital

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    La hipótesis de partida es que las nuevas tecnologías permiten hacer un cambio de paradigma en el objeto y la metodología de estudio. La entrada al mundo digital en la musicología permite abordar cuestiones a las que anteriormente no se podía haber dado respuesta. El uso del OMR no corrompe el ritual de anotación tradicional del lápiz y papel, excluyendo lo digital fuera del proceso creativo y utilizando las tecnologías a posteriori para la conservación del objeto, su estudio, su análisis y su difusión. De este modo se mantienen la tradicionalidad artística y la potencialidad de las tecnologías que caracteriza las humanidades digitales

    Improvisação no frevo: análise descritiva de elementos da improvisação musical no frevo “Passo de Anjo”

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    This work presents a descriptive research on the practices of improvisation by Inaldo Spok Cavalcante de Albuquerque, known as maestro Spok, on the frevo “Passo de Anjo”, especially in the technical/interpretative aspects such as the melody, harmony and the typologgy of approach to the improvisation line. The analysis reveals a continuity (in the structural form of frevo, making room for improvisation) in frevo by Spok, showing a spirit open to new experiences. With this, we seek, through elements and techniques contained in the practice of improvisation by Spok, to show that musical improvisation brings a freedom of artistic expression, providing musicians with their own creation, incrementing new melodies, dialoguing musically.Esse trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa de cunho descritivo sobre as práticas da improvisação por Inaldo Spok Cavalcante de Albuquerque, conhecido por maestro Spok, no frevo “Passo de Anjo”, especialmente nos aspectos técnicos/interpretativos como a melodia, harmonia e a tipologia de abordagem da linha de improvisação. A análise revela uma continuidade (na forma estrutural do frevo, abrindo espaço para improvisação) no frevo por Spok, a qual revela a prática da improvisação, mostrando um espírito aberto à novas experiências. Com isso, buscamos através de elementos e técnicas contidos na prática da improvisação por Spok, mostrar que o improviso musical traz uma liberdade de expressão artística proporcionando aos músicos uma criação própria, incrementando novas melodias, dialogando musicalmente

    Jazzforschung heute

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    Die internationale Jazzforschung hat sich in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten zahlreiche neue Fragestellungen und Forschungsansätze erschlossen. So sind etwa die globalen Dimensionen des Jazz, die Rolle von Frauen im Jazz oder seine mannigfaltigen kulturellen Bedeutungen in Geschichte und Gegenwart ins Zentrum der Forschung gerückt. Die dreizehn Beiträge des Tagungsbandes widmen sich Themen, Methoden und Desideraten der gegenwärtigen wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Jazz. Zudem werden Perspektiven des künstlerischen Forschens im Jazz und der Ausbildung von Jazzmusikern und -forschern diskutiert