38 research outputs found


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    The article contains a review of selected classification methods of dermatoscopic images with human skin lesions, taking into account various stages of dermatological disease. The described algorithms are widely used in the diagnosis of skin lesions, such as artificial neural networks (CNN, DCNN), random forests, SVM, kNN classifier, AdaBoost MC and their modifications. The effectiveness, specificity and accuracy of classifications based on the same data sets were also compared and analyzed.Artykuł zawiera przegląd wybranych metod klasyfikacji obrazów dermatoskopowych zmian skórnych człowieka z uwzględnieniem różnych etapów choroby dermatologicznej. Opisane algorytmy są szeroko wykorzystywane w diagnostyce zmian skórnych, takie jak sztuczne sieci neuronowe (CNN, DCNN), random forests, SVM, klasyfikator kNN, AdaBoost MC i ich modyfikacje. Porównana i przeanalizowana została również skuteczność, specyficznośc i dokładność klasyfikatów w oparciu o te same zestawy danych

    A new swarm intelligence information technique for improving information balancedness on the skin lesions segmentation

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    Methods of image processing can recognize the images of melanoma lesions border in addition to the disease compared to a skilled dermatologist. New swarm intelligence technique depends on meta-heuristic that is industrialized to resolve composite real problems which are problematic to explain by the available deterministic approaches. For an accurate detection of all segmentation and classification of skin lesions, some dealings should be measured which contain, contrast broadening, irregularity quantity, choice of most optimal features, and so into the world. The price essential for the action of progressive disease cases is identical high and the survival percentage is low. Many electronic dermoscopy classifications are advanced depend on the grouping of form, surface and dye features to facilitate premature analysis of malignance. To overcome this problematic, an effective prototypical for accurate boundary detection and arrangement is obtainable. The projected classical recovers the optimization segment of accuracy in its pre-processing stage, applying contrast improvement of lesion area compared to the contextual. In conclusion, optimized features are future fed into of artifical bee colony (ABC) segmentation. Wide-ranging researches have been supported out on four databases named as, ISBI (2016, 2017, 2018) and PH2. Also, the selection technique outclasses and successfully indifferent the dismissed features. The paper shows a different process for lesions optimal segmentation that could be functional to a variation of images with changed possessions and insufficiencies is planned with multistep pre-processing stage

    SKINCure: An Innovative Smart Phone-Based Application to Assist in Melanoma Early Detection and Prevention

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    Melanoma spreads through metastasis, and therefore it has been proven to be very fatal. Statistical evidence has revealed that the majority of deaths resulting from skin cancer are as a result of melanoma. Further investigations have shown that the survival rates in patients depend on the stage of the infection; early detection and intervention of melanoma implicates higher chances of cure. Clinical diagnosis and prognosis of melanoma is challenging since the processes are prone to misdiagnosis and inaccuracies due to doctors’ subjectivity. This paper proposes an innovative and fully functional smart-phone based application to assist in melanoma early detection and prevention. The application has two major components; the first component is a real-time alert to help users prevent skin burn caused by sunlight; a novel equation to compute the time for skin to burn is thereby introduced. The second component is an automated image analysis module which contains image acquisition, hair detection and exclusion, lesion segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. The proposed system exploits PH2 Dermoscopy image database from Pedro Hispano Hospital for development and testing purposes. The image database contains a total of 200 dermoscopy images of lesions, including normal, atypical, and melanoma cases. The experimental results show that the proposed system is efficient, achieving classification of the normal, atypical and melanoma images with accuracy of 96.3%, 95.7% and 97.5%, respectively