69,907 research outputs found

    On the confluence of lambda-calculus with conditional rewriting

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    The confluence of untyped \lambda-calculus with unconditional rewriting is now well un- derstood. In this paper, we investigate the confluence of \lambda-calculus with conditional rewriting and provide general results in two directions. First, when conditional rules are algebraic. This extends results of M\"uller and Dougherty for unconditional rewriting. Two cases are considered, whether \beta-reduction is allowed or not in the evaluation of conditions. Moreover, Dougherty's result is improved from the assumption of strongly normalizing \beta-reduction to weakly normalizing \beta-reduction. We also provide examples showing that outside these conditions, modularity of confluence is difficult to achieve. Second, we go beyond the algebraic framework and get new confluence results using a restricted notion of orthogonality that takes advantage of the conditional part of rewrite rules

    Extending Context-Sensitivity in Term Rewriting

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    We propose a generalized version of context-sensitivity in term rewriting based on the notion of "forbidden patterns". The basic idea is that a rewrite step should be forbidden if the redex to be contracted has a certain shape and appears in a certain context. This shape and context is expressed through forbidden patterns. In particular we analyze the relationships among this novel approach and the commonly used notion of context-sensitivity in term rewriting, as well as the feasibility of rewriting with forbidden patterns from a computational point of view. The latter feasibility is characterized by demanding that restricting a rewrite relation yields an improved termination behaviour while still being powerful enough to compute meaningful results. Sufficient criteria for both kinds of properties in certain classes of rewrite systems with forbidden patterns are presented

    String rewriting for Double Coset Systems

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    In this paper we show how string rewriting methods can be applied to give a new method of computing double cosets. Previous methods for double cosets were enumerative and thus restricted to finite examples. Our rewriting methods do not suffer this restriction and we present some examples of infinite double coset systems which can now easily be solved using our approach. Even when both enumerative and rewriting techniques are present, our rewriting methods will be competitive because they i) do not require the preliminary calculation of cosets; and ii) as with single coset problems, there are many examples for which rewriting is more effective than enumeration. Automata provide the means for identifying expressions for normal forms in infinite situations and we show how they may be constructed in this setting. Further, related results on logged string rewriting for monoid presentations are exploited to show how witnesses for the computations can be provided and how information about the subgroups and the relations between them can be extracted. Finally, we discuss how the double coset problem is a special case of the problem of computing induced actions of categories which demonstrates that our rewriting methods are applicable to a much wider class of problems than just the double coset problem.Comment: accepted for publication by the Journal of Symbolic Computatio

    Homology and closure properties of autostackable groups

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    Autostackability for finitely presented groups is a topological property of the Cayley graph combined with formal language theoretic restrictions, that implies solvability of the word problem. The class of autostackable groups is known to include all asynchronously automatic groups with respect to a prefix-closed normal form set, and all groups admitting finite complete rewriting systems. Although groups in the latter two classes all satisfy the homological finiteness condition FP∞FP_\infty, we show that the class of autostackable groups includes a group that is not of type FP3FP_3. We also show that the class of autostackable groups is closed under graph products and extensions.Comment: 20 page

    Reduction Operators and Completion of Rewriting Systems

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    We propose a functional description of rewriting systems where reduction rules are represented by linear maps called reduction operators. We show that reduction operators admit a lattice structure. Using this structure we define the notion of confluence and we show that this notion is equivalent to the Church-Rosser property of reduction operators. In this paper we give an algebraic formulation of completion using the lattice structure. We relate reduction operators and Gr\"obner bases. Finally, we introduce generalised reduction operators relative to non total ordered sets

    Proving Looping and Non-Looping Non-Termination by Finite Automata

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    A new technique is presented to prove non-termination of term rewriting. The basic idea is to find a non-empty regular language of terms that is closed under rewriting and does not contain normal forms. It is automated by representing the language by a tree automaton with a fixed number of states, and expressing the mentioned requirements in a SAT formula. Satisfiability of this formula implies non-termination. Our approach succeeds for many examples where all earlier techniques fail, for instance for the S-rule from combinatory logic
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